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The "2D ferroelectrics and their perspectives for neural networks" conference
will take place at CRHEA in Valbonne from September 16 to 18, 2024. Learn
Superlattice Quantum Solid of Dipolar Excitons
In the dipolar occupation blockade regime the occupation of lattice sites
can not exceed unity. Beyond this average filling here we show... Read
A wide field of view 3D imaging system for robotics and automobile (02/2023)
A CRHEA team offers LiDAR technology - a device 3D imaging - which meets
the requirements of the automotive industry... Find
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Christina Kyrou and Patrice Genevet in the spotlight at the evening of the winners of the Université Côte d'Azur's awards of excellence
Christina Kyrou and Patrice Genevet were congratulated for the influence
they bring to the Université Côte d'Azur during the evening of the winners
of the 2022 excellence awards.Learn
CRHEA organises "Quantum emitters in 2D" in Valbonne (10/10/2022)
The "Quantum emitters in 2D" conference will take place at CRHEA in
Valbonne from January 9 to 11, 2023. Read
Patrice Genevet, winner of the Fabry - de Gramont 2021 prize awarded
by the Société Française d'Optique (07/2022)
Patrice Genevet is rewarded for his innovative work on optical metasurfaces.
40 years of CRHEA (06/2022)
Established in the park of Sophia Antipolis since 1982, the CRHEA is
celebrating its 40th anniversary. Read
CRHEA organises J2N 2022 conference at Nice (09/2022)
The National Days of Semiconductor Nanowires will take place from September
28 to 30, 2022 at the Saint Paul Hotel in Nice. Read
Inauguration of the ACT-M transmission electron microscope (04/2022)
CRHEA has acquired, as part of the ACT-M consortium, a latest-generation
scanning transmission electron microscope. Read
CRHEA in the GaN4AP european project (12/2021)
This project aims to achieve efficient energy conversion systems allowing
a reduction in CO2 emissions. Read
CRHEA at Villages des Sciences (10/2021)
The CRHEA hosted a stand presenting its main activities at the Antibes
Juan-les-Pins Convention Center on October 15 and 16, 2021. Read