Photo de Christian Morhain
Nom : Christian Morhain
Statut : Chercheur
Grade : CRCN
Équipe(s) : Nano Spintronique  
: +33 4 93 95 4197


Co-responsable de la thématique Spintronique


Publications (45)

⋄ Identification by deuterium diffusion of a nitrogen-related deep donor preventing the p-type doping of ZnO

N. Temahuki, F. Jomard, A. Lusson, I. Stenger, S. Hassani, J. Chevallier, J.M. Chauveau, C. Morhain and J. Barjon
Appl. Phys. Lett., 118,  102106, (2021) - Papier régulier

⋄ Why is it difficult to grow spontaneous ZnO nanowires using molecular beam epitaxy?

V. Sallet, C. Deparis, G. Patriarche, C. Sartel, G. Amiri, J.-M. Chauveau, C. Morhain and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Nanotechnology, 31,  385601, (2020) - Papier régulier

⋄ Reflectivity and Photoreflectivity Spectra of Structures with Quantum Wells Based on ZnO

A.M. Klyuev, N.G. Filosofov, A. Yu Serov, V.F. Agekyan, C. Morhain, V.P. Kochereshko
Phys. Solid State, 62(11),  2012-2015, (2020) - Papier régulier

⋄ Excitons in ZnO Quantum Wells

M.N. Bataev, N.G. Filosofov, A. Yu. Serov, V.F. Agekyan, C. Morhain, V.P. Kochereshko
Phys. Solid State, 60,  2628–2633, (2019) - Papier régulier

⋄ Transport of indirect excitons in ZnO quantum wells

Y.Y. Kuznetsova, F. Fedichkin, P. Andreakou, E.V. Calman, L.V. Butov, P.Lefebvre, T. Bretagnon, T. Guillet, M. Vladimirova, C. Morhain,and J.M. Chauveau
Opt. Lett., 40,  3667, (2015) - Papier régulier

⋄ Phonon-assisted exciton formation in ZnO/(Zn, Mg)O single quantum wells grown on C-plane oriented substrates

T. Bretagnon, L. Beaur, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, M. Gallart, B. Gil, P. Gilliot, C. Morhain
J. Lumin., 136,  355, (2013) - Papier régulier

⋄ On the growth of Zn1–xMnxO thin films by plasma-assisted MBE

C. Deparis, C. Morhain, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, J.M. Chauveau, H. Kim-Chauveau, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire, B. Vinter
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 10,  1322, (2013) - Article de conférence

⋄ Donor and acceptor levels in ZnO homoepitaxial thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy and doped with plasma-activated nitrogen

P. Muret, D. Tainoff, C. Morhain, and J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 101,  122104, (2012) - Papier régulier

⋄ Anisotropic strain effects on the photoluminescence emission from heteroepitaxial and homoepitaxial nonpolar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells

J.M. Chauveau, M. Teisseire, H. Kim-Chauveau, C. Morhain, C. Deparis, and B. Vinter
J. Appl. Phys., 109,  102420, (2011) - Article de conférence - invité

⋄ Influence of s,p-d and s−p exchange couplings on exciton splitting in Zn1−xMnxO

W. Pacuski,J. Suffczyński, P. Osewski, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, J.A. Gaj, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, E. Chikoidze, Y. Dumont, D. Ferrand, J. Cibert, T. Dietl
Phys. Rev. B, 84,  35214, (2011) - Papier régulier

⋄ Residual and nitrogen doping of homoepitaxial nonpolar m-plane ZnO films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

D. Taïnoff, M. Al-Khalfioui, C. Deparis, B. Vinter, M. Teisseire, C. Morhain, and J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 98,  131915, (2011) - Papier régulier

⋄ Benefits of homoepitaxy on the properties of nonpolar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells on a-plane ZnO substrates

J.M. Chauveau, M. Teisseire, H. Kim-Chauveau, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and B. Vinter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 97,  081903, (2010) - Papier régulier

⋄ (Zn, Mg)O/ZnO based heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on sapphire: polar vs non-polar

J.M. Chauveau, C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, M. Laügt, C. Deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and B. Vinter
Microelectronics Journal, 40,  512, (2009) - Article de conférence - invité

⋄ Optical and excitonic properties of ZnO films

M. Mihailovic, A. L. Henneghien, S. Faure, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, D. A. Buell, F. Semond, C. Morhain, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Optical Matérials, 31,  532, (2009) - Article de conférence

⋄ Single-ion anisotropy in Mn-doped diluted magnetic semiconductors

A. Savoyant, A. Stepanov, R. Kuzian, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and K. Grasza
Phys. Rev. B, 80,  115203, (2009) - Papier régulier

⋄ Non-polar a-plane ZnMgO/ZnO quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy

J.M. Chauveau, M. Laügt, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire, B. Lo, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and B. Vinter
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 23 (3),  035005, (2008) - Papier régulier

⋄ Interfacial structure and defect analysis of nonpolar ZnO films grown on R-plane sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy

P. Vennéguès, J.M. Chauveau, M. Korytov, C. deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and C. Morhain
J. Appl. Phys., 103,  083525, (2008) - Papier régulier

⋄ Interface structure and anisotropic strain relaxation of non polar wurtzite (11-20) and (10-10) orientations: ZnO epilayers grown on sapphire

J.M. Chauveau, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt, C. Deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez and C. Morhain
J. Appl. Phys., 104,  073535, (2008) - Papier régulier

⋄ Residual strain in nonpolar a-plane Zn(1−x)MgxO (0< x <0.55) and its effect on the band structure of (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells

J.M. Chauveau, J. Vives, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Laügt, M. Teisseire, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and B. Vinter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 93,  231911, (2008) - Papier régulier

⋄ Growth and Characterization of Non-Polar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO Quantum Wells and Multiple Quantum Wells

J.M. Chauveau, B. Vinter, M. Laugt, M. Teisseire, P. Vennéguès, C. Deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez and C. Morhain
J. Kor. Phys. Soc., 53(5),  2934, (2008) - Article de conférence

⋄ Growth and characterization of A-plane ZnO and ZnCoO based heterostructures

J.M. Chauveau, C. Morhain, B. Lo, B. Vinter, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt, M. Tesseire-Doninelli, and G. Neu
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 88 (1),  65-9, (2007) - Article de conférence

⋄ Barrier composition dependence of the internal electric field in ZnO/Zn1-xMgxO quantum wells

T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, T. Guillet, T. Taliercio, B. Gil, C. Morhain
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90,  201912, (2007) - Papier régulier

⋄ Time-resolved spectroscopy of excitonic transitions in ZnO/(Zn, Mg)O quantum wells

T. Guillet, T. Bretagnon, T. Taliercio, P. Lefebvre, B. Gil, C. Morhain, X.D. Tang
Superlattice Microst, 41,  352, (2007) - Article de conférence

⋄ Magnetic properties of single crystalline Zn1-xCoxO thin films

P. Sati, S. Schafer, C. Morhain, C. Deparis, A. Stepanov
Superlattice Microst, 42,  191, (2007) - Article de conférence

⋄ Antiferromagnetic Interactions in Single Crystalline Zn1-xCoxO Thin Films

P. Sati, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, S. Schafer, and A. Stepanov
Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 (13),  137204-4, (2007) - Papier régulier

⋄ Growth of non-polar ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum well structures on R-sapphire by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy

J.M. Chauveau, D.A. Buell, M. Laugt, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, S. Berard-Bergery, C. Deparis, B. Lo, B. Vinter, and C. Morhain
J. Cryst. Growth, 301-302,  366-9, (2007) - Article de conférence

⋄ Effect of the s,p-d exchange interaction on the excitons in Zn1-xCoxO epilayers

W. Pacuski, D. Ferrand, J. Cibert, C. Deparis, J. A. Gaj, P. Kossacki, and C. Morhain
Phys. Rev. B, 73 (3),  035214-13, (2006) - Papier régulier

⋄ Magnetic Anisotropy of Co2+ as Signature of Intrinsic Ferromagnetism in ZnO:Co

P. Sati, R. Hayn, R. Kuzian, S. Regnier, S. Schafer, A. Stepanov, C. Morhain, C. Deparis, M. Laügt, M. Goiran, Z. Golacki
Phys. Rev. Lett., 96,  017203-4, (2006) - Papier régulier

⋄ Spin-exchange interaction in ZnO-based quantum wells

B. Gil, P. Lefebvre, T. Bretagnon, T. Guillet, J.A. Sans, T. Taliercio, and C. Morhain
Phys. Rev. B, 74,  153302, (2006) - Papier régulier

⋄ Growth of Ag thin films on ZnO(000-1) investigated by AES and STM

E. Duriau, S. Agouram, C. Morhain, T. Seldrum, R. Sporken, J. Dumont
App. Surf. Science, 253,  549, (2006) - Papier régulier

⋄ Magneto-optical spectroscopy of (Zn,Co)O epilayers

W. Pacuski, D. Ferrand, J. Cibert, C. Deparis, P. Kossacki, C. Morhain
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 243,  863, (2006) - Article de conférence

⋄ Time resolved photoluminescence study of ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum wells

T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, P. Valvin, B. Gil, C. Morhain, X.D. Tang
J. Cryst. Growth, 287,  12, (2006) - Article de conférence

⋄ Internal electric field in wurtzite ZnO/Zn0.78Mg0.22O quantum wells

C. Morhain, T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, X. Tang, P. Valvin, T. Guillet, B. Gil, T. Taliercio, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, B. Vinter, and C. Deparis
Phys. Rev. B, 72 (24),  241305-4, (2005) - Papier régulier

⋄ Structural and Electronic Properties of ZnMgO/ZnO Quantum Wells

C. Morhain, X. Tang, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, B. Lo, M. Laügt, J.M. Chauveau, B. Vinter, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, C. Deparis, and G. Neu
Superlattice Microst, 38,  455-463, (2005) - Article de conférence - invité

⋄ Spin Carrier Exchange Interactions in (Ga,Mn)N and (Zn,Co)O Wide Band Gap Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Epilayers

D. Ferrand, S. Marcet, W. Pacuski, E. Gheeraert, P. Kossacki, J.A. Gaj, J. Cibert, C. Deparis, H. Mariette, and C. Morhain
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 18,  15, (2005) - Article de conférence

⋄ Near band edge emission of MBE grown ZnO epilayers: identification of donor impurities And O2 annealing effects

C. Morhain, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, S. Vézian, C. Deparis, P. Lorenzini, F. Raymond, J. Guion, G. Neu
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 241 (3),  631, (2004) - Article de conférence

⋄ Residual donors in wurtzite GaN homoepitaxial layers and heterostructures

G. Neu, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, C. Morhain, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, B. Beaumont, E. Frayssinet, W. Knap, A. M. Witowski, M. L. Sadowski, M. Leszczynski, P. Prystawko
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 235,  20, (2002) - Article de conférence

⋄ 2D versus 3D growth mode in ZnO layers grown by plasma-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy on (0001) sapphire

F. Vigué, C. Deparis, P. Vennéguès, S. Vézian, M. Laügt, P. Lorenzini, C. Morhain, F. Raymond, J. Guion, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229,  931, (2002) - Article de conférence

⋄ Spectroscopy of excitons, bound excitons and impurities in h-ZnO epilayers

C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, S. Vézian, F. Vigué, F. Raymond, P. Lorenzini, J. Guion, G. Neu, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229,  881, (2002) - …

⋄ Self compensation of the phosphorus acceptor in ZnSe

D. Seghier, H. Gislasson, C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, E. Tournié, G. Neu, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229,  251, (2002) - …

⋄ Excitonic properties of ZnS quantum wells

B. Urbaszek, C.M. Townsley, X. Tang, C. Morhain, A. Balocchi, K.A. Prior, R.J. Nicholas, B.C. Cavenett
Phys. Rev. B, 64(15),  155321, (2001) - Papier régulier

⋄ Donor and donor bound-exciton spectroscopy in wurtzite GaN heterostructures

M. Teisseire, G. Neu, C. Morhain
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 228,  501, (2001) - …

⋄ Donor spectroscopy in wurtzite GaN heterostructures

G. Neu, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, C. Morhain
Proc. of the 26th ICPS, Inst. Phys. Conf. Series, 171,  19, (2001) - Article de conférence

⋄ Spectroscopy of the phosphorus impurity in ZnSe epitaxial layers grown by molecular- beam epitaxy

G. Neu, E. Tournié, C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Rev. B, 61,  15789, (2000) - Papier régulier

⋄ Study of the band alignment in (Zn,Cd)Se/ZnSe quantum wells by means of photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy

C. Guenaud, E. Deleporte, A. Filoramo, Ph. Lelong, C. Delalande, C. Morhain, E. Tournié, J.P. Faurie
J. Appl. Phys., 87,  1863, (2000) - Papier régulier

Contrats en cours

⋄ Spinoxide (2019 - 2024)

Spin injection and detection in all-oxide nanostructures (ANR) - Projet National
Partenaires: CRHEA, Gemac, IPCMS, LPCNO

Contrats terminés

Encadrements en cours

Encadrements terminés




Etude et fabrication d'un laser bleu à base d'hétérostructures de semiconducteurs II-VI
Thèse soutenue en 1996 au CRHEA
