Name : Patrice Genevet ⓓ
Status : Researcher
Grade : CRCN
Team(s) : Nano
☎ : +33 4 93 95
Head of the Metasurfaces theme
Research themes
Study of metasurfaces associated with large gap materials (in the visible) to demonstrate optical functions of modulation, focusing, refraction, polarization ... in the visible, all within the framework of the ERC Flatlight.
Publications (69)
⋄ Metrology of metasurfaces: optical properties Nicolas Kossowski, Yanel Tahmi, Amir Loucif, Martin Lepers, Benoit Wattellier, Guillaume Vienne, Samira Khadir & Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Roadmap on photonic metasurfaces Sebastian A. Schulz, Rupert. F. Oulton, Mitchell Kenney, Andrea Alu, Isabelle Staude,
Ayesheh Bashiri, Zlata Fedorova, Radoslaw Kolkowski, A. Femius Koenderink, Xiaofei Xiao,
John Yang, William J. Peveler, Alasdair W. Clark, George Perrakis, Anna C. Tasolamprou,
Maria Kafesaki, Anastasiia Zaleska, Wayne Dickson, David Richards, Anatoly Zayats,
Haoran Ren, Yuri Kivshar, Stefan Maier, Xianzhong Chen, Muhammad Afnan Ansari,
Yuhui Gan, Arseny Alexeev, Thomas F. Krauss, Andrea Di Falco, Sylvain D. Gennaro,
Tomas Santiago-Cruz, Igal Brener, Maria V. Chekhova, Ren-Min Ma, Viola V. Vogler-Neuling,
Helena C. Weigand, Ulle-Linda Talts, Irene Occhiodori, Rachel Grange, Mohsen Rahmani,
Lei Xu, S. M. Kamali, E. Arababi, Andrei Faraon, Anthony C. Harwood, Stefano Vezzoli,
Riccardo Sapienza, Philippe Lalanne, Alexandre Dmitriev, Carsten Rockstuhl,
Alexander Sprafke, Kevin Vynck, Jeremy Upham, M. Zahirul Alam, Israel De Leon,
Robert W. Boyd, Willie J. Padilla, Jordan M. Malof, Aloke Jana, Zijin Yang, Rémi Colom,
Qinghua Song, Patrice Genevet, Karim Achouri, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Ulrich Lemmer,
and Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton |
⋄ Poles and zeros in non-Hermitian systems: Application to photonics Felix Binkowski, Fridtjof Betz, Rémi Colom, Patrice Genevet, and Sven Burger |
⋄ Asymmetric phase modulation of light with parity-symmetry broken metasurfaces Elena Mikheeva, Rémi Colom, Karim Achouri, Adam Overvig, Felix Binkowski, Jean-Yves Duboz, Sébastien Cueff, Shanhui Fan, Sven Burger, Andrea Alù, and Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Overcoming the limitations of 3D sensors with wide field of view metasurface-enhanced scanning lidar Emil Marinov, Renato Juliano Martins, Mohamed Aziz Ben Youssef, Christina Kyrou, Pierre-Marie Coulon, Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Bio-inspired flat optics for directional 3D light detection and ranging Clément Majorel, Amir Loucif, Emil Marinov, Renato Juliano Martins, Adelin Patoux, Pierre-Marie Coulon, Virginie Brandli, Michel Antolovic, Claudio Bruschini, Edoardo Charbon, Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Designer Metasurfaces via Nanocube Assembly at the Air−Water Interface Muhammad L. Fajri, Nicolas Kossowski, Ibtissem Bouanane, Frederic Bedu, Peeranuch Poungsripong, Renato Juliano-Martins, Clement Majorel, Olivier Margeat, Judikael Le Rouzo, Patrice Genevet,and Beniamino Sciacca |
⋄ Excitons in (Al,Ga)N quantum dots and quantum wells grown on (0001)-oriented AlN templates: Emission diagrams and valence band mixings Alexandra Ibanez, Nikita Nikitskiy, Aly Zaiter, Pierre Valvin, Wilfried Desrat, Thomas Cohen, M. Ajmal Khan, Guillaume Cassabois, Hideki Hirayama, Patrice Genevet, Julien Brault, Bernard Gil |
⋄ Epsilon-Near-Zero Enhancement of Nonlinear Responses from Intersubband Transitions in the Mid-Infrared Geoffrey Barbet, Bo Qiang, Yuhao Jin, Tingting Wu, Patrice Genevet, Qijie Wang, Yu Luo |
⋄ Universal Active Metasurfaces for Ultimate Wavefront Molding by Manipulating the Reflection Singularities Mahmoud Elsawy, Christina Kyrou, Elena Mikheeva, Rémi Colom, Jean-Yves Duboz,Khosro Zangeneh Kamali, Stéphane Lanteri, Dragomir Neshev, and Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Uniform Huygens metasurfaces with postfabrication phase pattern recording functionality E Mikheeva, R Colom, P. Genevet, F Bedu, I Ozerov, S Khadir, G Baffou, R Abdeddaim, S Enoch, and J Lumeau |
⋄ Super-Reflector Enabled by Non-Interleaved Spin-Momentum-Multiplexed Metasurface He-Xiu Xu, Guangwei Hu, Xianghong Kong, Yanzhang Shao, Patrice Genevet, and Cheng-Wei Qiu |
⋄ Crossing of the branch cut: the topological origin of a universal 2π-phase retardation in non-Hermitian metasurfaces R Colom, E Mikheeva, K Achouri, J Zuniga-Perez, N Bonod, O JF Martin, S Burger, and P Genevet |
⋄ Spin-decoupling of vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers with complete phase modulation using on-chip integrated Jones matrix metasurfaces Peinan Ni, Pan Fu, Pei-Pei Chen, Chen Xu, YiYang Xie, Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Exploiting extraordinary topological optical forces at bound states in the continuum Haoye Qin, Yuzhi Shi, Zengping Su , Guodan Wei, Zhanshan Wang, Xinbin Cheng, Ai Qun Liu, Patrice Genevet, Qinghua Song |
⋄ Metasurface for complete measurement of polarization Bell state Zhanjie Gao, Zengping Su, Qinghua Song, Patrice Genevet and Konstantin E. Dorfman |
⋄ Getting topological photonics out of the laboratory Matricardi, C., Small, C., Persechini, L., Zhen, B., Redondo, A.B., Szameit, A. and P Genevet,
⋄ Inverse design of nanophotonics devices and materials PR Wiecha, AY Petrov, P Genevet, A Bogdanov
⋄ Les métasurfaces optiques pour les lidars à large champ et à haute cadence d’imagerie RJ Martins, E Marinov, M. Aziz Ben Youssef, C Kyrou, and P Genevet
⋄ Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology Renato Juliano Martins, Emil Marinov, M. Aziz Ben Youssef, Christina Kyrou, Mathilde Joubert, Constance Colmagro, Valentin Gâté, Colette Turbil, Pierre-Marie Coulon, Daniel Turover, Samira Khadir, Massimo Giudici, Charalambos Klitis, Marc Sorel & Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Susceptibility synthesis of arbitrary shaped metasurfaces N. Lebbe, S. Lanteri, S. Y. Golla, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Scattering by lossy anisotropic scatterers: A modal approach N Kossowski, Parry Y Chen, QJ Wang, P Genevet, Yonatan Sivan |
⋄ Space and Time Modulations of Light with Metasurfaces: Recent Progress and Future Prospects Elena Mikheeva, Christina Kyrou, Fouad Bentata, Samira Khadir, Sébastien Cueff, and Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Vectorial metasurface holography Qinghua Song, Xingsi Liu, Cheng-Wei Qiu, and Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Optimization of metasurfaces under geometrical uncertainty using statistical learning M. M. R. Elsawy, M. Binois, R. Duvigneau, S. Lanteri and P.Genevet |
⋄ Aberration-corrected large-scale hybrid metalenses R Sawant, D Andrén, RJ Martins, S Khadir, R Verre, M Käll, & P Genevet |
⋄ Plasmonic topological metasurface by encircling an exceptional point Q. Song, M. Odeh, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, B. Kanté, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Reconstruction of multidimensional nonlinear polarization response of Pancharatnam-Berry metasurfaces Z. Gao, P.Genevet, G. Li, and K. E. Dorfman |
⋄ Multiobjective statistical learning optimization of RGB metalens M. MR Elsawy, A. Gourdin, M. Binois, R. Duvigneau, D. Felbacq, S. Khadir, P.Genevet, S. Lanteri |
⋄ Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization with vectorial Fourier metasurfaces Qinghua Song, Arthur Baroni, Pin Chieh Wu, Sébastien Chenot, Virginie Brandli, Stéphane Vézian, Benjamin Damilano, Philippe de Mierry, Samira Khadir, Patrick Ferrand & Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Nanophotonics for light detection and ranging technology I. Kim, R.J. Martins, J. Jang, T. Badloe, S. Khadir, H.Y. Jung, H. Kim, J. Kim, P. Genevet, J. Rho |
⋄ Polarization-insensitive 3D conformal-skin metasurface cloak He-Xiu Xu, Guangwei Hu, Yanzhao Wang, Chaohui Wang, Mingzhao Wang, Shaojie Wang, Yongjun Huang, Patrice Genevet, , Wei Huang & Cheng-Wei Qiu
⋄ Reconfigurable Flat Optics with Programmable Reflection Amplitude Using Lithography-Free Phase-Change Materials Ultra Thin Films S. Cueff, A. Taute, A. Bourgade, J. Lumeau, S. Monfray, Q. Song, P. Genevet, B. Devif, X. Letartre, L. Berguiga |
⋄ On‐Chip Generation of Structured Light Based on Metasurface Optoelectronic Integration Qiu‐Hua Wang, Pei‐Nan Ni, Yi‐Yang Xie, Qiang Kan, Pei‐Pei Chen, Pan Fu, Jun Deng, Tai‐Lai Jin, Hong‐Da Chen, Ho Wai Howard Lee, Chen Xu and Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Bandwidth-unlimited polarization-maintaining metasurfaces Q. Song, S. Khadir, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. D. Mierry, S. Chenot, V. Brandli and P. Genevet |
⋄ Metasurface Optical Characterization Using Quadriwave Lateral Shearing Interferometry S. Khadir, D. Andrén, R. Verre, Q. Song, S. Monneret, P. Genevet, M. Käll, and G. Baffou |
⋄ Dynamic phase manipulation of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers via on-chip integration of microfluidic channels Zhuangzhuang Zhao, Yiyang Xie, Guanzhong Pan, Peinan Ni, Qiuhua Wang, Yibo Dong, Liangchen Hu, Jie Sun, Hongda Chen, Chen Xu, and Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Backward Phase-Matched Second-Harmonic Generation from Stacked Metasurfaces T. Stolt, J. Kim, S. Héron, A. Vesala, Y. Yang, J. Mun, M. Kim, M. J. Huttunen, R. Czaplicki, M. Kauranen, J. Rho, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Revealing topological phase in Pancharatnam–Berry metasurfaces using mesoscopic electrodynamics Z Gao, S. Golla, R. Sawant, V. Osipov, G. Briere, S. Vezian, B. Damilano, P. Genevet and K. E. Dorfman |
⋄ Independent phase modulation for quadruplex polarization channels enabled by chirality-assisted geometric-phase metasurfaces Yueyi Yuan, Kuang Zhang, Badreddine Ratni, Qinghua Song, Xumin Ding, Qun Wu, Shah Nawaz Burokur & Patrice Genevet |
⋄ Numerical Optimization Methods for Metasurfaces M.M.R. Elsawy, S. Lanteri, R. Duvigneau, J.A. Fan, P. Genevet |
⋄ Nonlocality Induced Cherenkov Threshold Hu, H., Lin, X., Zhang, J., Liu, D., Genevet, P., Zhang, B., Luo, Y. |
⋄ Printing polarization and phase at the optical diffraction limit: near-and far-field optical encryption Q. Song, S. Khadir, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. de Mierry, S. Chenot, V. Brandli, R. Laberdesque, B. Wattellier and P. Genevet |
⋄ Long-lifetime coherence in a quantum emitter induced by a metasurface E. Lassalle, P. Lalanne, S. Aljunid, P. Genevet, B. Stout, T. Durt, and D. Wilkowski |
⋄ Hybrid MoS2-gap-mode metasurface photodetectors P. Ni, A. de Luna Bugallo, X. Yang, V.M. Arellano Arreola, M. Flores Salazar, E. Strupiechonski, B. Alloing, C. Shan, P. Genevet |
⋄ Metasurface orbital angular momentum holography H. Ren, G. Brière, X. Fang, P. Ni, R. Sawant, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, V. Brändli, S. Maier, P. Genevet |
⋄ Ptychography retrieval of fully polarized holograms from geometric-phase metasurfaces Q. Song, A. Baroni, R. Sawant, P. Ni, V. Brandli, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. de Mierry1, S. Khadir, P. Ferrand and P. Genevet |
⋄ Mid-Infrared Grayscale Metasurface Holograms K. Wu, N. Kossowski, H. Qiu , H. Wang, Q.J. Wang and P. Genevet |
⋄ Metasurface-integrated vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers for programmable directional lasing emissions Y.Y. Xie, P.N. Ni, Q.H. Wang, Q. Kan, G. Briere, P.P. Chen, Z.Z. Zhao, A. Delga, H.R. Ren, H.D. Chen, C. Xu and P. Genevet |
⋄ Global optimization of metasurface designs using statistical learning methods M.M.R. Elsawy, S. Lanteri, R. Duvigneau, G. Brière, M. Sabry Mohamed and P. Genevet |
⋄ Optical Phase Transition in Semiconductor Quantum Metamaterials A. Hierro, M. Montes Bajo, M. Ferraro, J. Tamayo-Arriola, N. Le Biavan, M. Hugues, J. M. Ulloa, M. Giudici, J.-M. Chauveau, P. Genevet |
⋄ Metasurfaces Orbital Angular Momentum Holography H. Ren, G. Briere, X. Fang, P. Ni, R. Sawant, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, V. Brändli, S. A. Maier, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation in a Single Microwire Based on Localized Surface Plasmon J. Li, H. Zhu, Z. Chen, Y. Huang, H. Zheng, Z. Tang, X. Gui, S. Wang, Z. Tang, P. Ni, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Gate-Tunable Emission of Exciton–Plasmon Polaritons in Hybrid MoS2-Gap-Mode Metasurfaces P. Ni, A. de Luna Bugallo, V.M. Arellano Arreola, M.F. Salazar, E. Strupiechonski, V. Brändli, R. Sawant, B. Alloing and P. Genevet |
⋄ An Etching‐Free Approach Toward Large‐Scale Light‐Emitting Metasurfaces G. Brière, P. Ni, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, V. Brändli, B. Damilano, J-Y. Duboz, M. Iwanaga and P. Genevet |
⋄ Room Temperature Electrically Driven Ultraviolet Plasmonic Lasers X. Yang, P.-N Ni, P.-T. Jing, L.-G. Zhang, R.-M. Ma, C.-X. Shan, D.-Z. Shen, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Optimization and uncertainty quantification of gradient index metasurfaces N. Schmitt, N. Georg, G. Brière, D. Loukrezis, S. Héron, S. Lanteri, C. Klitis, M. Sorel, U. Rômer, H. De Gersem, S. Vézian, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Mitigating Chromatic Dispersion with Hybrid Optical Metasurfaces R. Sawant, P. Bhumkar, A.Y. Zhu, P. Ni, F. Capasso, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Metasurfaces: Physics and Applications F. Ding, P. Genevet and S.I. Bozhevolnyi |
⋄ Outfitting Next Generation Displays with Optical Metasurfaces I. Kim, G. Yoon, J. Jang, P. Genevet, K. Tae Nam, and J. Rho |
⋄ Modelling of free-form conformal metasurfaces K. Wu, P. Coquet, Q. J. Wang and P. Genevet |
⋄ Les Métasurfaces, des composants optiques fonctionnels ultra-minces P. Genevet, P. Chavel, N. Bonod |
⋄ Freestanding dielectric nanohole array metasurface for mid-infrared wavelength applications J. R. Ong, H. S. Chu, V. H. Chen, A. Y. Zhu, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Recent advances in planar optics: from plasmonic to dielectric metasurfaces P. Genevet, F. Capasso, F. Aieta, M. Khorasaninejad, and R. Devlin |
⋄ Anisotropic Surface Plasmon Polariton Generation Using Bimodal V‑Antenna Based Metastructures D. Wintz, A. Ambrosio, A. Y. Zhu, P. Genevet, and F. Capasso |
⋄ Measurement of bound states in the continuum by a detector embedded in a photonic crystal R. Gansch, S. Kalchmair, P. Genevet, T. Zederbauer, H. Detz, A. M Andrews, W. Schrenk, F. Capasso, M. Lončar and G. Strasser |
⋄ Controlling electromagnetic fields at boundaries of arbitrary geometries J.Y.H. Teo, L. J. Wong, C. Molardi, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Traditional and emerging materials for optical metasurfaces A. Y. Zhu, A. I. Kuznetsov, B. Luk'yanchuk, N. Engheta, and P. Genevet |
⋄ Broadband mode conversion via gradient index metamaterials H.X. Wang, Y.D. Xu, P. Genevet, J.-H. Jiang, and H.Y. Chen |
Current contracts
⋄ twistedNano (2022 - 2026)
Integrated nanophotonic devices enabling ultrasensitive chiroptical spectroscopy of sub-nanolitre volumes (H2020) - Projet Européen
Partners: Univaq (It), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Ger), EPFL (Ch), CRHEA (Fr), Dompe (It), IIT (It), ICFO (Sp), Foresee biosystems (It)⋄ MILLESIME 2 (2022 - 2025)
Metasurfaces moyen IR pour la focalisation de lumière dans des matrices de détecteurs (ANR) - Projet National
Partners: THALES III-V Lab, Lynred, ONERA, CRHEA⋄ CHARIST (2022 - 2026)
Chiral Metamaterials for THz Polarisation Control (H2020) - Projet Européen
(contrat privé) - Projet Industriel
Partners: CRHEA⋄ UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR (2022 - 2025)
Intégration de métasurfaces optiques dans des systèmes de métrologie et inspection pour les semiconducteurs (contrat privé) - Projet Industriel
Partners: CRHEA⋄ MINI-BOT (2022 - 2025)
Partners: LEO SPACE PHOTONICS, VIGO SPOTONIC SPOLKA, NAPA TECHNOLOGIE (napa), CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique de PologneOld contracts
⋄ Cometa (2016 - 2018)
Contrôle de la lumière laser par des métasurfaces (AAP) - Projet Régional
Partners: CRHEA⋄ Cometa (2016 - 2019)
Intégration de dispositifs optiques à base de métasurfaces pour des application en opto électronique et contrôle de l'émission laser (AAP) - Projet Régional
Partners: CRHEA, Région PACA⋄ Flatlight (2016 - 2020)
Métamatériaux fonctionnels de dimension deux pour le visible (ERC Starting Grant) - Projet Européen
Partners: CRHEA⋄ I-lidar (2019 - 2021)
Realize a metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging system (ERC proof of Concept) - Projet Européen
Partners: CRHEA
Current supervisions
Martin Lepers (PhD Student) Amir Loucif (PhD Student) Emil Marinov (PhD Student) Yanel Tahmi (PhD Student) Nicolas Kossowski (Comment PhD Student) Christina Kyrou (Comment PhD Student) Adelin Patoux (Comment PhD Student) Old supervisions
Sandeep Yadav Golla (PhD Student) (2021) Rajat Sawant (Comment PhD Student after CRHEA PhD) (2020) Masoud Khery (PhD Student) (2020) Mario Ferraro (PhD Student) (2019) Gauthier Brière (PhD Student) (2019) Nikita Nikitskiy (PhD Student) () Fouad Bentata () () Elena Mikheeva (Comment PhD Student) (2023) Clément Majorel (Comment PhD Student) (2023) Aziz Ben Youssef (CDD) (2023) Anthony Gourdin (Comment PhD Student) (2022) Rajat Sawant (Comment PhD Student after CRHEA PhD) (2021) Qinghua Song (Comment PhD Student) (2021) Peinan Ni (Comment PhD Student) (2020) Ilyes Bordj (Stagiaire) (2023) Mathilde Joubert-Moureaud (Stagiaire) (2021) Constance Colmagro (Stagiaire) (2021) Synda Labidi (Stagiaire) (2018) Purva Bhumkar (Stagiaire) (2016) Mathieu Chassoulier (Stagiaire) (2016) Bertrand Peyce (Stagiaire) (2016)