As part of its research activities and the applications that may result, CRHEA has long been open to the outside world. For this reason, he has developed numerous partnerships, particularly with several industrialists.
NOVASiC (based at Le Bourget du Lac, 73) is a world leader in the polishing of materials, in particular silicon carbide (SiC). In order to extend its skills and its activity on Silicon Carbide, NOVASiC has since 2001 on the CRHEA site a Novasic-CRHEA joint activity in the field of growth reactors and epitaxy.
The company Lumilog (based in Vallauris, 06) was created at the end of 2002 by three CRHEA researchers and in partnership with the CNRS to valorize the results obtained in the laboratory on the growth of GaN. Lumilog manufactures and markets self-supporting GaN templates and substrates. Lumilog was bought in 2008 by Saint Gobain.
Since its creation (1983) the laboratory maintains a close collaboration
with the French company Riber (based in Rueil Malmaison, 92) which
has become the world's leading manufacturer of reactors for Molecular
Jets Epitaxy (MBE). An example of recent action (1997-2000) is the
development of a new series of EJM R & D machines ("Compact 21"
series) whose prototype was designed and developed in partnership
with CRHEA.
This constant partnership resulted in the establishment in 2003
on the CRHEA site of a Riber-CRHEA Joint Laboratory on the theme
of Molecular Jets Epitaxy of Gallium Nitride (GaN).
French company founded in 1985 for the industrial production of thin III-V semiconductor films (according to the technique of Molecular Jets Epitaxy - EJM) for the manufacture of electronic components, Picogiga is one of the world leaders in the field. A research collaboration contract between CRHEA and Picogiga was initiated in June 2000 and resulted in the establishment of the Gallium Nitride EJM growth process on Silicon substrate developed at Picogiga (2000-2003). to CRHEA (Patent Publication No. EP1290721). Picogiga was acquired by SOITEC in 2003.
CRHEA collaborates with STMicroelectronics (Crolles and Tours) in various programs related to Gallium Nitride on Silicon (GaN / Si).
A long-term collaboration has been established since the creation of the laboratory with Thales Research & Technology (formerly Thomson-CSF Central Laboratory). A recent example of a partnership is the production of UV detectors based on Gallium Nitride alloys and Aluminum Nitride.
The mission of III-V Lab is to carry out research and development
work on III-V semiconductor components and integration with circuits
and micro-systems Si, from basic research to technology transfer
for industrialization or pilot production.
III-V Lab benefits from the commonalities between the technologies
developed for the different markets addressed by Thales and Alcatel-Lucent
such as telecoms, space, defense and security (for example, high-speed
fiber optics and wireless telecommunications, microwaves and photonics
for defense, security and space).
OMMIC is a supplier of MMIC circuits, a foundry and supplier of epitaxial layers based on III-V materials (GaAs, GaN and InP). As a leader in advanced technologies, OMMIC provides its customers with state-of-the-art performance for telecommunications, space and defense applications. OMMIC's design and manufacturing facilities are based near Paris, France.