⋄ Regular red-green-blue InGaN quantum wells with In content up to 40% grown on InGaN nanopyramids
Amélie Dussaigne, Colin Paillet, Névine Rochat, David Cooper, Adeline Grenier, Stéphane Vézian, Benjamin Damilano, Adrien Michon & Bérangère Hyot
Communications Materials, 5,
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⋄ Full InGaN red light emitting diodes
A. Dussaigne, F. Barbier, B. Damilano, S. Chenot, A. Grenier, A.M. Papon, B. Samuel, B. Ben Bakir, D. Vaufrey, J.C. Pillet, A. Gasse, O. Ledoux, M. Rozhavskaya, D. Sotta
J. Appl. Phys., 128,
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⋄ InGaN islands and thin films grown on epitaxial graphene
C. Paillet, S. Vézian, C. Matei, A. Michon, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne and B. Hyot
Nanotechnology, 31,
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⋄ Dependence of the Mg-related acceptor ionization energy with the acceptor concentration in p-type GaN layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
S. Brochen, J. Brault, S. Chenot, A. Dussaigne, M. Leroux, et B. Damilano.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103,
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- Papier régulier
⋄ Monolithic white light emitting diodes using a (Ga,In)N/GaN multiple quantum well light converter
B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Brault, T. Huault, F. Natali, P. Demolon, P. De Mierry, S. Chenot, and J. Massies
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90,
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⋄ High doping level in Mg-doped GaN layers grown at low temperature
A. Dussaigne, B. Damilano, J. Brault, J. Massies, E. Feltin, and N. Grandjean
J. Appl. Phys., 103,
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- Papier régulier
⋄ Monolithic white light emitting diodes with a broad emission spectrum
A. Dussaigne, J. Brault, B. Damilano, J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 4, Issue 1,
57-60, (2007)
- Article de conférence
⋄ Radiative lifetime in wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots
R. Bardoux, T. Bretagnon, T. Guillet, P. Lefebvre, T. Taliercio, P. Valvin, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 4, Issue 1,
183-186, (2007)
- Article de conférence Article en ligne (HAL) : cliquez ici...
⋄ Radiative lifetime of a single electron-hole pair in GaN/AlN quantum dots
T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, P. Valvin, R. Bardoux, T. Guillet, T. Taliercio, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Massies
Phys. Rev. B, 73(11),
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⋄ Solar blind AlGaN photodetectors with a very high spectral selectivity
J.Y. Duboz , N. Grandjean, A. Dussaigne, M. Mosca, J.L. Reverchon, P.G. Verly, R.H. Simpson
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 33,
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⋄ An AlGaN Based Linear Array for UV Solar Blind Imaging from 240 nm to 280 nm
G. Mazzeo, J.L. Reverchon, J.Y. Duboz, A. Dussaigne
IEEE Sensors Journal, 6(4),
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⋄ Diodes électroluminescentes blanches pour l'éclairage
B. Damilano, J. Brault, A. Dussaigne, J. Massies
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- Livres et chapitres de livres
⋄ Status of AlGaN based Focal Plane Arrays for UV solar blind detection
J.L. Reverchon, G. Mazzeo, A. Dussaigne, J.Y. Duboz
Proc. SPIE, 5964,
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- Article de conférence
⋄ About some optical properties of AlGaN/GaN quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
M. Leroux, F. Semond, F. Natali, D. Byrne, F. Cadoret, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, N. Grandjean, A. Le-Louarn, S. Vézian and J. Massies
Superlattice Microst, 36,
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- Article de conférence
⋄ Nontrivial carrier recombination dynamics and optical properties of over-excited GaN/AlN quantum dots
S. Kalliakos, T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, S. Juillaguet, T. Talierco, T. Guillet, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 241, Issue 12,
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- Article de conférence
⋄ Photoluminescence energy and linewidth in GaN/AlN stackings of quantum dot planes
S. Kalliakos, T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, T. Talierco, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, and J. Massies
J. Appl. Phys., 96,
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⋄ Comparison of the In distribution in InGaN/GaN quantum well structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy and metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
V. Potin, E. Hahn, A. Rosenauer, D. Gerthsen, B. Kuhn, F. Scholz, A. Dussaigne, B. Damilano and N. Grandjean
J. Cryst. Growth, 262, Issues 1-4,
145-150, (2004)
- Article de conférence
⋄ Blue Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diodes with a High-Al-Content GaN/AlGaN Distributed Bragg reflector
D. Byrne, F. Natali, B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, N. Grandjean, J. Massies
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 42, Part 2, No. 12B,
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⋄ Optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum boxes under high photo-excitation
S. Kalliakos, T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, S. Juillaguet, T. Talierco, P. Valvin, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, A. Dussaigne, B. Damilano, and J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 0(7),
2666-2669, (2003)
- Article de conférence
⋄ Time dependence of the photoluminescence of GaN/AlN quantum dots under high photoexcitation
T. Bretagnon, S. Kalliakos, P. Lefebvre, P. Valvin, B. Gil, N. Grandjean, A. Dussaigne, B. Damilano, and J. Massies
Phys. Rev. B, 68,
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⋄ In surface segregation in InGaN/GaN quantum wells
A. Dussaigne, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 251,
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⋄ High Al content crack-free AlGaN/GaN Bragg mirrors grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
F. Natali, D. Byrne, A. Dussaigne, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, B. Damilano
Appl. Phys. Lett., 82,
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- Papier régulier
⋄ Injection dependence of the electroluminescence spectra of phosphor-free GaN-based white light emitting diodes
S.Dalmasso, B.Damilano, C.Pernot, A.Dussaigne, D.Byrne, N.Grandjean, M.Leroux, J.Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 192(1),
139-143, (2002)
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