Name : Fabrice Semond
Status :
Grade : DR2
Team(s) : Opto
☎ : +33 4 93 95 7819
Short Biography :
During his doctoral dissertation, he studied the surfaces and interfaces of silicon carbide at the Saclay Atomic Energy Commission and his work had a major impact in the field with 3 articles published in Physical Review Letters. He then joined in 1997, as a permanent researcher, the CNRS / CRHEA in Valbonne, France. He was in charge of the development of a MBE growth reactor prototype dedicated to element III nitride epitaxy. In collaboration with RIBER, he helped develop a new generation of R & D MBE growth reactor which is now sold worldwide. His research interests lie in the growth of element III nitrides for electronic and optoelectronic components and he focuses mainly on their epitaxy and their integration on silicon substrates. He has had several important contributions in this field with, for example, the fabrication of GaN / AlN quantum dots on silicon, high mobility AlGaN / GaN heterostructures on Si (111) and Si (100) and he is a co-inventor of a patent with an exclusive license Picogiga / SOITEC for the fabrication of GaN-based transistors on silicon substrates. In recent years, his work has focused mainly on the fabrication of GaN-based micro-cavities for the observation of strong light-matter coupling and the production of microlasers. In 2007-2008, he was a Visiting Researcher in Canada at the Institute for Microstructural Sciences (Ottawa-NRC). He has been responsible and coordinator of several European and national projects. He is author and co-author of more than 170 publications and 5 patents.
Research activities
- GaN nanophotonics on silicon (voir p. 46)
- Strong light-matter coupling in GaN and ZnO (voir p. 44)
- GaN HEMTs on silicon substrates (voir p. 28)
- Integration of GaN with silicon technology (voir p. 30)
- Strain engineering in GaN grown on silicon (voir p. 26)
- Nitrides for nano-micro-resonators (voir p. 48)
- UV Photodetectors based on AlGaN (voir p. 40)/li>
Publications (211)
⋄ Al-rich AlGaN channel high electron mobility transistors on silicon: a relevant approach for high temperature stability of electron mobility Julien Bassaler, Jash Mehta, Idriss Abid, Leszek Konczewicz, Sandrine Juillaguet, Sylvie Contreras, Stéphanie Rennesson, Sebastian Tamariz, Maud Nemoz, Fabrice Semond, Julien Pernot, Farid Medjdoub, Yvon Cordier, and Philippe Ferrandis |
⋄ Perspectives for III-nitride photonic platforms Philippe Boucaud, Nagesh Bhat, Maksym Gromovyi, Moustafa El Kurdi, Antoine Reserbat-Plantey, Minh Tuan Dau, Mohamed Al Khalfioui, Blandine Alloing, Benjamin Damilano and Fabrice Semond |
⋄ NbN thin films grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy for superconducting detectors A. Iovan, A. Pedeches, T. Descamps, H. Rotella, I. Florea, F. Semond, and V. Zwiller |
⋄ High Al-content AlGaN channel high electron mobility transistors on silicon substrate J. Mehta, I. Abid, J. Bassaler, J. Pernot, P. Ferrandis, M. Nemoz, Y. Cordier, S. Rennesson, S. Tamariz, F. Semond, and F. Medjdoub |
⋄ Low Trapping Effects and High Blocking Voltage in Sub-Micron-Thick AlN/GaN Millimeter-Wave Transistors Grown by MBE on Silicon Substrate Elodie Carneiro, Stéphanie Rennesson, Sebastian Tamariz, Kathia Harrouche, Fabrice Semond and Farid Medjdoub |
⋄ CVD Elaboration of 3C-SiC on AlN/Si Heterostructures: Structural Trends and Evolution during Growth M. Portail, E. Frayssinet, A. Michon, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, A. Courville, M. Zielinski, R. Comyn, L. Nguyen, Y. Cordier, P. Vennéguès |
⋄ On the origin of twist in 3D nucleation islands of tetrahedrally coordinated semiconductors heteroepitaxially grown along hexagonal orientations P. Vennéguès, L. Largeau, V. Brändli, B. Damilano, K. Tavernier, R. Bernard, A. Courville, S. Rennesson,
F. Semond, G. Feuillet, and C. Cornet |
⋄ Comparison of lasing characteristics of GaN microdisks with different structures Hui Zi, Wai Yuen Fu, Yuk Fai Cheung, Benjamin Damilano, Eric Frayssinet, Blandine Alloing, Jean-Yves Duboz, Philippe Boucaud, Fabrice Semond and Hoi Wai Choi, |
⋄ Ridge Polariton Laser: Different from a Semiconductor Edge-Emitting Laser H. Souissi, M. Gromovyi, T. Gueye, C. Brimont, L. Doyennette, D.D Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, E. Cambril, S. Bouchoule, B. Alloing, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and T. Guillet |
⋄ Comparison of lasing characteristics of GaN microdisks with different structures Hui Zi, Yuk Fai Cheung, Benjamin Damilano, Eric Frayssinet, Blandine Alloing, Jean-Yves Duboz, Philippe Boucaud, Fabrice Semond, and Hoi Wai Choi |
⋄ Low-loss GaN-on-insulator platform for integrated photonics M. GROMOVYI, M. EL KURDI, X. CHECOURY, E. HERTH,F. TABATABA-VAKILI, N. BHAT, A. COURVILLE, F. SEMOND, AND P. BOUCAUD |
⋄ Influence of surface roughness on the lasing characteristics of optically-pumped thin-film GaN microdisks Hui Zi, Yuk Fai Cheung,1 Benjamin Damilano, Eric Frayssinet, Blandine Alloing, Jean-Yves Duboz, Philippe Boucaud, Fabrice Semond, and Hoi Wai Choi |
⋄ Whispering-gallery mode InGaN microdisks on GaN substrates H. Zi, W. Y. Fu, F. Tabataba-Vakili, H. Kim-Chauveau, E. Frayssinet, P. De Mierry, B. Damilano, J- Y. Duboz, P. Boucaud, F. Semond, H. W. Choi |
⋄ Interdiffusion of Al and Ga in AlN/AlGaN superlattices grown by ammonia-assisted molecular beam epitaxy M. Nemoz, F. Semond, S. Rennesson, M. Leroux, S. Bouchoule, G. Patriarche,J. Zúñiga-Pérez |
⋄ Strong Coupling of Exciton-Polaritons in a Bulk GaN Planar Waveguide: Quantifying the Coupling Strength C. Brimont, L. Doyennette, G. Kreyder, F. Réveret, P. Disseix, F. Médard, J. Leymarie, E. Cambril, S. Bouchoule, M. Gromovyi, B. Alloing, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and T. Guillet |
⋄ Analysis of low-threshold optically pumped III-nitride microdisk lasers F. Tabataba-Vakili, C.Brimont, B. Alloing, B. Damilano, L. Doyennette, T. Guillet, M. El Kurdi, S. Chenot, V. Brändli, E. Frayssinet, J.-Y. Duboz, F. Semond, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud |
⋄ Monolithic integration of ultraviolet microdisk lasers into photonic circuits in a III-nitride-on-silicon platform F. Tabataba-Vakili, B. Alloing, B. Damilano, H. Souissi, C.Brimont, L. Doyennette, T. Guillet, X. Checoury, M. El Kurdi, S. Chenot, E. Frayssinet, J.-Y. Duboz, F. Semond, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud |
⋄ Comment on “Adsorption of hydrogen and hydrocarbon molecules on SiC(001)” E. Wimmer, E. Celasco, L. Vattuone, L. Savio, A. Tejeda, M. Silly, M. d'Angelo, F. Sirotti, M. Rocca, A. Catellani, G. Galli, L. Douillard, F. Semond, V.Yu. Aristov, P. Soukiassian |
⋄ Potentialities of GaN-based microcavities in strong coupling regime at room temperature N. Ollier, F. Natali, D. Byrne, P. Disseix, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Aluminum nitride photonic crystals and microdiscs for ultra-violet nanophotonics D. Néel, I. Roland, X. Checoury, M. El Kurdi, S. Sauvage, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, B. Gayral, S. Semond, P. Boucaud |
⋄ Near-infrared gallium nitride two-dimensional photonic crystal platform on silicon I. Roland, Y. Zeng, Z. Han, X. Checoury, C. Blin, M. El Kurdi, A. Ghrib, S. Sauvage, B. Gayral, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, F. Semond, P. Boucaud |
⋄ Polarized emission of GaN/AlN quantum dots : single dot spectroscopy and symmetry-based theory R. Bardoux, T.y Guillet, B. Gil, P. Lefebvre, T. Bretagnon, T. Taliercio, S. Rousset, F. Semond |
⋄ Demonstration of critical coupling in an active III-nitride microdisk photonic circuit on silicon F. Tabataba-Vakili, L. Doyennette, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, S. Rennesson, B. Damilano, E. Frayssinet, J.Y. Duboz, X. Checoury, S. Sauvage, M. El Kurdi, F. Semond, B. Gayral, P. Boucaud |
⋄ III-nitride on silicon electrically injected microrings for nanophotonic circuits F. Tabataba-Vakili, S. Rennesson, B. Damilano, E. Frayssinet, J.-Y. Duboz, F. Semond, I. Roland, B. Paulillo, R. Colombelli, M. El Kurdi, X. Checoury, S. Sauvage, L. Doyenette, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud |
⋄ Competition between horizontal and vertical polariton lasing in planar microcavities O. Jamadi, F. Réveret, D. Solnyshkov, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, L. Mallet-Dida, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, X. Lafosse, S. Bouchoule, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and G. Malpuech |
⋄ Ultrathin AlN-Based HEMTs Grown on Silicon Substrate by NH3-MBE S. Rennesson, M. Leroux, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, J. Massies, L. Largeau, E. Dogmus, M. Zegaoui, F. Medjdoub, and F. Semond |
⋄ Universal description of III-V/Si epitaxial growth processes I. Lucci, S. Charbonnier, L. Pedesseau, M. Vallet, L. Cerutti, J.-B. Rodriguez, E. Tournié, R. Bernard, A. Létoublon, N. Bertru, A. Le Corre, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, G. Patriarche, L. Largeau, P. Turban, A. Ponchet, and C. Cornet |
⋄ GaN: A multifunctional material enabling MEMS resonators based on amplified piezoelectric detection M. Faucher, A. B. Amar, B. Grimbert, V. Brändli, L. Buchaillot, C. Gaquière, D. Théron, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, M. Werquin |
⋄ Gallium nitride approach for MEMS resonators with highly tunable piezo-amplified transducers M. Faucher, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, V. Brändli, B. Grimbert, A. B. Amar, M. Werquin, C.Boyaval, C. Gaquière, D. Théron and L. Buchaillot |
⋄ Blue Microlasers Integrated on a Photonic Platform on Silicon F. Tabataba-Vakili, L. Doyennette, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, S Rennesson, E. Frayssinet, B. Damilano, J.Y. Duboz, F. Semond, I. Roland, M. El Kurdi, X. Checoury, S. Sauvage, B. Gayral, P. Boucaud |
⋄ Proposition of a model elucidating the AlN-on-Si (111) microstructure N. Mante, S. Rennesson, E. Frayssinet, L. Largeau, F. Semond, J. L. Rouvière, G. Feuillet, and P. Vennéguès |
⋄ Impact of AlN/Si Nucleation Layers Grown Either by NH3-MBE or MOCVD on the Properties of AlGaN/GaN HFETs H. Yacoub, T. Zweipfennig, H. Kalisch, A. Vescan, A. Dadgar,
Matthias Wieneke, Jürgen Bläsing, A. Strittmatter, Stephanie Rennesson,
and Fabrice Semond |
⋄ Crack statistics and stress analysis of thick GaN on patterned silicon substrate T. Hossain, M. J. Rashid, E. Frayssinet, N. Baron, B. Damilano, F. Semond, J. Wang, L. Durand, A. Ponchet, F. Demangeot and Y. Cordier |
⋄ A combined growth process for state-of-the-art GaN on silicon G. Gommé, E. Frayssinet, Y. Cordier, and F. Semond |
⋄ A detailed study of AlN and GaN grown on silicon-on-porous silicon substrate G. Gommé, G. Gautier, M. Portail, E. Frayssinet, D. Alquier, Y. Cordier, and F. Semond |
⋄ Laser damage of free-standing nanometer membranes Y. Morimoto, I. Roland, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, P. Boucaud and P. Baum |
⋄ Q factor limitation at short wavelength (around 300 nm) in III-nitride-on-silicon photonic crystal cavities F. Tabataba-Vakili, I. Roland, T.-M.o Tran, X. ChecouryMoustafa El Kurdi,1 S. Sauvage, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, S. Rennesson, J.Y. Duboz, F. Semond, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud |
⋄ Ion-induced interdiffusion of surface GaN quantum dots C. Rothfuchs, F. Semond, M. Portail, O. Tottereau, A. Courville, A. Wieck, A. Ludwig |
⋄ Efficient second harmonic generation in low-loss planar GaN waveguides M. Gromovyi, J. Brault, A. Courville, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, G. Feuillet, P. Baldi, P. Boucaud, Jean-Yves Duboz, and M. P. De Micheli |
⋄ Short-wave infrared (λ = 3 μm) intersubband polaritons in the GaN/AlN system T. Laurent, J.-M. Manceau, E. Monroy, C. B. Lim, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, F. H. Julien, and R. Colombelli |
⋄ III-Nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers from the blue to the deep ultra-violet J. Selles, V. Crepel, I. Roland, M. El Kurdi, X. Checoury, P. Boucaud, M. Mexis,
M. Leroux, B. Damilano, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, B. Gayral, C. Brimont,
and T. Guillet |
⋄ Phase-matched second harmonic generation with on-chip GaN-on-Si microdisks I. Roland, M. Gromovyi, Y. Zeng, M. El Kurdi, S. Sauvage, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, B. Gayral, F. Semond, J. Y. Duboz, M. de Micheli, X. Checoury & P. Boucaud |
⋄ Imaging of Photonic Crystal Localized Modes through Third-Harmonic Generation Y. Zeng, I. Roland, X. Checoury, Z. Han, M. El Kurdi, S. Sauvage, B. Gayral, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, F. Semond, and P. Boucaud
⋄ Near-infrared III-nitride-on-silicon nanophotonic platform with microdisk resonators I. Roland, Y. Zeng, X. Checoury, M. El Kurdi, S. Sauvage, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, B. Gayral, M. Gromovyi, J. Y. Duboz, F. Semond, M. P. de Micheli, and P. Boucaud |
⋄ Polariton condensation phase diagram in wide-band-gap planar microcavities: GaN versus ZnO O. Jamadi, F. Réveret, E. Mallet, P. Disseix, F. Médard, M. Mihailovic, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, J. Leymarie, X. Lafosse, S. Bouchoule, F. Li, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez |
⋄ Deep-UV nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers J. Sellés, C. Brimont, G. Cassabois, P. Valvin, T. Guillet, I. Roland, Y. Zeng, X. Checoury,
P. Boucaud, M. Mexis, F. Semond & B. Gayral |
⋄ Low loss GaN waveguides for visible light on Si Substrates M. Gromovyi, F. Semond, J.Y. Duboz, G. Feuillet, M.P. De Micheli |
⋄ Growth of nitride-based light emitting diodes with a high-reflectivity distributed Bragg reflector on mesa-patterned silicon substrate B. Damilano, S. Brochen, J. Brault, T. Hossain, F. Réveret, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, A. Courville, Y. Cordier and F. Semond |
⋄ Epitaxial challenges of GaN on silicon F. Semond |
⋄ Resonant second harmonic generation in a gallium nitride two-dimensional photonic crystal on silicon Y. Zeng, I. Roland, X. Checoury, Z. Han, M. El Kurdi, S. Sauvage, B. Gayral,
C. Brimont, T. Guillet, M. Mexis, F. Semond, and P. Boucaud |
⋄ Molecular beam epitaxy of ferromagnetic epitaxial GdN thin films F. Natali, S. Vézian, S. Granville, B. Damilano, H.J. Trodahl, E.M. Anton, H. Warring, F. Semond, Y. Cordier, S.V. Chong, B.J. Ruck |
⋄ Patterned silicon substrates: A common platform for room temperature GaN and ZnO polariton lasers J. Zúñiga-Pérez, E. Mallet, R. Hahe, M.J. Rashid, S. Bouchoule, C. Brimont, P. Disseix, J.Y. Duboz, G. Gommé, T. Guillet, O. Jamadi, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux, J. Leymarie, F. Li, F. Réveret and F. Semond |
⋄ Stress distribution of 12 μm thick crack free continuous GaN on patterned Si (110) substrate T. Hossain, J. Wang, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, F. Demangeot, L. Durand, A. Ponchet, M.J. Rashid, F. Semond, and Y. Cordier |
⋄ Magneto-optical studies of Gd-implanted GaN: No spin alignment of conduction band electrons J.H. Buss, J. Rudolph, S. Shvarkov, F. Semond, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, D. Hagele |
⋄ Imaging of photonic modes in an AlN-based photonic crystal probed by an ultra-violet internal light source C. Brimont, T. Guillet, S. Rousset, D. Néel, X. Checoury, S. David, P. Boucaud, D. Sam-Giao, B. Gayral, M. J. Rashid, and F. Semond |
⋄ Imaging and counting threadingdislocations in c-oriented epitaxialGaN layers M. Khoury, A. Courville, B. Poulet, M. Teisseire, E. Beraudo, M.J. Rashid, E. Frayssinet, B. Damilano, F. Semond, O. Tottereau
and P Vennéguès |
⋄ Role of magnetic polarons in ferromagnetic GdN F. Natali, B.J. Ruck, H.J. Trodahl, Do Le Binh, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, Y. Cordier, F. Semond and C. Meyer |
⋄ AlGaN-on-Si-Based 10-mu m Pixel-to-Pixel Pitch Hybrid Imagers for the EUV Range P.E. Malinowski, J.Y. Duboz, P. De Moor, J. John, K. Minoglou, P. Srivastava, F. Semond, E. Frayssinet, B. Giordanengo, A. BenMoussa, A. Gottwald, C. Laubis, R. Mertens, X. Van Hoof |
⋄ Non-linear emission properties of ZnO microcavities T. Guillet, C. Brimont, P. Valvin, B. Gil, T. Bretagnon, F. Medard, M. Mihailovic, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, F. Semond, S. Bouchoule |
⋄ Influence of optical confinement and excitonic absorption on strong coupling in a bulk GaN microcavity grown on silicon F. Réveret, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, F. Semond, M. Leroux |
⋄ Effects of substrate orientation on the optical anisotropy spectra of GaN/AlN/Si heterostructures in the energy range from 2.0 to 3.5 eV L.F. Lastras-Martinez, R.E. Balderas-Navarro, R. Herrera-Jasso, J. Ortega-Gallegos, A. Lastras-Martinez, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, and F. Semond |
⋄ Effect of carbon doping on crystal quality, electrical isolation and electron trapping in GaN based structures grown silicon substrates M. Ramdani, M. Chmielowska, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, F. Semond |
⋄ Dyakonov-Perel electron spin relaxation in a wurtzite semiconductor: From the nondegenerate to the highly degenerate regime J.H. Buß, J. Rudolph, S. Starosielec, A. Schaefer, F. Semond, Y. Cordier, A.D. Wieck, and D. Hägele |
⋄ High quality factor photonicresonators for nitride quantum dots T. Guillet, M. Mexis, S. Sergent, D. Néel, S. Rennesson, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil,
D. Sam-Giao, B. Gayral, F. Semond, M. Leroux, S. David, X. Checoury and P. Boucaud |
⋄ High quality factor AlN nanocavities embedded in a photonic crystal waveguide D. Sam-Giao, D. Néel, S. Sergent, B. Gayral, M.J. Rashid, F. Semond, J.Y. Duboz, M. Mexis, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, S. David, X. Checoury and P. Boucaud |
⋄ High quality factor of AlN microdisks embedding GaN quantum dot M. Mexis, S. Sergent, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, F. Semond, M. Leroux, D. Néel, S. David, X. Chécoury, P. Boucaud |
⋄ LO-phonon-assisted polariton lasing in a ZnO-based microcavity L. Orosz, F. Réveret, F. Médard, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Mihailovic, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, F. Semond, M. Leroux, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, M. Mexis, C. Brimont and T. Guillet |
⋄ Fabrication and growth of GaN-based micro and nanostructures B. Alloing, E. Beraudo, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Sergent, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, S. Vézian, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez |
⋄ Hybrid cavity polaritons in a ZnO-perovskite microcavity G. Lanty, S. Zhang, J.S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, P. Audebert, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, F. Semond, D. Lagarde, F. Médard, and J. Leymarie |
⋄ Polariton lasing in a hybrid bulk ZnO microcavity T. Guillet, M. Mexis, J. Levrat, G. Rossbach, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, R. Butté, N. Grandjean, L. Orosz, F. Réveret, J. Leymarie, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and S. Bouchoule
⋄ AlN photonic crystal nanocavities realized by epitaxial conformal growth on nanopatterned silicon substrate D. Néel, S. Sergent, M. Mexis, D. Sam-Giao, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, F. Semond, B. Gayral, S. David, X. Checoury, P. Boucaud |
⋄ Fabrication and Optical Properties of a Fully-Hybrid Epitaxial ZnO-Based Microcavity in the Strong-Coupling Regime L. Orosz, F. Réveret, S. Bouchoule, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, F. Médard, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond, M. Leroux, M. Mexis, C. Brimont and T. Guillet |
⋄ Extreme ultraviolet detection using AlGaN-on-Si inverted Schottky photodiodes P.E. Malinowski, J.Y. Duboz, P. De Moor, K. Minoglou, J. John, S. Martin Horcajo, F. Semond, E. Frayssinet, P. Verhoeve, M. Esposito, B. Giordanengo, A. BenMoussa, R. Mertens, and C. Van Hoof |
⋄ High quality factor nitride-based optical cavities: microdisks with embedded GaN/Al(Ga)N quantum dots M. Mexis, S. Sergent, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, F. Semond, M. Leroux, D. Néel, S. David, X. Chécoury, P. Boucaud |
⋄ Laser emission with excitonic gain in a ZnO planar microcavity T. Guillet, C. Brimont, P. Valvin, B. Gil1, T. Bretagnon, F. Médard, M. Mihailovic, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and S. Bouchoule |
⋄ Study of the growth mechanisms of GaN/(Al,Ga)N Quantum Dots: correlation between structural and optical properties S. Sergent, T. Huault, J. Brault, M. Korytov, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Epitaxial growth of GdN on silicon substrate using an AlN buffer layer F. Natali, N.O.V. Plank, J. Galipaud, B.J. Ruck, H.J. Trodahl, F. Semond, S. Sorieul, L. Hirsch |
⋄ Growth of GaN based structures on Si(1 1 0) by molecular beam epitaxy Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, J.M. Chauveau, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Semond
⋄ Influence of the excitonic broadening on the strong light-matter coupling in bulk zinc oxide microcavities F. Médard, D. Lagarde, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, J. Leymarie, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, M. Leroux, and S. Bouchoule |
⋄ Room temperature Strong coupling in low finesse GaN microcavities I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, et al. |
⋄ Double-dielectric-mirror InGaN/GaN microcavities formed using selective removal of an AlInN layer F. Rizzi, P.R. Edwards, K. Bejtka, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ From evidence of strong light-matter coupling to polariton emission in GaN microcavities I.R Sellers, F. Semond, M. Zamfirescu et al. |
⋄ Micro-photoluminescence of isolated hexagonal GaN/AlN quantum dots: Role of the electron-hole dipole R. Bardoux, T. Guillet, P. Lefebvre, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Dry etching of N-face GaN using two high-density plasma etch techniques F. Rizzi, K. Bejtka, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Strong coupling in bulk GaN microcavities grown on silicon F. Reveret, I.R. Sellers, P. Disseix, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ AlxGa1-xN focal plane arrays for imaging applications in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) J. John, P. Malinowski, P. Aparicio, J.Y. Duboz, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Temperature dependence of the polariton relaxation bottleneck in a GaN microcavity F. Stokker-Cheregi, A. Vinattieri, M. Colocci, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Molecular Beam Epitaxy of AlN Layers on Si (111) J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Strong light-matter coupling in GaN-based microcavities grown on silicon substrates F. Semond, I.R. Sellers, N. Ollier et al. |
⋄ Optical investigations of bulk and multi-quantum well nitride-based microcavities F. Reveret, F. Medard, P. Disseix, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Epitaxial aluminium nitride on patterned silicon J. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond et al. |
⋄ Modelling of strong coupling regime in bulk GaN microcavities using transfer matrix and quasiparticle formalisms F. Reveret, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, F. Semond F et al. |
⋄ Interfacial properties of AlN and oxidized AlN on Si M. Placidi, A. Perez-Tomas, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond, A. Constant, P. Godignon, N. Mestres, A. Crespi and J. Millán. |
⋄ Monolithic integration of AlGaN/GaN HFET with MOS on silicon < 111 > substrates P.N. Chyurlia, F. Semond , T. Lester , J.A. Bardwell et al |
⋄ Temperature dependence of electron spin relaxation in bulk GaN J.H. Buss, J. Rudolph, F. Natali, F. Semond, D. Hagele |
⋄ Photoluminescence of single GaN/AlN quantum dots on Si(111): spectral diffusion effects R. Bardoux, T. Guillet, P. Lefebvre, T. Taliercio, T. Bretagnon, S. Rousset, B. Gil, F. Semond |
⋄ Influence of the mirrors in the strong coupling regime in planar GaN microcavities F. Réveret, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies |
⋄ Polarized emission from GaN/AlN quantum dots: single-dot spectroscopy and symmetry-based theory R. Bardoux, T. Guillet, B. Gil, P. Levebvre, T. Bretagnon, T. Taliercio, S. Rousset, F. Semond |
⋄ Anisotropic electron spin relaxation in bulk GaN J.H. Buss, J. Rudolph, F. Natali, F. Semond, D. Hagele |
⋄ Selectively grown AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si(111) substrates for integration with Silicon microelectronics S. Haffouz, F. Semond, J.A. Bardwell, T. Lester, H. Tang |
⋄ Mechanisms of ammonia-MBE growth of GaN on SiC for transport devices H. Tang, S. Rolfe, F. Semond, J.A. Bardwell, J.M. Baribeau |
⋄ Highly sensitive strained AlN on Si(111) resonators M. Placidi, J.C. Moreno, P. Godignon, N. Mestres, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond, C. Serre |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on (001) Silicon Substrate With Power Density Performance of 2.9 W/mm at 10 GHz J.C. Gerbedoen, A. Soltani, S. Joblot, J.C. De Jaeger, C. Gaquière, Y. Cordier, and F. Semond |
⋄ Selective area growth of GaN-based structures by molecular beam epitaxy on micrometer and nanometer size patterns Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, B. Benbakhti, Z. Cao, S. Chenot, L. Nguyen, O. Tottereau, A. Soltani and K. Blary |
⋄ Luminescence and reflectivity characterization of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors N. Baron, M. Leroux, N. Zeggaoui, P. Corfdir, F. Semond, Z. Bougrioua, M. Azize, Y. Cordier, J. Massies |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(110): comparisons with Si(111) and Si(001) Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Semond |
⋄ Growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Silicon Substrates by MBE F. Semond, Y. Cordier, F. Natali, A. Le Louarn, S. Vézian, S. Joblot, S. Chenot, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, J. Massies |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on (001) oriented silicon substrate based on 100 nm SiN recessed gate technology for low cost device fabrication S. Boulay, S. Touati, A. Sar, V. Hoel, C. Gaquiere, J.C. De Jacger, S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Windowed growth of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on Silicon (111) substrates for future MOS integration P. Chyurlia, F. Semond, T. Lester, J. A. Bardwell, S. Rolfe, Y. Cordier, N. Baron, J.C. Moreno, and N.G. Tarr |
⋄ The critical role of growth temperature on the structural and electrical properties of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor heterostructures grown on Si(111) N. Baron, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and J. Massies |
⋄ Strain engineering in GaN layers grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy: The critical role of growth temperature Y. Cordier, N. Baron, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Strong light-matter coupling in ultrathin double dielectric mirror GaN microcavities K. Bejtka, F. Réveret, R.W. Martin, P.R. Edwards, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, I. Sellers, J.Y. Duboz, M. Leroux, and F. Semond |
⋄ Backside illuminated GaN on Si Schottky photodiode for UV radiation detection P.E. Malinowski, J. John, J.Y. Duboz, A. Lorenz, J.G. Rodriguez Madrid, C. Sturdevant, G. Hellings, K. Chen1, M. Leys, J. Derluyn, J. Das, M. Germain, K. Minoglou, P. De Moor, R. Mertens, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond, J.F. Hochedez and B. Giordaneng |
⋄ First demonstration and performance of AlGaN based focal plane array for deep-UV imaging J.L. Reverchon, S. Bansropun, J.A. Robo, J.P. Truffer, E. Costard, E. Frayssinet, J. Brault, F. Semond, J.Y. Duboz, M. Idir |
⋄ GaN quantum dots in (Al,Ga)N-based Microdisks S. Sergent, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, Y. Laaroussi, S. Chenot, J. Renard, D. Sam-Giao, B. Gayral, D. Néel, S. David, P. Boucaud, M. Leroux, F. Semond |
⋄ Toward polariton lasing in a zinc oxide microcavity: Design and preliminary results F. Médard, D. Lagarde, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Mihailovic, D.D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, E. Frayssinet, S. Sergent, F. Semond, M. Leroux, S. Bouchoule |
⋄ Molecular beam epitaxy of group-III nitrides on silicon substrates : growth, properties and devices applications F. Semond, Y. Cordier, N. Grandjean et al. |
⋄ Relaxation and emission of Bragg-mode and cavity-mode polaritons in a ZnO microcavity at room temperature S. Faure, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, T. Bretagon, B. Gil, F. Médard, D. Lagarde, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Leroux, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, and S. Bouchoule |
⋄ Optical study of bulk ZnO for strong coupling observation in ZnO-based microcavities F. Médard, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, S. Faure, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Mihailovic, A. Vasson, T. Guillet, and M. Leroux |
⋄ GaN Quantum Dots Grown on Silicon for Free-Standing Membrane Photonic Structures S. Sergent, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, and F. Semond |
⋄ AlN buffer layer growth for GaN epitaxy on (1 1 1) Si: Al or N first? A. Le Louarn, S. Vézian, F. Semond and J. Massies |
⋄ Experimental observation of strong light-matter coupling in ZnO microcavities: Influence of large excitonic absorption F. Medard, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, F. Semond, E. Frayssinet, J. C. Moreno, M. Leroux, S. Faure, T. Guillet |
⋄ Optical and excitonic properties of ZnO films M. Mihailovic, A. L. Henneghien, S. Faure, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, D. A. Buell, F. Semond, C. Morhain, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez |
⋄ Blue (Ga,In)N/GaN Light Emitting Diodes on Si(110) Substrate B. Damilano, F. Natali, J. Brault, T. Huault, D. Lefebvre, R. Tauk, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Chenot, and J. Massies |
⋄ AlGaN photodetectors for applications in the extreme UV range P. Malinowski, J. John, A. Lorrenz, P.A. Alonso, M. Germain, J. Derluyn, K. Cheng, G. Borghs, R. Mertens, J.Y. Duboz, F. Semond, U. Kroth, M. Richter, J.F. Hochedez, A. Ben Moussa |
⋄ Valence band offset of the ZnO/AlN heterojunction determined by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy T.D. Veal, P.D.C. King, S.A. Hatfield, L.R. Bailey, C.F. McConville, B. Martel, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez |
⋄ Demonstration of AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Si(110) Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, and F. Semond |
⋄ Roles for aluminium indium nitride insertion layers in fabrication of GaN-based microcavities K. Bejtka, F. Rizzi, P. R. Edwards, R.W. Martin, E. Gu, M.D. Dawson, I.M. Watson, I.R. Sellers, F. Semond
⋄ (In,Ga)N/GaN microcavities with double dielectric mirrors fabricated by selective removal of an (Al,In)N sacrificial layer F. Rizzi, P.R. Edwards, K. Bejtka, F. Semond, X.N. Kang, G.Y. Zhang, E. Gu, M.D. Dawson, I.M. Watson, and R.W. Martin |
⋄ Fabrication and characterization of ultrathin double dielectric mirror GaN microcavities K. Bejtka, P.R. Edwards, R.W. Martin, F. Reveret, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, I.R. Sellers, M. Leroux, and F. Semond |
⋄ Polariton thermalization in GaN microcavities in the strong light-matter coupling regime F. Stokker-Cheregi, M. Zamfirescu, A. Vinattieri, M. Gurioli, I. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, and J. Massies |
⋄ Polariton emission in GaN microcavities M. Gurioli, M. Zamfirescu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, A. Vinattieri, I.R. Sellers, F.Semond, M. Leroux, and J. Massies |
⋄ Polariton relaxation bottleneck and its thermal suppression in bulk GaN microcavities F. Stokker-Cheregi, A. Vinattieri, F. Semond, M. Leroux, I.R. Sellers, J. Massies, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, M. Colocci, M. Gurioli |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on a (001)-Oriented Silicon Substrate Based on 100-nm SiN Recessed Gate Technology for Microwave Power Amplification S. Boulay, S. Touati, A.A. Sar, V. Hoel, C. Gaquière, J.C. De Jaeger, S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, and J. Massies |
⋄ Polariton emission and reflectivity in GaN microcavities as a function of angle and temperature I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies, M. Zamfirescu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, M. Gurioli, A. Vinattieri, M. Colocci, A. Tahraoui, and A.A. Khalifa |
⋄ Realization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si-on-polySiC substrates Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, S. Joblot, F. Semond, J. Massies, L. Di Cioccio and H. Moriceau |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on (001) silicon substrates S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, P. Lorenzini, S. Chenot and J. Massies |
⋄ In situ measurements of wafer bending curvature during growth of group-III-nitride layers on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy Y. Cordier, N. Baron, F. Semond, J. Massies, M. Binetti, B. Henninger, M. Besendahl, T. Zettler |
⋄ Developments for the production of high quality and high uniformity AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by Ammonia MBE Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J. Massies, M. Leroux, P. Lorenzini, C. Chaix |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on silicon (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, P. Lorenzini and J. Massies |
⋄ Radiative lifetime of a single electron-hole pair in GaN/AlN quantum dots T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, P. Valvin, R. Bardoux, T. Guillet, T. Taliercio, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Massies |
⋄ investigation of AlN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on vicinal Si(111) as templates for GaN quantum dots M. Benaissa, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, L. Nguyen and F. Semond
⋄ Strong light-matter coupling in GaN microcavities grown on silicon (111) at room temperature I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies, A.L. Henneghien, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie and A. Vasson |
⋄ Strong coupling of light with A and B excitons in GaN microcavities grown on silicon I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies, P. Disseix, A.L. Henneghien, J. Leymarie and A. Vasson |
⋄ Growth by molecular beam epitaxy of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors on Si-on-polySiC Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, S. Joblot, F. Semond, J. Massies, L. Di Cioccio, H. Moriceau |
⋄ Quality and uniformity assessment of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wells and HEMT heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy with ammonia source Y. Cordier, F. Pruvost, F. Semond, J. Massies, M. Leroux, P. Lorenzini, C. Chaix |
⋄ Influence of crystal quality on electron mobility in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on Si(111), SiC and GaN templates Y. Cordier, P. Lorenzini, M. Hugues, F. Semond, F. Natali, Z. Bougrioua, J. Massies, E. Frayssinet, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, J.P. Faurie |
⋄ Inhomogeneous broadening of AlGaN/GaN quantum wells F. Natali, D. Byrne, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, F. Semond, A. Le Louarn, S. Vézian, N. Grandjean, and J. Massies |
⋄ Effect of Deuterium Diffusion on the Electrical Properties of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures J. Mimila-Arroyo, M. Barbe, F. Jomard, J. Chevallier, M.A. Poisson, S. Delage, C. Dua, Y. Cordier, M. Hugues, F. Semond, F. Natali, P. Lorenzini and J. Massies |
⋄ Strong light-matter coupling at room temperature in simple geometry GaN microcavities grown on silicon F. Semond, I.R. Sellers, F. Natali, D. Byrne, M. Leroux, J. Massies, N. Ollier, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix Et A. Vasson |
⋄ Spectroscopy of a bulk GaN microcavity grown on Si(111) N. Ollier, F. Natali, D. Byrne, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, F. Semond Et J. Massies |
⋄ Layer quality and 2DEG behavior in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Y. Cordier, M. Hugues, F. Semond, F. Natali, P. Lorenzini, Z. Bougrioua, J. Massies, E. Frayssinet, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, J.P.Faurie |
⋄ Electron mobility and transfer characteristics in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Y. Cordier, M. Hugues, P. Lorenzini, F. Semond, F. Natali, and J. Massies |
⋄ High-electron-mobility AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on Si(001) by molecular-beam epitaxy S. Joblot, F. Semond, Y. Cordier, P. Lorenzini, and J. Massies |
⋄ Growth of wurtzite-GaN on silicon (100) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy S. Joblot, F. Semond, F. Natali, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt, Y. Cordier and J. Massies |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DH-HEMTs grown by MBE on Si(111) Y. Cordier, F. Semond, M. Hugues, F. Natali, P. Lorenzini, H. Haas, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, J. Massies |
⋄ Structural and electrical properties of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown by MBE on SiC, Si(111) and GaN templates Y. Cordier, M. Hugues, F. Semond, F. Natali, P. Lorenzini, Z. Bougrioua, J. Massies, E. Frayssinet, B. Beaumont, P.Gibart, J.P. Faurie |
⋄ Advances in the realisation of GaN-based microcavities: Towards strong coupling at room temperature F. Semond, D. Byrne, F. Natali, M. Leroux, J. Massies, N. Antoine-Vincent, A. Vasson, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie |
⋄ Optical properties of high-Al-content crack free AlxGa1-x N (x up to 0.67) grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy F. Natali, D. Byrne, M. Leroux, F. Semond and J. Massies |
⋄ Phonon deformation potential in hexagonal GaN F. Demangeot, J. Frandon, P. Baules, F. Natali, F. Semond and J. Massies |
⋄ About some optical properties of AlGaN/GaN quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy M. Leroux, F. Semond, F. Natali, D. Byrne, F. Cadoret, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, N. Grandjean, A. Le-Louarn, S. Vézian and J. Massies |
⋄ Electronic structure of wurtzite and zinc-blende AlN P. Jonnard, N. Capron, F. Semond, J. Massies, E. Martinez-Guerrero, H. Mariette |
⋄ Electronic properties of deep defects in n-type GaN P. Muret, Ch. Ulzhöfer, J. Pernot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, Ch. Gacquière, D. Théron |
⋄ High Microwave and Noise Performance of 0.17 µm AlGaN-GaN HEMTs on High-Resistivity Silicon Substrates A. Minko, V. Hoël, S. Lepilliet, G. Dambrine, J.C. Dejaeger, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, F. Natali, J. Massies |
⋄ Kinetic roughening during gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy of gallium nitride S. Vézian, F. Natali, F. Semond and J. Massies |
⋄ From spiral growth to kinetic roughening in molecular-beam epitaxy of GaN(0001) S. Vézian, F. Natali, F. Semond and J. Massies |
⋄ Cubic SiC surface structure studied by X-ray diffraction M. D'angelo, H. Enriquez, V.Yu. Aristov, P. Soukiassian, G. Renaud, A. Barbier, S. Chiang, F. Semond, L. Di-Cioccio, T. Billion |
⋄ GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells grown on silicon substrates for UV light emitters D. Byrne, F. Natali, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, J. Massies |
⋄ Comprehensive description of the dynamical screening of the internal electric fields of AlGaN/GaN quantum wells in time-resolved photoluminescence experiments A. Reale, G. Massari, A. Di-Carlo, P. Lugli, A. Vinattieri, D. Alderighi, M. Colocci, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, J. Massies |
⋄ Silicon carbide surface structure investigated by synchrotron radiation-based x-ray diffraction H. Enriquez, M. D'angelo, V.Yu. Aristov, V. Derycke, P. Soukiassian, G. Renaud, A. Barbier, S. Chiang, F. Semond |
⋄ Atomic structure determination of the Si-rich beta -SiC(001) 3*2 surface by grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction: a stress-driven reconstruction M. D'angelo, H. Enriquez, V.Yu. Aristov, P. Soukiassian, G. Renaud, A. Barbier, M. Noblet, S. Chiang, F. Semond |
⋄ Determination of the refractive indices of AlN, GaN, and Al xGa1-xN grown on (111)Si substrates N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, M. Mihailovic, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix, D. Byrne, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Determination of AlxGa1-xN refractive indexes at low and room temperature, in the 300-600 nm range, for the optimisation of GaN-based microcavities N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, M. Mihailovic, P. Disseix, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, D. Byrne, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ RBS studies of AlGaN/AlN Bragg reflectors L. Hirsch, F. Natali, P. Moretto, A.S. Barrière, D. Byrne, F. Semond, J. Massies, N. Grandjean, N. Antoine-Vincent, J. Leymarie |
⋄ Correlation between threading dislocation density and the refractive index of AlN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(111) F. Natali, F. Semond, J. Massies, D. Byrne, S. Laügt, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, E. Doghèche, E. Dumont |
⋄ Microcavity light emitting diodes based on GaN membranes grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon J.Y. Duboz, N.B. De L’isle, L. Dua, P. Legagneux, M. Mosca, J.L. Reverchon, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, J. Massies, R. Dudek, D. Poitras, T. Cassidy |
⋄ Thermal characterisation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on silicon and sapphire substrates based on pulsed I-V measurements R. Aubry, J.C. Jacquet, B. Dessertenne, E. Chartier, D. Adam, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J. Massies, M.A. Diforte-Poisson, A. Romann, S.L. Delage |
⋄ Residual donors in wurtzite GaN homoepitaxial layers and heterostructures G. Neu, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, C. Morhain, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, B. Beaumont, E. Frayssinet, W. Knap, A. M. Witowski, M. L. Sadowski, M. Leszczynski, P. Prystawko |
⋄ UV metal semiconductor metal detectors J.L. Reverchon, M. Mosca, N. Grandjean, F. Omnès, F. Semond, J.Y. Duboz, L. Hirsch |
⋄ Growth of high quality crack-free AlGaN films on GaN templates using plastic relaxation through buried cracks J.M. Bethoux, P. Vennéguès, F. Natali, E. Feltin, O. Tottereau, G. Nataf, P. De Mierry, and F. Semond |
⋄ Origins of GaN(0001) Surface Reconstructions S. Vézian, F. Semond, J. Massies, D. W. Bullock, Z. Ding, and P. M. Thibado |
⋄ Power Results at 4GHz of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on High Resistive Silicon (111) substrate N. Vellas, C. Gaquière, A. Minko, V. Hoël, J.C. De Jaeger, Y. Cordier, and F. Semond |
⋄ MBE growth of high quality AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on resistive Si(111) substrate with RF small signal and power performances Y. Cordier, F. Semond, P. Lorenzini, N. Grandjean, F. Natali, B. Damilano, J. Massies, V. Hoël, A. Minko, N. Vellas, C. Gaquière, J.C. Dejaeger, B. Dessertene, S. Cassette, M. Surrugue, D. Adam, J.C. Grattepain, R. Aubry and S.L. Delage |
⋄ Observation of Rabi splitting in a bulk GaN microcavity grown on silicon N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, D. Byrne, A. Vasson, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si(111) with 6.6W/mm output power density R. Behtash, H. Tobler, P. Marschall, A. Schurr, H. Leier, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, F. Natali, J. Massies |
⋄ AlN/AlGaN Bragg-reflectors for UV spectral range grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111) F. Natali, N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Semond,-F.; D. Byrne, L. Hirsch, A.S. Barriere, M. Leroux, J. Massies, J. Leymarie |
⋄ High linearity performances of GaN HEMT devices on silicon substrate at GHz N. Vellas, C. Caquiere, Y. Guhel, M. Werquin, F. Bue, R. Aubry, S. Delage, F. Semond, J.C. De Jaeger |
⋄ High power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on resistive silicon substrate V. Hoël, N. Vellas, C. Gaquiere, J.S. Dejaeger, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, F. Natali, J. Massies |
⋄ Submicron metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet detectors based on AlGaN grown on silicon : results and simulation J.Y. Duboz, J.L. Reverchon, D. Adam, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Steady-state and time-resolved near-field optical spectroscopy of GaN/AlN quantum dots and InGaN/GaN quantum wells J. Kudrna, P.G. Gucciardi, A. Vinattieri, M. Colocci, B. Damilano, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, J. Massies |
⋄ Resonant and nonresonant dynamics of excitons and free carriers in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells A. Vinattieri, D. Alderighi, J. Kudrna, M. Colocci, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, P. Lugli, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, J. Massies |
⋄ Field distribution and collection efficiency in an AlGaN meta-semiconductor-metal detector L. Hirsch, P. Moretto, J.Y. Duboz, J.L. Reverchon, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Modelling and spectroscopy of GaN microcavities N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies |
⋄ Optical characterization of AlxGa1-xN alloys (x < 0.7) grown on sapphire or silicon M. Leroux, S. Dalmasso, F. Natali, S.Helin, C.Touzi, S. Laügt, M. Passerel, F. Omnès, F. Semond, J.Massies, P. Gibart |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on resistive Si(111) substrate grown by gas-source MBE Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J. Massies, B. Dessertene, S. Cassette, M. Surrugue, D. Adam, S. Delage |
⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on resistive Si(111) substrate : from material assessment to RF power performances Y. Cordier, F. Semond, P. Lorenzini, N. Grandjean, F. Natali, B. Damilano, J. Massies, V. Hoël, A. Minko, N. Vellas, C. Gaquiere, J.C. Dejaeger, B. Dessertene, S. Cassette, M. Surrugue, D. Adam, J.C. Grattepain, S.L. Delage |
⋄ Recombination dynamics in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells : the role of built-in fields D. Alderighi, A. Vinattieri, J. Kudrna, M. Colocci, A. Reale, G. Kokolakis, A. Di Carlo, P. Lugli, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, J. Massies |
⋄ Potentialities of GaN-based microcanivities grown on silicon substrates N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, F. Semond, M. Leroux, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson |
⋄ Micro-Raman study of wurtzite AlN layers grown on Si(111) J. Gleize, F. Demangeot, J. Frandon, M.A. Renucci, M. Kuball, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ High performance solar blind detectors based on AlGaN grown by MBE on Si J.Y. Duboz, J.L. Reverchon, D. Adam, B. Damilano, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, J. Massies |
⋄ Photoluminescence properties of multiple stacked planes of GaN/AlN quantum dots studied by near-field optical spectroscopy P.G. Gucciardi, A. Vinattieri, M. Colocci, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, J. Massies |
⋄ Dielectric microcavity in GaN/Si J.Y. Duboz, L. Dua, G. Glastre, P. Legagneux, J. Massies, F. Semond, N. Grandjean |
⋄ Selective photoluminescence spectroscopy of shallow levels in wide band gap semiconductors G. Neu, M. Teisseire, P. Lemasson, H. Lahrèche, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, B. Beaumont, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, R. Triboulet |
⋄ Epitaxy of AlN and GaN thin films on silicon or sapphire for the development of high frequency SAW devices F. Semond, H.P.D. Schenk, P. Gibart, S. Camou, T. Pastureaud, A. Soufyane, and S. Ballandras |
⋄ High electron mobility AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy F. Semond, P. Lorenzini, N. Grandjean, J. Massies |
⋄ Surface morphology of GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy S. Vézian, J. Massies, F. Semond, N. Grandjean |
⋄ Growth by molecular beam epitaxy and optical properties of a ten-period AlGaN/AlG distributed Bragg reflector on Si(111) F. Semond, N. Antoine-Vincent, N. Schnell, G. Malpuech, M. Leroux, J. Massies, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson |
⋄ AlN and GaN layers deposited on sapphire or silicon substrates: Theory and experiment T. Pastureaud, A. Soufyane, S. Camou, S. Ballandras, H.P.D. Schenk, F. Semond, J. Desbois, and V. Laude |
⋄ From relaxed to highly tensily strained GaN grown on 6H-SiC and Si(111): optical characterization M. Leroux, H. Lahrèche, F. Semond, M. Laügt, E. Feltin, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, J. Massies |
⋄ In situ imaging of threading dislocation terminations at the surface of GaN(0001) epitaxially grown on Si(111) S. Vézian, J Massies, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, P. Vennéguès |
⋄ GaN and GaInN quantum dots: an efficient way to get luminescence in the visible spectrum range B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, F. Semond |
Current contracts
⋄ NIOBIUM (2021 - 2025)
Hétérojonctions nitrure de niobium/nitrure d’élément III par épitaxie par jets moléculaires : première démonstration d’un transistor à base métallique (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: III-VLab, CIMAP, CRHEA⋄ IOTA (2023 - 2027)
Innovative tandem architectures (PEPR accélération TASE) - Projet National
Partners: CRHEA, CEA
Old contracts
⋄ Quanonic (2014 - 2017)
QUAntum and Nonlinear Optics in NItride Cavities (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: CRHEA, Inac/SP2M, L2C,PSUD/IEF⋄ Antipode (2014 - 2018)
Analyse approfondie de la nucléation III-V/Si pour les composants photoniques hautement intégrés (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: CEMES, CRHEA, FOTON, IES, IPR, LPN⋄ MilaGaN (2017 - 2021)
Laser µdisque électrique (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: IEF, L2C, INAC, Hong Kong⋄ EasyGaN (2013 - 2015)
Substrat avancé epiready sur silicium pour la fabrication de GaN faible épaisseur et basse densité de dislocations (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: CRHEA⋄ Sinphoni (2009 - 2011)
Fabrication de résonateurs optiques à fort facteur de qualité avec des matériaux nitrures d’éléments III épitaxiés sur substrat silicium : Microlasers dans la gamme visible-UV intégré sur silicium (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: C2N, L2C, INAC, CRHEA
Current supervisions
Antoine Barbier-Cueil (PhD Student) Antoine Pedeches (PhD Student) Old supervisions
Elodie Carneiro (PhD Student) (2024) Mohammad Junaebur Rashid (PhD Student) (2012) Jean-Christophe Moreno (PhD Student) (2009) Sebastian Tamariz (Comment PhD Student) (2023) Sebastian Tamariz (Comment PhD Student) (2021) Meletios Mexis (Comment PhD Student) (2015) Meletios Mexis (Comment PhD Student) (2013) Lars Kappei (Comment PhD Student) (2013) Eric Boiteau (Stagiaire) (2018) Raphaël Di Piazza (Stagiaire) (2016)