Publications transverses (307) - Publications
d'autres équipes auxquelles CAT a contribué
⋄ DUV LEDs based on AlGaN Quantum Dots
Julien Brault, Mohamed Al Khalfioui, Mathieu Leroux, Samuel Matta, Thi-Huong Ngo, Aly Zaiter,
Aimeric Courville, Benjamin Damilano, Sébastien Chenot, Jean-Yves Duboz, Jean Massies, P. Valvin, Bernard Gil
Proc. SPIE, 11686,
116860T, (2021)
- Article de conférence - invité |
⋄ Freestanding-quality dislocation density in semipolar GaN epilayers grown on SOI: aspect ratio trapping
Rami Mantach, Philippe Vennéguès, Jesus Zúñiga-Pérez, Philippe De Mierry, Marc Portail and Guy Feuillet
Appl. Phys. Express., 13,
115504, (2020)
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⋄ Blue to yellow emission from (Ga,In)/GaN quantum wells grown on pixelated silicon substrate
B. Damilano, M. Portail, E. Frayssinet, V. Brändli, F. Faure, C. Largeron, D. Cooper, G. Feuillet, D. Turover
Sci Rep., 10,
18919, (2020)
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⋄ Full InGaN red light emitting diodes
A. Dussaigne, F. Barbier, B. Damilano, S. Chenot, A. Grenier, A.M. Papon, B. Samuel, B. Ben Bakir, D. Vaufrey, J.C. Pillet, A. Gasse, O. Ledoux, M. Rozhavskaya, D. Sotta
J. Appl. Phys., 128,
135704, (2020)
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⋄ Analysis of low-threshold optically pumped III-nitride microdisk lasers
F. Tabataba-Vakili, C.Brimont, B. Alloing, B. Damilano, L. Doyennette, T. Guillet, M. El Kurdi, S. Chenot, V. Brändli, E. Frayssinet, J.-Y. Duboz, F. Semond, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud
Appl. Phys. Lett., 117,
121103, (2020)
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⋄ Wetting-Layer-Free AlGaN Quantum Dots for Ultraviolet Emitters
G. Schifani, T. Frisch, J. Brault, P. Vennéguès, S. Matta, M. Korytov, B. Damilano, J. Massies, and J.-N. Aqua
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 3,
4054, (2020)
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⋄ The Effect of Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching on the I–V Curves of the Avalanche Photodiode with GaN/AlN Periodically Stacked Structure
X. Wu, L. Wang, Z. Hao, Y. Han, C. Sun, B. Xiong, J. Wang, H. Li, Y. Luo, J. Brault, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Nemoz, M. Li, J. Kang, Q. Li
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 216(24),
1900655, (2019)
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⋄ Internal quantum efficiencies of AlGaN quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy and emitting in the UVA to UVC ranges
J. Brault, S. Matta, T.H. Ngo, M. Al Khalfioui, P. Valvin, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, M. Korytov, V. Brändli, P. Vennéguès, J. Massies, B. Gil
J. Appl. Phys., 126,
205701, (2019)
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⋄ Reduced nonradiative recombination in semipolar green-emitting III-N quantum wells with strain-reducing AlInN buffer layers
P. Henning , P. Horenburg, H. Bremers, U. Rossow, F. Tendille, P. Vennégués , P. de Mierry, J. Zúñiga-Pérez , and A. Hangleiter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 115,
202103, (2019)
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⋄ Trapping Dipolar Exciton Fluids in GaN/(AlGa)N Nanostructures
F. Chiaruttini, T. Guillet, C Brimont, B. Jouault, P. Lefebvre, J. Vives, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, B. Damilano, and M. Vladimihristellerova
Nano Lett., 19,
4911, (2019)
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⋄ Buried defects induced by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy of AlN and GaN on Silicon
Y. Cordier, R. Comyn, O. Tottereau, E. Frayssinet, M. Portail, M. Nemoz
J. Cryst. Growth, 507,
220, (2019)
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⋄ Loss analysis in nitride deep ultraviolet planar cavity
Z. Zheng, Y. Li, O. Paul, H. Long, S. Matta, M. Leroux, J. Brault, L. Ying, Z. Zheng, and B. Zhang
J. Nanophotonics, 12,
043504, (2018)
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⋄ UVA and UVB light emitting diodes with Al y Ga1−y N quantum dot active regions covering the 305–335 nm range
J. Brault, M. Al Khalfioui, S. Matta, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, S. Chenot, M. Korytov, J.E. Nkeck, P Vennéguès, J.Y. Duboz, J. Massies and B. Gil
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 33,
075007, (2018)
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⋄ Photoluminescence properties of (Al,Ga)N nanostructures grown on Al0.5Ga0.5N (0001)
S. Matta, J. Brault, T.H. Ngo, B. Damilano, M.Leroux, J. Massies, B. Gil
Superlattices Microstruct., 114,
161, (2018)
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DH-HEMTs Grown on a Patterned Silicon Substrate
R. Comyn, S. Chenot, W. El Alouani, M. Nemoz, E. Frayssinet, B. Damilano, Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 215(9),
1700642, (2017)
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⋄ Optical properties of InxGa1-xN/GaN quantum-disks obtained by selective area sublimation
B. Damilano, S. Vézian, M. Portail, B. Alloing, J. Brault, A. Courville, V. Brändli,
M. Leroux, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 477,
262, (2017)
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⋄ Ion-induced interdiffusion of surface GaN quantum dots
C. Rothfuchs, F. Semond, M. Portail, O. Tottereau, A. Courville, A. Wieck, A. Ludwig
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 409,
107, (2017)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Trap states analysis in AlGaN/AlN/GaN and InAlN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
S. Latrach, E. Frayssinet, N. Defrance, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, C. Gaquière and H. Maaref
Current Applied Physics, 17,
1601-1608, (2017)
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⋄ Influence of the heterostructure design on the optical properties of GaNand Al0.1Ga0.9N quantum dots for ultraviolet emission
S. Matta, J. Brault, T.H. Ngo, B. Damilano, M. Korytov, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, J. Massies, M. Leroux, B. Gil
J. Appl. Phys., 122,
085706, (2017)
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⋄ The effect and nature of N-H complexes in the control of the dominant photoluminescence transitions in UV-hydrogenated GaInNAs
C.R. Brown, N.J. Neste, V.R. Whiteside, B. Wang, K. Hossain, T.D. Golding, M. Leroux, M. Al Khalfioui, J.G. Tischler, C.T. Ellis, E.R. Glaser, I.R. Sellers
RSC Adv., 7,
25353, (2017)
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⋄ Turning the undesired voids in silicon into a tool: In-situ fabrication of free-standing3C-SiC membranes
R. Khazaka, J.-F. Michaud, P. Vennéguès, D. Alquier, and M. Portail
Appl. Phys. Lett., 110,
081602, (2017)
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⋄ III-Nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers from the blue to the deep ultra-violet
J. Selles, V. Crepel, I. Roland, M. El Kurdi, X. Checoury, P. Boucaud, M. Mexis,
M. Leroux, B. Damilano, S. Rennesson, F. Semond, B. Gayral, C. Brimont,
and T. Guillet
Appl. Phys. Lett., 109,
231101, (2016)
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⋄ On the interplay between Si(110) epilayer atomic roughness and subsequent 3C-SiCgrowth direction
R. Khazaka, J.-F. Michaud, P. Vennéguès, L. Nguyen, D. Alquier, and M. Portail
J. Appl. Phys., 120,
185306, (2016)
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⋄ Ultraviolet light emitting diodes using III-N quantum dots
J. Brault, S. Matta, T.H. Ngo, D. Rosales, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, M. Al Khalfioui, F. Tendille, S. Chenot, P. De Mierry, J. Massies, B. Gil
Mat Sci Semicon Proc, 55,
95, (2016)
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⋄ Defect blocking via laterally induced growthof semipolar (1 0 1 1) GaN on patternedsubstrates
M. Khoury, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux,V. Delaye, G. Feuillet and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49,
475104, (2016)
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⋄ High temperature electrical transport study of Si-doped AlN
S. Contreras, L. Konczewicz, J. Ben Messaoud, H. Peyre, M. Al Khalfioui, S. Matta, M. Leroux,
B. Damilano, J. Brault
Superlattices Microstruct., 98,
253, (2016)
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⋄ Deep level traps in semi-polar n-GaN grown on patterned sapphire substrate by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
X. S. Nguyen, H. W. Hou, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, F. Tendille, A. R. Arehart, S. A. Ringel, E. A. Fitzgerald, and S. J. Chua
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 253(11),
2225-2229, (2016)
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⋄ Selective heteroepitaxy on deeply grooved substrate: A route to low costsemipolar GaN platforms of bulk quality
F. Tendille, D. Martin, P. Vennéguès, N. Grandjean,and Philippe De Mierry
Appl. Phys. Lett., 109,
082101, (2016)
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⋄ Built-in electric field and radiative efficiency of polar (0001) and semipolar (11-22) Al0.5Ga0.5N/GaN quantum dots
J. Brault, A. Kahouli, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, D. Elmaghraoui, P. Vennéguès, T. Guillet and C. Brimont
AIP. Proceedings, 1566,
73, (2012)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Growth of GaN nanostructures with polar and semipolar orientations for the fabrication of UV LEDs
J. Brault, B. Damilano, A. Courville, M. Leroux, A. Kahouli, M. Korytov, P. Vennéguès, G. Randazzo, S. Chenot, B. Vinter, P. De Mierry, J. Massies, D. Rosales, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil
Proc. SPIE, 8986,
89860Z, (2014)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Optical properties of small GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dots grown on (11-22) GaN templates
J. Sellés, D. Rosales, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, T. Guillet, J. Brault, B. Damilano, P. Vennéguès, P. de Mierry, J. Massies
Proc. SPIE, 9363,
93630Z, (2015)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Improved performance of GaInNAs solar cell after UV-activated hydrogenation
M. Fukuda, V. R. Whiteside, J. C. Keay, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Leroux, K. Hossain, T. D. Golding, I. R. Sellers
1-3, (2015)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Selective passivation of nitrogen clusters and impurities in photovoltaic GaInNAs solar cells
M. Fukuda, V.R. Whiteside, J.C. Keay, Matthew B. Johnson, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Leroux, K. Hossain, T.D. Golding, I.R. Sellers
0669-0673, (2014)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Improved performance in GaInNAs solar cells by hydrogen passivation
M. Fukuda, V. R. Whiteside, J. C. Keay, A. Meleco, I. R. Sellers, K. Hossain, T. D. Golding, M. Leroux, and M. Al Khalfioui
J. Appl. Phys., 106,
141904, (2015)
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⋄ Photoluminescence study of Be-acceptors in GaInNAs epilayers
Y. Tsai, B. Barman, T. Scrace, M. Fukuda, V. R. Whiteside, I. R. Sellers, M. Leroux, M. Al Khalfioui, and A.
J. Appl. Phys., 117,
045705, (2015)
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⋄ Development of technological building blocks for the monolithic integration of ammonia-MBE-grown GaN-HEMTs with silicon CMOS
R. Comyn, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, A. Jaouad, H. Maher, V. Aimez
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 213,
917-924, (2016)
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⋄ Homoepitaxial nonpolar (10-10) ZnO/ZnMgO monolithic microcavities: Towards reduced photonic disorder
J. Zúñiga-Pérez, L. Kappei, C. Deparis, F. Reveret, M. Grundmann, E. de Prado, O. Jamadi, J. Leymarie, S. Chenot, and M. Leroux
Appl. Phys. Lett., 108,
251904, (2016)
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⋄ Impact of the Bending on the Electroluminescence of Flexible InGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes
G. Tabares, S. Mhedhbi, M. Lesecq, B. Damilano, J Brault, S. Chenot, A. Ebongué, P. Altuntas, N. Defrance, V. Hoel, Y. Cordier
IEEE Photonic Tech L, 28,
1661, (2016)
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⋄ Polarity Control in Group-III Nitrides beyond Pragmatism
S. Mohn, N. Stolyarchuk, T. Markurt, R. Kirste, M. P. Hoffmann, R. Collazo,
A. Courville, R. Di Felice, Z. Sitar, P. Vennéguès, and M. Albrecht
Phys. Rev. Applied, 5,
054004, (2016)
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⋄ Polariton condensation phase diagram in wide-band-gap planar microcavities: GaN versus ZnO
O. Jamadi, F. Réveret, E. Mallet, P. Disseix, F. Médard, M. Mihailovic, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, J. Leymarie, X. Lafosse, S. Bouchoule, F. Li, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Phys. Rev. B, 93,
115205, (2016)
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⋄ Investigation of AlyGa1−yN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dot properties for the design of ultraviolet emitters
J. Brault, S. Matta, T.H. Ngo, M. Korytov, D. Rosales, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, P. Vennéguès, M. Al Khalfioui, A. Courville, O. Tottereau, J. Massies, B. Gil
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 55,
05FG06, (2016)
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⋄ Green emission from semipolar InGaN quantum wells grown on low-defect (11-22) GaN templates fabricated on patterned r-sapphire
P. de Mierry, L. Kappei, F. Tendille, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 253,
105-111, (2016)
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⋄ Realization of minimum number of rotational domains in heteroepitaxied Si(110) on 3C-SiC(001)
R. Khazaka, M. Grundmann, M. Portail, P. Vennéguès, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, D. Alquier, and J.F. Michaud
Appl. Phys. Lett., 108,
011608, (2016)
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⋄ Interplay between tightly focused excitation and ballistic propagation of polariton condensates in a ZnO microcavity
R. Hahe, C. Brimont, P. Valvin, T. Guillet, F. Li, M. Leroux, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, X. Lafosse, G. Patriarche, and S. Bouchoule
Phys. Rev. B, 92,
235308, (2015)
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⋄ Dislocation filtering and polarity in the selective area growth of GaN nanowiresby continuous-flow metal organic vapor phase epitaxy
P.M. Coulon, B. Alloing, V. Brändli, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Appl. Phys. Express., 9,
015502, (2016)
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⋄ GaN films and GaN/AlGaN quantum wells grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy using a high density radical source
Y. Cordier, B. Damilano, P. Aing, C. Chaix, F. Linez, F. Tuomisto, P. Vennéguès, E. Frayssinet, D. Lefebvre, M. Portail, M. Nemoz
J. Cryst. Growth, 433,
165-171, (2016)
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⋄ Optimized In composition and quantum well thickness for yellow-emitting (Ga,In)N/GaN multiple quantum wells
K. Lekhal, S. Hussain, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, J.M. Chauveau, B. Damilano
J. Cryst. Growth, 434,
25, (2016)
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⋄ Optical properties and structural investigations of (11-22)-oriented GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
D. Rosales, B. Gil, T. Bretagnon, J. Brault, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, P. de Mierry, B. Damilano, J. Massies, and P. Bigenwald
J. Appl. Phys., 118,
024303, (2015)
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⋄ Direct insight into grains formation in Si layers grown on 3C-SiC by chemical vapor deposition
R. Khazaka, M. Portail, P. Vennéguès, D. Alquier, J.F. Michaud
Acta Mater., 98,
336, (2015)
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⋄ Growth of nitride-based light emitting diodes with a high-reflectivity distributed Bragg reflector on mesa-patterned silicon substrate
B. Damilano, S. Brochen, J. Brault, T. Hossain, F. Réveret, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, A. Courville, Y. Cordier and F. Semond
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 212,
2297–2301, (2015)
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⋄ Successive selective growth of semipolar (11-22) GaN on patterned sapphire substrate
F. Tendille, M. Hugues, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire and P. De Mierry
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 30,
065001, (2015)
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⋄ Structural investigation of Si quantum dots grown by CVD on AlN/Si(111) and 3C-SiC/Si(100) epilayers
R. Dagher, R. Khazaka, S. Vézian, M. Teisseire, A. Michon, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, Y. Cordier, M. Portail
Mat. Sci. For., 821-823,
1003, (2015)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Silicon growth on 3C-SiC(001)/Si(001): pressure influence and thermal effect
R. Khazaka, M. Portail, P. Vennéguès, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, D. Alquier, J.F. Michaud
Mat. Sci. For., 821-823,
978, (2015)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Selective area growth of Ga-polar GaN nanowire arrays by continuous-flow MOVPE:A systematic study on the effect of growthconditions on the array properties
P.M. Coulon, B. Alloing, V. Brändli, D. Lefebvre, S. Chenot,and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 252,
1096, (2015)
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⋄ Strain-compensated (Ga,In)N/(Al,Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wells for improved yellow/amber light emission
K. Lekhal, B. Damilano, T.H. Ngo, D. Rosales, P. De Mierry, S. Hussain, P. Vennéguès and B. Gil
Appl. Phys. Lett., 106,
142101, (2015)
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⋄ Nanoscale conductive pattern of the homoepitaxial AlGaN/GaN transistor
A. Pérez-Tomás, G. Catalàn, A. Fontserè, V. Iglesias, H. Chen, P.M. Gammon, M.R. Jennings, M. Thomas, C.A. Fisher, Y.K. Sharma, M. Placidi, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, M. Porti, M. Nafría and Y. Cordier
Nanotechnology, 26,
115203, (2015)
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⋄ Growth of semipolar (202̄1) GaN layers on patterned silicon (114) 1° off by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
M. Khoury, M. Leroux, M. Nemoz, G. Feuillet, J. Zúñiga-Pérez and P. Vennéguès
J. Cryst. Growth, 419,
88-93, (2015)
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⋄ Polarization Engineering of Al(Ga)N/GaN HEMT Structures for Microwave High Power Applications
S. Rennesson, F. Lecourt, N. Defrance, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, M. Lesecq, V. Hoel, E. Okada, Y. Cordier and J.C. De Jaeger
Mat. Sci. For., 806,
81-87, (2014)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ GaN high electron mobility transistors on Silicon substrates with MBE/PVD AlN seed layers
Y. Cordier, E. Frayssinet, M. Chmielowska, M. Nemoz, A. Courville, P. Vennéguès, P. De Mierry, S. Chenot, J. Camus, K. Ait Aissa, Q. Simon, L. Le Brizoual, M. A. Djouadi, N. Defrance, M. Lesecq, P. Altuntas, A. Cutivet, A. Agboton, J.C. De Jaeger
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 3-4,
498-501, (2014)
- Article de conférence |
⋄ Magnetotransport in a two-subband AlGaN/GaN heterostructure in the presence of mixed disorder
W. Desrat, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and B. Jouault
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 68,
20102, (2014)
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with very thin buffer on Si (111) for nanosystems applications
P. Leclaire, S. Chenot, L. Buchaillot, Y. Cordier, D. Theron, M. Faucher
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 29,
115018, (2014)
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⋄ Generation of THz radiation due to 2D-plasma oscillations in interdigitated GaN quantum well structures at room temperature
A. Penot, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, L. Varani, F. Teppe, C. Consejo, N. Dyakonova, W. Knap, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Chmielowska, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis
Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 54,
58-62, (2014)
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⋄ Young's modulus extraction of epitaxial heterostructure AlGaN/GaN for MEMS application
A. Ben Amar, M. Faucher, V. Brändli, Y. Cordier, D. Théron
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 211,
1655-1659, (2014)
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⋄ Structural trends in Si dots formation on SiC surfaces using CVD environment
M. Portail, S. Vézian, M. Teisseire, A. Michon, T. Chassagne, M. Zielinski
J. Cryst. Growth, 157,
404, (2014)
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⋄ Defect reduction method in (11-22) semipolar GaN grown on patterned sapphire substrate by MOCVD: Toward heteroepitaxial semipolar GaN free of basal stacking faults
F. Tendille, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, S. Chenot, M. Teisseire
J. Cryst. Growth, 404,
177-183, (2014)
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⋄ Monolithic white light emitting diodes using a (Ga,In)N-based light converter
B. Damilano, K. Lekhal, H. Kim-Chauveau, S. Hussain, E. Frayssinet, J. Brault, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, P. De Mierry, and J. Massies
Proc. SPIE, 1G,
8986, (2014)
- Article de conférence - invité |
⋄ Polar and semipolar GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N nanostructures for UV light emitters
J. Brault, D. Rosales, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, A. Courville, M. Korytov, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, B. Vinter, P. De Mierry, A. Kahouli, J. Massies, T. Bretagnon and B. Gil
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 29,
084001, (2014)
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⋄ Patterned silicon substrates: A common platform for room temperature GaN and ZnO polariton lasers
J. Zúñiga-Pérez, E. Mallet, R. Hahe, M.J. Rashid, S. Bouchoule, C. Brimont, P. Disseix, J.Y. Duboz, G. Gommé, T. Guillet, O. Jamadi, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux, J. Leymarie, F. Li, F. Réveret and F. Semond
Appl. Phys. Lett., 104,
241113, (2014)
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⋄ Influence of 3C-SiC/Si(111) template properties on the strain relaxation in thick GaN films
Y. Cordier, E. Frayssinet, M. Portail, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, M. Korytov, A. Courville, S. Roy, M. Nemoz, M. Chmielowska, P. Vennéguès, H.P.D. Schenk, M. Kennard, A. Bavard, D. Rondi
J. Cryst. Growth, 398,
23, (2014)
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⋄ Dual-polarity GaN micropillars grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy: Cross-correlation between structural and optical properties
P.M. Coulon, M. Mexis, M. Teisseire, M. Jublot, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
J. Appl. Phys., 115,
153504, (2014)
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⋄ Growth of Ga- and N-polar GaN layers on O face ZnO substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
Y. Xia, J. Brault, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, M. Teisseire, M. Leroux, J.M. Chauveau
J. Cryst. Growth, 388,
35, (2014)
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⋄ Quantitative determination of compositional profiles using HAADF image simulations
R. El Bouayadi, M. Korytov, P.A. van Aken, P. Vennéguès, and M. Benaissa
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 11,
284, (2014)
- Papier régulier |
⋄ Capping green emitting (Ga,In)N quantum wells with (Al,Ga)N: impact on structural and optical properties
S. Hussain, K. Lekhal, H. Kim-Chauveau, P. Vennéguès, P. De Mierry and B. Damilano
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 29,
035016, (2014)
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⋄ On the growth of Zn1–xMnxO thin films by plasma-assisted MBE
C. Deparis, C. Morhain, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, J.M. Chauveau, H. Kim-Chauveau, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire, B. Vinter
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 10,
1322, (2013)
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⋄ Temperature impact and analytical modeling of the AlGaN/GaN-on-Si saturation drain current and transconductance
A. Pérez-Tomás, A. Fontserè, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J.C. Moreno and Y. Cordier
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 27,
125010, (2012)
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⋄ Room temperature generation of THz radiation in GaN quantum wells structures
A. Penot, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, L. Varani, F. Teppe, C. Consejo, N. Dyakonova, W. Knapb, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Chmielowska, J.P. Faurie, B. Beaumont, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis
Proc. SPIE, 8624,
862409, (2013)
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⋄ Stress distribution of 12 μm thick crack free continuous GaN on patterned Si (110) substrate
T. Hossain, J. Wang, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, F. Demangeot, L. Durand, A. Ponchet, M.J. Rashid, F. Semond, and Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 10,
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⋄ Temperature Impact on the AlGaN/GaN HEMT Forward Current on Si, Sapphire and Free-Standing GaN
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J.C. Moreno and Y. Cordier
ECS Solid State Letters, 2,
p4, (2012)
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⋄ Molecular beam epitaxial AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors leakage thermal activation on silicon and sapphire
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S.Chenot, J.C. Moreno, S. Rennesson and Y. Cordier
Appl. Phys. Lett., 102,
093503, (2013)
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⋄ Analysis of the AlGaN/GaN vertical bulk current on Si, sapphire, and free-standing GaN substrates
A. Pérez-Tomás, A. Fontserè, J. Llobet, M. Placidi, S. Rennesson, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J.C. Moreno, and Y. Cordier
J. Appl. Phys., 113,
174501, (2013)
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⋄ Magnetotransport studies of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with 2 two-dimensional electron gas in parallel with a three-dimensional Al-graded layer: Incorrect hole type determination
W. Desrat, S. Contreras, L. Konczewicz, B. Jouault, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, and Y. Cordier
J. Appl. Phys., 114,
023704, (2013)
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⋄ Optimization of Al0.29Ga0.71N//GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor heterostructures for high power/frequency performances
S. Rennesson, F. Lecourt, N. Defrance, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, M. Lesecq, V. Hoel, E. Okada, Y. Cordier and J.C. De Jaeger
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 60,
3105, (2013)
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⋄ Built-in electric field in ZnO based semipolar quantum wells grown on (101-2) ZnO substrates
J.M. Chauveau, Y. Xia, I. Ben Taazaet-Belgacem, M. Teisseire, B. Roland, M. Nemoz, J. Brault, B. Damilano, M. Leroux and B. Vinter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103,
262104, (2013)
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with an InGaN back-barrier grown by ammonia-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
S. Rennesson, B. Damilano, P. Vennéguès, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 210,
480-483, (2013)
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⋄ Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Monolithic Two-Color Light-Emitting Diodes Using an InGaN-Based Light Converter
B. Damilano, H. Kim-Chauveau, E. Frayssinet, J. Brault, S. Hussain, K. Lekhal, P. Vennéguès, P. De Mierry, and J. Massies
Appl. Phys. Express., 6,
092105, (2013)
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⋄ Probing the nature of carrier localization in GaInNAs epilayers by optical methods
Y. Tsai, B. Barman, T. Scrace, G. Lindberg, M. Fukuda, V.R. Whiteside, J.C. Keay, M.B. Johnson, I.R. Sellers, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Leroux, B.A. Weinstein, and A. Petrou
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103,
012104, (2013)
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⋄ Dependence of the Mg-related acceptor ionization energy with the acceptor concentration in p-type GaN layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
S. Brochen, J. Brault, S. Chenot, A. Dussaigne, M. Leroux, et B. Damilano.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103,
032102, (2013)
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⋄ Plasmon energy from strained GaN quantum wells
M. Benaissa, W. Sigle, M. Korytov, J. Brault, P. Vennéguès, and P.A. Van Aken
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103,
021901, (2013)
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⋄ Fabrication and characterization of a room-temperature ZnO polariton laser
F. Li, L. Orosz, O. Kamoun, S. Bouchoule, C. Brimont, P. Disseix, T. Guillet, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux, J. Leymarie, G. Malpuech, M. Mexis, M. Mihailovic, G. Patriarche, F. Réveret, D. Solnyshkov, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Appl. Phys. Lett., 102,
191118, (2013)
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⋄ AlGaN-Based Light Emitting Diodes Using Self-Assembled GaN Quantum Dots for Ultraviolet Emission
J. Brault, B. Damilano, B. Vinter, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, A. Kahouli, and J. Massies
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 52,
08JG01, (2013)
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⋄ From excitonic to photonic polariton condensate in a ZnO-based microcavity
F. Li, L. Orosz, O. Kamoun, S. Bouchoule, C. Brimont, P. Disseix, T. Guillet, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux, J. Leymarie, M. Mexis, M. Mihailovic, G. Patriarche, F. Réveret, D. Solnyshkov, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and G. Malpuech
Phys. Rev. Lett., 110,
196406, (2013)
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⋄ Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on ZnO Substrates
Y. Xia, J. Brault, B. Damilano, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, M. Teisseire, M. Leroux, R. Obrecht, I.C. Robin, J.L. Santailler, G. Feuillet, J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Express, 6,
042101, (2013)
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⋄ Imaging and counting threadingdislocations in c-oriented epitaxialGaN layers
M. Khoury, A. Courville, B. Poulet, M. Teisseire, E. Beraudo, M.J. Rashid, E. Frayssinet, B. Damilano, F. Semond, O. Tottereau
and P Vennéguès
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 28,
035006, (2013)
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⋄ Ultra-violet GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dot based light emitting diodes
J. Brault, B. Damilano, A. Kahouli, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, B. Vinter, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 363,
282, (2013)
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⋄ Influence of optical confinement and excitonic absorption on strong coupling in a bulk GaN microcavity grown on silicon
F. Réveret, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, F. Semond, M. Leroux
Superlattice Microst, 52,
541, (2012)
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⋄ Optical investigations of nonpolar homoepitaxial ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum wells
L. Béaur, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, D. Tainoff, M. Teisseire and J.M. Chauveau
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 9,
1320, (2012)
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⋄ Influence of nitrogen precursor and its flow rate on the quality and the residual doping in GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Y. Cordier, F. Natali, M. Chmielowska, M. Leroux, C. Chaix, and P. Bouchaib
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 9,
523-526, (2012)
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⋄ Nanoscale investigation of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si high electron mobility transistors
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, M.R. Jennings, P.M. Gammon, C.A. Fisher, V. Iglesias, M. Porti, A. Bayerl, M. Lanza, and M. Nafria,
Nanotechnology, 23,
395204, (2012)
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⋄ Reverse current thermal activation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si(1 1 1 )
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno
Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 52,
2547-2550, (2012)
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⋄ Effect of carbon doping on crystal quality, electrical isolation and electron trapping in GaN based structures grown silicon substrates
M. Ramdani, M. Chmielowska, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, F. Semond
Solid State Electronics, 75,
86-92, (2012)
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⋄ Gate current analysis of AlGaN/GaN on silicon heterojunction transistors at the nanoscale
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, V. Iglesias, M. Porti, A. Bayerl, M. Lanza, and M. Nafria
Appl. Phys. Lett., 101,
093505, (2012)
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⋄ GaN microwires as optical microcavities: whispering gallery modes Vs Fabry-Perot modes
P.M. Coulon, M. Hugues, B. Alloing, E. Beraudo, M. Leroux, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Optics Express, 20,
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⋄ Micro and nano analysis of Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contact to AlGaN/GaN
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, P.M. Gammon, M.R. Jennings, M. Porti, A. Bayer, M. Lanza and M. Nafría
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99,
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⋄ Temperature dependence of Al/Ti-based Ohmic contact to GaN devices: HEMT and MOSFET
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, P. Fernández-Martínez, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, P.M. Gammon, M.R. Jennings
Microelectronic Engineering, 88 (10),
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⋄ Structural and electrical properties of graphene films grown by propane/hydrogen CVD on 6H-SiC(0001)
A. Michon, E. Roudon, M. Portail, B. Jouault, S. Contreras, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, D. Lefebvre, S. Vézian, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, and J. Camassel
Mat. Sci. For., 717-720,
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⋄ CVD growth of graphene on 2inches 3C-SiC/Si templates: influence of substrate orientation and wafer homogeneity
M. Portail, A. Michon, S. Vézian, D. Lefebvre, S. Chenot, A. Ouerghi, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, Y. Cordier
Mat. Sci. For., 717-720,
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⋄ High quality factor photonicresonators for nitride quantum dots
T. Guillet, M. Mexis, S. Sergent, D. Néel, S. Rennesson, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil,
D. Sam-Giao, B. Gayral, F. Semond, M. Leroux, S. David, X. Checoury and P. Boucaud
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 249,
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⋄ Growth mode and electric properties of graphene and graphitic phase grown by argon-propane assisted CVD on 3C-SiC/Si and 6H-SiC
M. Portail, A. Michon, S. Vézian, D. Lefebvre, S. Chenot, E. Roudon, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, A. Tiberj, J. Camassel, Y. Cordier
J. Cryst. Growth, 349,
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⋄ High quality factor of AlN microdisks embedding GaN quantum dot
M. Mexis, S. Sergent, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, F. Semond, M. Leroux, D. Néel, S. David, X. Chécoury, P. Boucaud
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 8,
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⋄ LO-phonon-assisted polariton lasing in a ZnO-based microcavity
L. Orosz, F. Réveret, F. Médard, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Mihailovic, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, F. Semond, M. Leroux, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, M. Mexis, C. Brimont and T. Guillet
Phys. Rev. B, 85,
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⋄ Fabrication and growth of GaN-based micro and nanostructures
B. Alloing, E. Beraudo, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Sergent, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, S. Vézian, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Int. J. of Nanotechnology, 9,
412-427, (2012)
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⋄ Optical properties of a-plane (Al, Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wells grown on strain engineered Zn1−xMgxO layers by molecular beam epitaxy
Y. Xia, J. Brault, M. Nemoz, M. Teisseire, B. Vinter, M. Leroux, and J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99,
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⋄ Growth optimization and characterization of lattice-matched Al0.82In0.18N optical confinement layer for edge emitting nitride laser diodes
H. Kim-Chauveau, E. Frayssinet, B. Damilano, P. De Mierry, L. Bodiou, L. Nguyen, P. Vennéguès, J.M. Chauveau, Y. Cordier, J.Y. Duboz, R. Charash, A. Vajpeyi, J.M. Lamy, M. Akhter, P.P. Maaskant, B. Corbett, A. Hangleiter, A. Wieck
J. Cryst. Growth, 338,
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⋄ Polariton lasing in a hybrid bulk ZnO microcavity
T. Guillet, M. Mexis, J. Levrat, G. Rossbach, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, R. Butté, N. Grandjean, L. Orosz, F. Réveret, J. Leymarie, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and S. Bouchoule
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99,
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⋄ GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N (11-22) semipolar nanostructures: A way to get highluminescence efficiency in the near ultraviolet range
A. Kahouli, N. Kriouche, J. Brault, B. Damilano, P. Vennéguès, P. de Mierry,
M. Leroux, A. Courville, O. Tottereau and J. Massies
J. Appl. Phys., 110,
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⋄ Exciton radiative properties in nonpolar homoepitaxial ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum wells
L. Béaur, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, A. Kavokin, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, D. Tainoff, M. Teisseire, and J.M. Chauveau
Phys. Rev. B, 84,
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⋄ Voltage-controlled sub-terahertz radiation transmission through GaN quantum well structure
T. Laurent, R. Sharma, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, S. Blin, L. Varani, Y. Cordier, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, J.P. Faurie, B. Beaumont, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, V.V. Korotyeyev, and V.A. Kochelap
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99,
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⋄ Ohmic Contact Resistance dependence on Temperature for GaN devices
A. Pérez-Tomas, A. Fontsere, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, P.M. Gammon and M.R. Jennings
Mat. Sci. For., 679-680,
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⋄ 2DEG HEMT Mobility vs Inversion Channel MOSFET Mobility
A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, J. Millan and P. Godignon
Mat. Sci. For., 645-648,
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⋄ Growth of GaN based structures on focused ion beam patterned templates
Y. Cordier, O. Tottereau, L. Nguyen, M. Ramdani, A. Soltani, M. Boucherit, D. Troadec, F.Y. Lo, Y.Y. Hu, A. Ludwig, A.D. Wieck
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 8,
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⋄ Polarized photoluminescence from nonpolar (11-20) (Ga,In)N multi-quantum-wells
T. Gühne, Z. Bougrioua, M. Nemoz, R. Cmielowski, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, M. Leroux
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⋄ Continuous-wave and ultrafast coherent reflectivity studies of excitons in bulk GaN
O. Aoudé, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, M. Leroux, E. Aujol, B. Beaumont, A. Trassoudaine, Y. André
Phys. Rev. B, 77,
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⋄ Fabrication and Optical Properties of a Fully-Hybrid Epitaxial ZnO-Based Microcavity in the Strong-Coupling Regime
L. Orosz, F. Réveret, S. Bouchoule, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, F. Médard, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, E. Frayssinet, F. Semond, M. Leroux, M. Mexis, C. Brimont and T. Guillet
Appl. Phys. Express, 4,
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⋄ Evaluation of the Crystalline Quality of Strongly Curved 3C-SiC/Si Epiwafers Through X-Ray Diffraction Analyses
M. Zielinski, S. Jiao, T. Chassagne, A. Michon, M. Nemoz, M. Portail, J.F. Michaud, and D. Alquier
AIP Conf Proc, 1292,
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⋄ High quality factor nitride-based optical cavities: microdisks with embedded GaN/Al(Ga)N quantum dots
M. Mexis, S. Sergent, T. Guillet, C. Brimont, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, F. Semond, M. Leroux, D. Néel, S. David, X. Chécoury, P. Boucaud
Optics Letters, 36,
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⋄ Anisotropic strain effects on the photoluminescence emission from heteroepitaxial and homoepitaxial nonpolar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells
J.M. Chauveau, M. Teisseire, H. Kim-Chauveau, C. Morhain, C. Deparis, and B. Vinter
J. Appl. Phys., 109,
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⋄ Laser emission with excitonic gain in a ZnO planar microcavity
T. Guillet, C. Brimont, P. Valvin, B. Gil1, T. Bretagnon, F. Médard, M. Mihailovic, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and S. Bouchoule
Appl. Phys. Lett., 98,
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⋄ Low temperature reflectivity study of nonpolar ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum wells grown on M-plane ZnO substrates
L. Béaur, T. Bretagnon, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, B. Gil, D. Tainoff, M. Teisseire and J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 98,
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⋄ Residual and nitrogen doping of homoepitaxial nonpolar m-plane ZnO films grown by molecular beam epitaxy
D. Taïnoff, M. Al-Khalfioui, C. Deparis, B. Vinter, M. Teisseire, C. Morhain, and J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 98,
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⋄ Study of the growth mechanisms of GaN/(Al,Ga)N Quantum Dots: correlation between structural and optical properties
S. Sergent, T. Huault, J. Brault, M. Korytov, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies
J. Appl. Phys., 109,
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⋄ On the polarity of GaN micro- and nanowires epitaxially grown on sapphire (0001) and Si(111) substrates by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy and ammonia-molecular beam epitaxy
B. Alloing, S. Vézian, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, E. Beraudo, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Appl. Phys. Lett., 98,
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⋄ Filtering of defects in semipolar (11-22) GaN using 2-steps lateral epitaxial overgrowth
N. Kriouche, M. Leroux, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, G. Nataf, P. de Mierry
Nanoscale Res. Lett., 5,
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⋄ X-ray detectors based on GaN Schottky diodes
J.Y. Duboz, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, J.L. Reverchon, M. Idir
Appl. Phys. Lett., 97,
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⋄ Stacking faults blocking process in (1 1 −2 2) semipolar GaN growth on sapphire using asymmetric lateral epitaxy
N. Kriouche, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, G. Nataf and P. De Mierry
J. Cryst. Growth, 312,
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⋄ Benefits of homoepitaxy on the properties of nonpolar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells on a-plane ZnO substrates
J.M. Chauveau, M. Teisseire, H. Kim-Chauveau, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and B. Vinter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 97,
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⋄ Growth of GaN based structures on Si(1 1 0) by molecular beam epitaxy
Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, J.M. Chauveau, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Semond
J. Cryst. Growth, 312 - n° 19,
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⋄ Influence of the excitonic broadening on the strong light-matter coupling in bulk zinc oxide microcavities
F. Médard, D. Lagarde, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, J. Leymarie, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, M. Leroux, and S. Bouchoule
J. Appl. Phys., 108,
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⋄ Carrier transfer and recombination dynamics of a long-lived and visiblerange emission from multi-stacked GaN/AlGaN quantum dots
J.H. Kim, B.J. Kwon, Y.H. Cho, T. Huault, M. Leroux, J. Brault
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⋄ Room temperature Strong coupling in low finesse GaN microcavities
I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, et al.
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⋄ Deuterium Out-diffusion Kinetics in Magnesium-doped GaN
J. Chevallier, F. Jomard, N.H. Nickel, P. de Mierry, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, M.A. di Forte-Poisson, and S. Delage
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⋄ Comparison between polar (0001) and semipolar (11-22) nitride blue-green light-emitting diodes grown on c-plane and m-plane sapphire substrates
P. de Mierry, T. Guehne, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, E. Beraudo, and G. Nataf
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 48,
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⋄ Improved semipolar (11-22) GaN quality using asymmetric lateral epitaxy
P. de Mierry , N. Kriouche, M. Nemoz, and G. Nataf
Appl. Phys. Lett., 94,
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⋄ Semipolar GaN films on patterned r-plane sapphire obtained by wet chemical etching
P. de Mierry, N. Kriouche, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, and G. Nataf
Appl. Phys. Lett., 96,
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⋄ Influence of the mirrors in the strong coupling regime in planar GaN microcavities
F. Réveret, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies
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⋄ Selective area growth of GaN-based structures by molecular beam epitaxy on micrometer and nanometer size patterns
Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, B. Benbakhti, Z. Cao, S. Chenot, L. Nguyen, O. Tottereau, A. Soltani and K. Blary
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 12,
16-20, (2009)
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⋄ Luminescence and reflectivity characterization of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
N. Baron, M. Leroux, N. Zeggaoui, P. Corfdir, F. Semond, Z. Bougrioua, M. Azize, Y. Cordier, J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 6 - S2,
715-718, (2009)
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(110): comparisons with Si(111) and Si(001)
Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Semond
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 6 - S2,
1020-1023, (2009)
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⋄ Evaluation of SiN films for AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs on Si(111)
Y. Cordier, A. Lecotonnec, S. Chenot, N. Baron, F. Nacer, A. Goullet, H. Lhermite, M. El Kazzi, P. Regreny, G. Hollinger, M.P. Besland
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 6 - S2,
1016-1019, (2009)
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⋄ Growth and characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures on 3C-SiC/Si(111) templates
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski and T. Chassagne
Mat. Sci. For., 600-603,
1277-1280, (2009)
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⋄ Growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Silicon Substrates by MBE
F. Semond, Y. Cordier, F. Natali, A. Le Louarn, S. Vézian, S. Joblot, S. Chenot, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, J. Massies
MRS symposium proceedings, 1068,
51-56, (2008)
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⋄ Growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on 3C-SiC/Si(111) Substrates
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski and T. Chassagne
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 1068,
C04-05, (2008)
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⋄ Croissance d’héterostructures à base de Nitrure de Gallium pour applications en électronique de puissance
Y. Cordier, N. Baron, M. Azize, S. Chenot
Revue de l Electricite et de l Electronique, 10,
73-77, (2009)
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⋄ GaN transistor characteristics at elevated temperatures
A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, A. Constant, P. Godignon, and J. Millán
J. Appl. Phys., 106,
074519, (2009)
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⋄ The critical role of growth temperature on the structural and electrical properties of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor heterostructures grown on Si(111)
N. Baron, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and J. Massies
J. Appl. Phys., 105,
033701, (2009)
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⋄ Signature of monolayer and bilayer fluctuations in the width of (Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells
F. Natali, Y. Cordier, J. Massies, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, M. Leroux
Phys. Rev. B, 79,
035328, (2009)
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⋄ Strain engineering in GaN layers grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy: The critical role of growth temperature
Y. Cordier, N. Baron, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 311,
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⋄ Strong light-matter coupling in ultrathin double dielectric mirror GaN microcavities
K. Bejtka, F. Réveret, R.W. Martin, P.R. Edwards, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, I. Sellers, J.Y. Duboz, M. Leroux, and F. Semond
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,
241105, (2008)
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⋄ GaN quantum dots in (Al,Ga)N-based Microdisks
S. Sergent, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, Y. Laaroussi, S. Chenot, J. Renard, D. Sam-Giao, B. Gayral, D. Néel, S. David, P. Boucaud, M. Leroux, F. Semond
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 210,
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⋄ Toward polariton lasing in a zinc oxide microcavity: Design and preliminary results
F. Médard, D. Lagarde, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Mihailovic, D.D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, E. Frayssinet, S. Sergent, F. Semond, M. Leroux, S. Bouchoule
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 210,
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⋄ Catalytic unzipping of carbon nanotubes to few-layer graphene sheets undermicrowaves irradiation
I. Janowska , O. Ersen , T. Jacob, P. Vennéguès, D. Bégin, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu
Applied Catalysis A:General, 371,
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⋄ Refractive indices and elasto-optic coefficients of GaN studied by optical waveguiding
S. Pezzagna, J. Brault, M. Leroux, J. Massies, M. de Micheli
J. Appl. Phys., 103,
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⋄ Relaxation and emission of Bragg-mode and cavity-mode polaritons in a ZnO microcavity at room temperature
S. Faure, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, T. Bretagon, B. Gil, F. Médard, D. Lagarde, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Leroux, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, and S. Bouchoule
Appl. Phys. Lett., 95,
121102, (2009)
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⋄ Transmission electron microscopy investigation of microtwins and double positioning domains in (111) 3C-SiC in relation with the carbonization conditions
S. Roy, M. Portail, T. Chassagne, J.M. Chauveau, P. Vennéguès, M. Zielinski
Appl. Phys. Lett., 95,
081903, (2009)
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⋄ Optical study of bulk ZnO for strong coupling observation in ZnO-based microcavities
F. Médard, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, S. Faure, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Mihailovic, A. Vasson, T. Guillet, and M. Leroux
Photonics and Nanostructures, 7,
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⋄ GaN Quantum Dots Grown on Silicon for Free-Standing Membrane Photonic Structures
S. Sergent, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, and F. Semond
Applied Physics Express, 2,
051003, (2009)
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⋄ Role of substrate misorientation in relaxation of 3C-SiC layers on silicon
M. Zielinski, M. Portail, S. Roy, S. Kret, T. Chassagne, M. Nemoz, Y. Cordier
Mat. Sci. For., 615-617,
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⋄ Development of thick GaN-on-silicon layers for rectifier applications
H.P.D. Schenk, A. Bavard, E. Frayssinet, M. Kennard, D. Rondi, E. Béraudo, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and J.Y. Duboz
343-346, (2009)
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⋄ Experimental observation of strong light-matter coupling in ZnO microcavities: Influence of large excitonic absorption
F. Medard, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, F. Semond, E. Frayssinet, J. C. Moreno, M. Leroux, S. Faure, T. Guillet
Phys. Rev. B, 79,
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⋄ GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dots and quantum dashes
T. Huault, J. Brault, F. Natali, B. Damilano, D. Lefebvre, R. Tauk, M. Leroux, and J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 246,
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⋄ (Zn, Mg)O/ZnO based heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on sapphire: polar vs non-polar
J.M. Chauveau, C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, M. Laügt, C. Deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, and B. Vinter
Microelectronics Journal, 40,
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⋄ Monolithic white light emitting diodes using a (Ga,In)N/GaN multiple quantum well light converter
B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Brault, T. Huault, F. Natali, P. Demolon, P. De Mierry, S. Chenot, and J. Massies
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90,
101117, (2008)
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⋄ Blue (Ga,In)N/GaN Light Emitting Diodes on Si(110) Substrate
B. Damilano, F. Natali, J. Brault, T. Huault, D. Lefebvre, R. Tauk, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Chenot, and J. Massies
Applied Physics Express, 1,
121101, (2008)
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⋄ Tailoring the shape of GaN/AlxGa1−xN nanostructures to extend their luminescence in the visible range
J. Brault, T. Huault, F. Natali, B. Damilano, D. Lefebvre, M. Leroux, M. Korytov, and J. Massies
J. Appl. Phys., 105,
033519, (2009)
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⋄ Anisotropic chemical etching of semipolar {10-1-1}/{10-1+1} ZnO crystallographic planes: polarity versus dangling bonds
E. Palacios-Lidon, B. Pérez-Garcia, P. Vennéguès, J. Colchero, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé, and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Nanotechnology, 20,
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⋄ Comparative Study of the Role of the Nucleation Stage on the Final Crystalline Quality of (111) and (100) silicon carbide films deposited on silicon substrates
M. Portail, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, S. Roy, M. Nemoz
J. Appl. Phys., 105,
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⋄ Observation of Asymetric Wafer Bending for 3C-SiC Thin Films Grown on Misoriented Silicon Substrates
M. Zielinski, M. Portail, T. Chassagne, S. Kret, M. Nemoz, Y. Cordier
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1069,
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⋄ Residual strain in nonpolar a-plane Zn(1−x)MgxO (0< x <0.55) and its effect on the band structure of (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO quantum wells
J.M. Chauveau, J. Vives, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, M. Laügt, M. Teisseire, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and B. Vinter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 93,
231911, (2008)
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⋄ Growth and Characterization of Non-Polar (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO Quantum Wells and Multiple Quantum Wells
J.M. Chauveau, B. Vinter, M. Laugt, M. Teisseire, P. Vennéguès, C. Deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez and C. Morhain
J. Kor. Phys. Soc., 53(5),
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⋄ Demonstration of AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Si(110)
Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, and F. Semond
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 29,
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⋄ Interface structure and anisotropic strain relaxation of non polar wurtzite (11-20) and (10-10) orientations: ZnO epilayers grown on sapphire
J.M. Chauveau, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt, C. Deparis, J. Zúñiga-Pérez and C. Morhain
J. Appl. Phys., 104,
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors grown on 3C-SiC/Si(111)
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne
J. Cryst. Growth, 310,
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⋄ AlInN optical confinement layers for edge emitting group III-nitride laser structures
H.P.D. Schenk, M. Nemoz, M. Korytov, P. Vennéguès, P. Demolon, A.D. Dräger, A. Hangleiter, R. Charash, P.P. Maaskant, B. Corbett, and J.Y. Duboz
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), S2,
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⋄ Optical and structural properties of Al1-xInxN epilayers grown in three different MOVPE reactors
R.W. Martin, E. Alves, N. Franco, C.J. Humphreys, M.J. Kappers, M. Korytov, M. Leroux, K. Lorenz, S. Magalhães, K.P. O’Donnell, R.A. Oliver, T.C. Sadler, H.P.D. Schenk, L.T. Tan, P. Vennéguès, K. Wang, and I.M. Watson
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, ,
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⋄ Realization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on 3C-SiC/Si(111) substrates
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski, and T. Chassagne
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 5, No. 6,
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⋄ High temperature behaviour of GaN HEMT devices on Si(111) and sapphire substrates
R. Cuerdo, F. Calle, A. F. Braña, Y. Cordier, M. Azize, N. Baron, S. Chenot, and E. Muñoz
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⋄ Investigation of the optical properties of epitaxial-lateral-overgrown GaN on R- and M-sapphire
T. Gühne, Z. Bougrioua, M. Albrecht, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, M. Laügt, S. Ndiaye,
M. Teisseire, L. Nguyen, and P. Gibart
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 955,
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⋄ Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of epitaxial-lateral-overgrown nonpolar (11-20) andsemipolar (11-22) GaN in relation to microstructural characterization
T. Gühne, M. Albrecht, Z. Bougrioua, P. Vennéguès, and M. Leroux
J. Appl. Phys., 101,
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⋄ Demonstration of semipolar (11-22) InGaN/GaN blue-green light emitting diode
T. Gühne, P. DeMierry, M. Nemoz, E. Beraudo, S. Chenot, and G. Nataf
Electron. Lett., 44,
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⋄ Band-edge Photoluminescence and Reflectivity of nonpolar (11-20) and semipolar (11-22)GaN formed by Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth on sapphire
T. Gühne, Z. Bougrioua, S. Laügt, M. Nemoz, P. Vennéguès, B. Vinter, and M. Leroux
Phys. Rev. B, 77,
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⋄ Indium incorporation dynamics into AlInN ternary alloys for laser structures lattice-matched to GaN
H.P.D. Schenk, M. Nemoz, M. Korytov, P. Vennéguès, A.D. Dräger, and A. Hangleiter
Appl. Phys. Lett., 93,
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⋄ Growth and optical and structural characterizations of GaN on freestanding GaN substrates with an (Al,In)N insertion layer
K. Bejtka, R.W. Martin, I.M. Watson, S. Ndiaye, M. Leroux
Appl. Phys. Lett., 89,
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⋄ Fabrication and characterization of ultrathin double dielectric mirror GaN microcavities
K. Bejtka, P.R. Edwards, R.W. Martin, F. Reveret, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, I.R. Sellers, M. Leroux, and F. Semond
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 8,
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⋄ Structural and morphological characterization of 3C-SiC films grown on (111), (211) and (100) silicon substrates
M. Portail, M. Nemoz, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne
Mat. Sci. For., 600-603,
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⋄ Polariton thermalization in GaN microcavities in the strong light-matter coupling regime
F. Stokker-Cheregi, M. Zamfirescu, A. Vinattieri, M. Gurioli, I. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, and J. Massies
Superlattice Microst, 41,
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⋄ Polariton emission in GaN microcavities
M. Gurioli, M. Zamfirescu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, A. Vinattieri, I.R. Sellers, F.Semond, M. Leroux, and J. Massies
Superlattice Microst, 41,
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⋄ Polariton relaxation bottleneck and its thermal suppression in bulk GaN microcavities
F. Stokker-Cheregi, A. Vinattieri, F. Semond, M. Leroux, I.R. Sellers, J. Massies, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, M. Colocci, M. Gurioli
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,
042119, (2008)
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⋄ Subsurface Fe doped semi-insulating GaN templates for inhibition of regrowth interface pollution in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
Y. Cordier, M. Azize, N. Baron, Z. Bougrioua, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, J. Massies, and P. Gibart
J. Cryst. Growth, 310,
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⋄ Blue-light emission from GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dots
T. Huault, J. Brault, F. Natali, B. Damilano, D. Lefebvre, L. Nguyen, M. Leroux, and J. Massies
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,
051911, (2008)
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⋄ Non-polar a-plane ZnMgO/ZnO quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
J.M. Chauveau, M. Laügt, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire, B. Lo, C. Deparis, C. Morhain, and B. Vinter
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 23 (3),
035005, (2008)
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⋄ Investigation of AlGaN/AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Magnetic Sensor Application from liquid helium temperature to 300°C
L. Bouguen, S. Contreras, B. Jouault, L. Konczewicz, J. Camassel, Y. Cordier, M. Azize, S. Chenot, N. Baron
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs regrown by MBE on epi-ready semi-insulating GaN-on-sapphire with inhibited interface contamination
Y. Cordier, M. Azize, N. Baron, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 309,
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⋄ Anisotropic morphology of nonpolar a-plane quantum dots and quantum wells
S. Founta, C. Bougerol, H. Mariette, B. Daudin and P. Vennéguès
J. Appl. Phys., 102,
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⋄ Optical determination of the effective wetting layer thickness and composition in InAs/Ga(In)As quantum dots
M. Hugues, M. Teisseire, J.M. Chauveau, B. Vinter, B. Damilano, J.Y. Duboz, and J. Massies
Phys. Rev. B, 76 (7),
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⋄ Polariton emission and reflectivity in GaN microcavities as a function of angle and temperature
I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies, M. Zamfirescu, F. Stokker-Cheregi, M. Gurioli, A. Vinattieri, M. Colocci, A. Tahraoui, and A.A. Khalifa
Phys. Rev. B, 74,
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⋄ High indium content AlInGaN films: growth, structure and optoelectronic properties
M. Nemoz, E. Beraudo, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, L. Hirsch
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 4, No. 1,
137-140, (2007)
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⋄ Sensitivity of synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction to the chemical ordering in epitaxial perovskite multilayers
M. Nemoz, E. Dooryhee, J.L. Hodeau, C. Dubourdieu, H. Roussel, P. Bayle-Guillemaud
J. Appl. Phys., 100,
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⋄ Realization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si-on-polySiC substrates
Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, S. Joblot, F. Semond, J. Massies, L. Di Cioccio and H. Moriceau
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 4, n°7,
2670-2673, (2007)
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⋄ Growth of non-polar ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum well structures on R-sapphire by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
J.M. Chauveau, D.A. Buell, M. Laugt, P. Vennéguès, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, S. Berard-Bergery, C. Deparis, B. Lo, B. Vinter, and C. Morhain
J. Cryst. Growth, 301-302,
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⋄ Growth and characterization of A-plane ZnO and ZnCoO based heterostructures
J.M. Chauveau, C. Morhain, B. Lo, B. Vinter, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt, M. Tesseire-Doninelli, and G. Neu
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 88 (1),
65-9, (2007)
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⋄ X-ray and transmission electron microscopy characterization of twinned CdO thin films grown on a-plane sapphire by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
C. Martínez-Tomás, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau and V. Muñoz -Sanjosé
Appl. Phys. A, 88,
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on (001) silicon substrates
S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, P. Lorenzini, S. Chenot and J. Massies
Electron. Lett., 42,
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⋄ Developments for the production of high quality and high uniformity AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by Ammonia MBE
Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J. Massies, M. Leroux, P. Lorenzini, C. Chaix
J. Cryst. Growth, 301-302,
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on silicon (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, P. Lorenzini and J. Massies
Superlattice Microst, 40,
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⋄ Alumina-rich spinel: A new substrate for the growth of high quality GaN-based light-emitting diodes
F. Tinjod, P. de Mierry, D. Lancefield, Z. Bougrioua, S. Laugt, O. Tottereau, P. Lorenzini, S. Chenot, E. Virey, M.R. Kokta, J.L. Stone-Sundberg, D. Pauwels
J. Cryst. Growth, 285(4),
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⋄ Comparison of high quality GaN-based light-emitting diodes grown on alumina-rich spinel and sapphire substrates
F. Tinjod, P. de Mierry, D. Lancefield, S. Chenot, E. Virey, J.L. Stone-Sundberg, M.R. Kokta, D. Pauwels
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), (6),
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⋄ Reduction of stacking faults in (11-20) and (11-22) GaN films by ELO techniques and benefit on GaN wells emission
Z. Bougrioua, M. Laügt, P. Vennéguès, I. Cestier, T. Gühne, E. Frayssinet, P. Gibart, and M. Leroux
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 204, n°1,
282-289, (2007)
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⋄ investigation of AlN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on vicinal Si(111) as templates for GaN quantum dots
M. Benaissa, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, L. Nguyen and F. Semond
Appl. Phys. Lett., 89,
231903, (2006)
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⋄ Modelling of the Anomalous Field-Effect Mobility Peak of O-Ta2Si/4H-SiC High-k MOSFTES Measured in Strong Inversion
A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Vellvehi, N. Mestres, J. Millan, P. Vennéguès and J. Stoemenos
Mat. Sci. For., 527-529,
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⋄ Characterization of high-k Ta/sub 2/Si oxidized films on 4H-SiC and Si substrates as gate insulator
A. Pérez-Tomas, P. Godignon, J. Montserrat, J. Millan, N. Mestres, P. Vennéguès and J. Stoemenos
J. Electrochem. Soc., 152(4),
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⋄ Investigation of growth mechanisms of GaN quantum dots on (0001) AlN surface by ammonia MBE
V.G. Mansurov, Yu. G. Galitsyn, A. Yu. Nikitin, K.S. Zhuralev, P. Vennéguès
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 3, No.6,
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⋄ Strong light-matter coupling in GaN microcavities grown on silicon (111) at room temperature
I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies, A.L. Henneghien, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie and A. Vasson
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 243(7),
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⋄ Strong coupling of light with A and B excitons in GaN microcavities grown on silicon
I.R. Sellers, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies, P. Disseix, A.L. Henneghien, J. Leymarie and A. Vasson
Phys. Rev. B, 73,
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⋄ Growth by molecular beam epitaxy of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors on Si-on-polySiC
Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, S. Joblot, F. Semond, J. Massies, L. Di Cioccio, H. Moriceau
Superlattice Microst, (40),
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⋄ Quality and uniformity assessment of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wells and HEMT heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy with ammonia source
Y. Cordier, F. Pruvost, F. Semond, J. Massies, M. Leroux, P. Lorenzini, C. Chaix
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 3, N°6,
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⋄ Internal electric field in wurtzite ZnO/Zn0.78Mg0.22O quantum wells
C. Morhain, T. Bretagnon, P. Lefebvre, X. Tang, P. Valvin, T. Guillet, B. Gil, T. Taliercio, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, B. Vinter, and C. Deparis
Phys. Rev. B, 72 (24),
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⋄ Growth of GaN/AlxGa1-xN-based Bragg reflectors on sapphire and bulk GaN substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition: Towards group III-nitride microcavities
H.P.D. Schenk, R. Czernecki, K. Krowicki, G. Targowski, P. Wisniewski, S. Grzanka, M. Krysko, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, P. Perlin, M. Leszczynski, and T. Suski
Proc. 9th Ann. Nanophys. Nanoel. Symp., ,
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⋄ Nucleation Control in FLASIC Assisted Short Time Liquid Phase Epitaxy by Melt Modification
J. Pezoldt, E. Polychroniadis, Th. Stauden, G. Ecke, T. Chassagne, P. Vennéguès, A. Leycuras
Mat. Sci. For., 483-485,
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⋄ Origin of Below Band-Gap Photoluminescence from GaN Quantum Dots in AlN Matrix
K.S. Zhuravlev, D.D. Ree, V.G. Mansurov, A. Yu. Nikitin, M. Teisseire, N. Grandjean, G. Neu, and P. Tronc
AIP Conference Proceedings, 772,
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⋄ Inhomogeneous broadening of AlGaN/GaN quantum wells
F. Natali, D. Byrne, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, F. Semond, A. Le Louarn, S. Vézian, N. Grandjean, and J. Massies
Phys. Rev. B, 71,
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⋄ Strong light-matter coupling at room temperature in simple geometry GaN microcavities grown on silicon
F. Semond, I.R. Sellers, F. Natali, D. Byrne, M. Leroux, J. Massies, N. Ollier, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix Et A. Vasson
Appl. Phys. Lett., 87,
021102, (2005)
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⋄ Structural and Electronic Properties of ZnMgO/ZnO Quantum Wells
C. Morhain, X. Tang, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, B. Lo, M. Laügt, J.M. Chauveau, B. Vinter, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, C. Deparis, and G. Neu
Superlattice Microst, 38,
455-463, (2005)
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⋄ Growth of wurtzite-GaN on silicon (100) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy
S. Joblot, F. Semond, F. Natali, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt, Y. Cordier and J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 2, No. 7,
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⋄ Submicron periodic poling and chemical patterning of GaN
S. Pezzagna, P. Vennéguès, N. Grandjean, A. D. Wieck, and J. Massies
Appl. Phys. Lett., 87,
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⋄ Hexagonal c-axis GaN layers grown by metallorganic vapor-phase epitaxy on Si (0 0 1)
S. Joblot, E. Feltin, E. Beraudo, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, F. Omnès, M. Laügt, Y. Cordier
J. Cryst. Growth, 280,
44-53, (2005)
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⋄ Ductile relaxation in cracked metal-organis chemical-vapor-deposition-grown AlGaN films on GaN
J.M. Bethoux and P. Vennéguès
J. Appl. Phys., 97,
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⋄ 1.1 eV (Ga,In)(N,As) solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy : properties and effects of annealing
M. Al Khalfioui, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, J. Barjon, S.W. Wan, J.Y. Duboz, J. Massies
Proc. ESPC, 151(5),
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⋄ AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DH-HEMTs grown by MBE on Si(111)
Y. Cordier, F. Semond, M. Hugues, F. Natali, P. Lorenzini, H. Haas, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 278/1-4,
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⋄ Advances in the realisation of GaN-based microcavities: Towards strong coupling at room temperature
F. Semond, D. Byrne, F. Natali, M. Leroux, J. Massies, N. Antoine-Vincent, A. Vasson, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 798,
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⋄ Near band edge emission of MBE grown ZnO epilayers: identification of donor impurities And O2 annealing effects
C. Morhain, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, S. Vézian, C. Deparis, P. Lorenzini, F. Raymond, J. Guion, G. Neu
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 241 (3),
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⋄ Optical properties of high-Al-content crack free AlxGa1-x N (x up to 0.67) grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy
F. Natali, D. Byrne, M. Leroux, F. Semond and J. Massies
Sol. Stat. Comm., 132,
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⋄ Ta2Si Thermal Oxidation : A Simple Route to a High-k Gate Dielectric on 4H-SiC
A. Pérez-Tomas, P. Godignon, J. Montserrat, J. Millian, N. Mestres, P. Vennéguès and J. Stoemenos
Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 7,
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⋄ (Ga,In)(N,As)-based solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
B. Damilano, J. Barjon, S.W. Wan, J.Y. Duboz, M. Leroux, M. Laügt and J. Massies
IEE Proc.-Optoelectron., 151, No. 5,
433-436, (2004)
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⋄ Polarity inversion of GaN(0001) by a high Mg doping
S. Pezzagna, P. Vennéguès, N. Grandjean, and J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 269,
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⋄ Plastic relaxation through buried cracks in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
J.M. Bethoux, P. Vennéguès, M. Laügt and P. De Mierry
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 257,
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⋄ Failure analysis of a cascade laser structure by electrostatic force microscopy
M. Azize, P. Girard, M. Teisseire, A. Baranov and A. Joullie
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⋄ Realization of wave-guiding epitaxial GaN layers grown on silicon by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
H.P.D. Schenk, E. Feltin, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, and E. Doghèche
Appl. Phys. Lett., 83,
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⋄ Correlation between threading dislocation density and the refractive index of AlN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(111)
F. Natali, F. Semond, J. Massies, D. Byrne, S. Laügt, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, E. Doghèche, E. Dumont
Appl. Phys. Lett., 82(9),
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⋄ Residual donors in wurtzite GaN homoepitaxial layers and heterostructures
G. Neu, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, C. Morhain, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, B. Beaumont, E. Frayssinet, W. Knap, A. M. Witowski, M. L. Sadowski, M. Leszczynski, P. Prystawko
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 235,
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⋄ Growth of high quality crack-free AlGaN films on GaN templates using plastic relaxation through buried cracks
J.M. Bethoux, P. Vennéguès, F. Natali, E. Feltin, O. Tottereau, G. Nataf, P. De Mierry, and F. Semond
J. Appl. Phys., 94,
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⋄ Three-dimensionally nucleated growth of gallium nitride by low-pressure metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
H.P.D. Schenk, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, T. Riemann, and J. Christen
J. Cryst. Growth, 258,
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⋄ Engineering of an Insulating Buffer and Use of AlN interlayers: two optimisations for AlGaN-GaN HEMT-like structures
Z. Bougrioua, I. Moerman, L. Nistor, B. Van Daele, E. Monroy, E.T. Palacios, F. Calle, M. Leroux
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 195, No. 1,
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⋄ Observation of Rabi splitting in a bulk GaN microcavity grown on silicon
N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, D. Byrne, A. Vasson, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies
Phys. Rev. B, 68(15),
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⋄ AlN/AlGaN Bragg-reflectors for UV spectral range grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111)
F. Natali, N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Semond,-F.; D. Byrne, L. Hirsch, A.S. Barriere, M. Leroux, J. Massies, J. Leymarie
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 41(10B),
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⋄ Vertical cavity InGaN LEDs grown by MOVPE
P. De Mierry, J.M. Bethoux, H.P.D. Schenk, M. Vaille, E. Feltin, B. Beaumont, M. Leroux, S. Dalmasso, and P. Gibart
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 192,
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⋄ In situ growth monitoring of distributed GaN-AlGaN Bragg reflectors by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
H.P.D. Schenk, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Laügt, E. Feltin, M. Vaille, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, S. Fernández, and F. Calle
Appl. Phys. Lett., 80,
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⋄ Donor spectroscopy in wurtzite GaN heterostructures
G. Neu, M. Teisseire-Doninelli, C. Morhain
Proc. of the 26th ICPS, Inst. Phys. Conf. Series, 171,
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⋄ Evidence for alloy formation in dilute GaAs:N compounds
E. Tournié, G. Neu, M. Teisseire, M.A. Pinault, M. Laügt
Proc. of the 26th ICPS, Inst. Phys. Conf. Series, 171,
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⋄ Photoluminescence of GaN microcrystallites prepared by a new solvothermal process
C. Collado, G. Goglio, G. Demazeau, A.S. Barriere, L. Hirsch, M. Leroux
Mat. Res. Bull., 37,
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⋄ Silicon effect on GaN surface morphology
Z. Benzarti, I. Halidou, O. Tottereau, T. Boufaden, B. El Jani
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⋄ Modelling and spectroscopy of GaN microcavities
N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, P. Disseix, M. Mihailovic, A. Vasson, J. Leymarie, F. Semond, M. Leroux, J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 190,
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⋄ Atomic force microscopy study of the polymer growth in a polymer stabilized liquid crystal
H. Guillard, P. Sixou, O. Tottereau
Polym. Adv. Technol., 13,
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⋄ Self compensation of the phosphorus acceptor in ZnSe
D. Seghier, H. Gislasson, C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, E. Tournié, G. Neu, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229,
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⋄ Injection dependence of the electroluminescence spectra of phosphor-free GaN-based white light emitting diodes
S.Dalmasso, B.Damilano, C.Pernot, A.Dussaigne, D.Byrne, N.Grandjean, M.Leroux, J.Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 192(1),
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⋄ Indium incorporation above 800°C during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of InGaN
H.P.D. Schenk, P. de Mierry, M. Laügt, F. Omnès, M. Leroux, B. Beaumont, and P. Gibart
Appl. Phys. Lett., 75,
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⋄ Full Si wafer conversion into bulk 3C-SiC
A. Leycuras, O. Tottereau, P. Vicente, L. Falkovsky, P. Girard, J. Camassel
Mat. Sci. For., 389-393,
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⋄ Spectroscopy of excitons, bound excitons and impurities in h-ZnO epilayers
C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, S. Vézian, F. Vigué, F. Raymond, P. Lorenzini, J. Guion, G. Neu, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229,
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⋄ 2D versus 3D growth mode in ZnO layers grown by plasma-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy on (0001) sapphire
F. Vigué, C. Deparis, P. Vennéguès, S. Vézian, M. Laügt, P. Lorenzini, C. Morhain, F. Raymond, J. Guion, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229,
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⋄ MBE-grown high-quality (Al,Ga)N/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors for resonant cavity LEDs
S. Fernandez, F.B. Naranjo, F. Calle, M.A. Sanchez-Garcia, E. Calleja, P. Vennéguès, A. Trampert, K.H. Ploog
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 16,
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⋄ Potentialities of GaN-based microcanivities grown on silicon substrates
N. Antoine-Vincent, F. Natali, F. Semond, M. Leroux, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 188,
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⋄ Investigation of the P-As substitution at GaAs/GaInP interfaces by photoluminescence under pressure
A. Aurand, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, M. Mesrine, J. Massies, M. Leroux
Phys. Rev. B, 89,
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⋄ High quality distributed Bragg refelctors based on AlxGa1-xN/GaN multilayers grown by MBE
S. Fernandez, F.B. Naranjo, F. Calle, M.A. Sanchez-Garcia, E. Calleja, P. Vennéguès, A. Trampert, K.H. Ploog
Appl. Phys. Lett., 79,
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⋄ Modeling of absorption and emission spectra of InGaN layers grown by MBE
L. Siozade, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix, A. Vasson, M. Milhailovic, N. Grandjean, M. Leroux, J. Massies
Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 82,
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⋄ Growth modes and microstructures of ZnO layers deposited by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy on (0001) sapphire
F. Vigué, P. Vennéguès, C. Deparis, S. Vézian, M. Laügt, J.P. Faurie
J. Appl. Phys., 90,
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⋄ Selective photoluminescence spectroscopy of shallow levels in wide band gap semiconductors
G. Neu, M. Teisseire, P. Lemasson, H. Lahrèche, N. Grandjean, F. Semond, B. Beaumont, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, R. Triboulet
Physica B, 302-303,
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⋄ Green InGaN light-emitting diodes grown on silicon (111) by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
E. Feltin, S. Dalmasso, P. De Mierry, B. Beaumont, H. Lahrèche, A. Bouille, P. Gibart
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 40,
L738, (2001)
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⋄ Study of (Al,Ga)N Bragg-mirrors grown on Al2O3(0001) and Si(111) by MOVPE
H.P.D. Schenk, E. Feltin, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Laügt, M. Vaille, B. Beaumont, P. De Mierry, P. Gibart, S. Fernandez, and F. Calle
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 188,
899, (2001)
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⋄ Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of GaN on Silicon (111)
E. Feltin, B. Beaumont, P. Vennéguès, T. Riemann, J. Christen, J.P. Faurie, P. Gibart
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 188,
733, (2001)
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⋄ Crack-free thick GaN layers on silicon(111) by MOVPE
E. Feltin, B. Beaumont, M. Laügt, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, M. Leroux, P. Gibart
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 188,
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⋄ Epitaxial Lateral overgrowth of GaN
B. Beaumont, P. Vennéguès, P. Gibart
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 227,
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⋄ Stress control in GaN grown on silicon(111) by MOPVE
E. Feltin, B. Beaumont, M. Laügt, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, H. Lahrèche, M. Leroux, P. Gibart
Appl. Phys. Lett., 79,
3220, (2001)
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⋄ Defect characterization in ZnO layers grown by plasma-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy on (0001) sapphire substrates
F. Vigué, P. Vennéguès, S. Vézian, M. Laügt, J.P. Faurie
Appl. Phys. Lett., 79,
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⋄ Optoelectronic characterization of blue InGaN/GaN LEDs grown by MBE
S. Dalmasso, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, M. Leroux, J.L. Reverchon, J.Y. Duboz
Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 82,
256, (2001)
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⋄ Photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy of silicon-doped InGaN layers
H.P.D. Schenk, M. Leroux, P. De Mierry, M. Laügt, F. Omnès, and P. Gibart
Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 82,
163, (2001)
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⋄ Growth by molecular beam epitaxy and optical properties of a ten-period AlGaN/AlG distributed Bragg reflector on Si(111)
F. Semond, N. Antoine-Vincent, N. Schnell, G. Malpuech, M. Leroux, J. Massies, P. Disseix, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 183,
163, (2001)
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⋄ Modelling of thermally detected optical absorption and luminescence of (In,Ga)N/GaN heterostructures
L. Siozade, J. Leymarie, P. Disseix, A. Vasson, M. Mihailovic, N. Grandjean, M. Leroux, J. Massies
Sol. Stat. Comm., 115,
575, (2000)
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⋄ Optmisation of AlN and GaN growth by metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on Si(111)
H. Lahrèche, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Laügt, P. Lorenzini, M. Leroux, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart
J. Cryst. Growth, 217,
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⋄ GaN-AlGaN heterojunction field-effect-transistors over bulk GaN substrates
M.Asif Khan, J.W. Yang, W. Knap, E. Frayssinet, P. Prystawko, M. Leszczynski, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, G. Gaska, M.S. Shur, B. Beaumont, M. Teisseire, G. Neu
Appl. Phys. Lett., 76,
3807, (2000)
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⋄ Scale effects on exciton localization and nonradiative processes in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells
M. Gallart, A. Morel, T. Talierco, P. Lefebvre, B. Gil, J. Allègre, H. Mathieu, N. Grandjean, M. Leroux, J. Massies
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 180,
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⋄ Time-resolved spectroscopy of MBE-grown nitride based heterostructures
M. Gallart, T. Talierco, P. Lefebvre, B. Gil, J. Allègre, H. Mathieu, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, M. Leroux, P. Bigenwald
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 178,
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⋄ Temperature dependence of optical properties of h-GaN films studied by reflectivity and ellipsometry
L. Siozade, S. Colard, M. Milhzilovic, J. Leymarie, A. Vasson, N. Grandjean, M. Leroux, J. Massies,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 39,
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⋄ Photoluminescence of GaAs grown by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy in space ultra-vacuum
A. Freundlich, C. Horton, M.F. Vilela, M. Sterling, A. Ignatiev, G. Neu, M. Teisseire
J. Cryst. Growth, 209,
435, (2000)
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⋄ Neutral donor bound excitons studied by selective photoluminescence in wurtzite GaN
G. Neu, M. Teisseire, N. Grandjean, H. Lahrèche, B. Beaumont, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, P. Tronc
Proc. Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, ,
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⋄ MBE grown InGaN quantum dots and quantum wells : effects of in-plane localization
S. Dalmasso, B. Damilano, N. Grandjean, J. Massies, M. Leroux, J.L. Reverchon, J.Y. Duboz
Thin Solid Films, 380,
195, (2000)
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⋄ Spectroscopy of the interaction between nitrogen and hydrogen in ZnSe epitaxial layers
E. Tournié, G. Neu, M. Teisseire, J.P. Faurie, H. Pelletier, B. Theys
Phys. Rev. B, 62(19),
12868, (2000)
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⋄ Luminescence and absorption in InGaN epitaxial layers and the Van Roosbroeck-Shockley relation
H.P.D. Schenk, M. Leroux, and P. De Mierry
J. Appl. Phys., 88,
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⋄ Optical properties of GaN epilayers and GaN/AlGaN quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaN(0001) single crystal substrate
N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, J. Massies, G. Neu, M. Teisseire, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, M. Gallart, P. Lefebvre, B. Gil, M. Albrecht
J. Appl. Phys., 88,
183, (2000)
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⋄ High quality GaN on Si(111) using (AlN/GaN)x superlattice and maskless ELO
H. Lahrèche, V. Bousquet, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart
Diamond and Related Materials, 9,
452, (2000)
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⋄ Long-wavelength GaInNAs/GaAs quantum-well heterostructures grown by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy
E. Tournié, M.A. Pinault, S. Vézian, J. Massies, O. Tottereau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 77,
2189, (2000)
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⋄ Electron energy-loss spectroscopy characterization of pyramidal defects in metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy Mg-doped GaN thin films
M. Benaïssa, P. Vennéguès, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, W. Saikaly, A. Charai
Appl. Phys. Lett., 77,
2115, (2000)
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⋄ Far-infrared and selective photoluminescence studies of shallow donors in GaN hetero- and homo-epitayers
G. Neu, M. Teisseire, E. Frayssinet, W. Knap, M.L. Sadowski, A.M. Witowski, K. Pakula, M. Leszczynski, P. Prystawko
Appl. Phys. Lett., 77,
1348, (2000)
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⋄ Spectroscopy of the phosphorus impurity in ZnSe epitaxial layers grown by molecular- beam epitaxy
G. Neu, E. Tournié, C. Morhain, M. Teisseire, J.P. Faurie
Phys. Rev. B, 61,
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⋄ In situ imaging of threading dislocation terminations at the surface of GaN(0001) epitaxially grown on Si(111)
S. Vézian, J Massies, F. Semond, N. Grandjean, P. Vennéguès
Phys. Rev. B, 61,
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⋄ Improved radiative efficiency using self-formed GaInN/GaN quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy
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⋄ Molecular beam epitaxy of ZnBeSe : influence of the substrate nature and epilayer properties
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⋄ Hydrogen/deuterium : a probe to investigate carrier-compensation in ZnSe:N
E. Tournié, H. Pelletier, G. Neu, B. Theys, A. Lusson, M. Teisseire, C. Chauvet, J.P. Faurie
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⋄ Enhanced luminescence efficiency due to exciton localization in self-assembled InGaN/GaN quantum dots
N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, J. Massies S. Dalmasso
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⋄ Buffer free direct growth of GaN on 6H-SiC by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
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