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2 publications classées par date - Critères de recherche: Golla

⋄ Susceptibility synthesis of arbitrary shaped metasurfaces

N. Lebbe, S. Lanteri, S. Y. Golla, and P. Genevet
Phys. Rev. B, 106, 035110, (2022) - Papier régulier

⋄ Revealing topological phase in Pancharatnam–Berry metasurfaces using mesoscopic electrodynamics

Z Gao, S. Golla, R. Sawant, V. Osipov, G. Briere, S. Vezian, B. Damilano, P. Genevet and K. E. Dorfman
Nanophotonics, 9(16), 4711, (2020) - Papier régulier