CRHEA hosts many companies and startups in its premises. These companies benefit from the scientific environment, the hall white, technical installations and characterization tools laboratory materials.
NOVASiC (based at Le Bourget du Lac, 73)
is a world leader in the polishing of materials, in particular silicon
carbide (SiC). In order to extend
its skills and its activity on Silicon Carbide, NOVASiC has since
2001 on the CRHEA site a Novasic-CRHEA joint activity in the field
of growth reactors and epitaxy.
See Novasic
EasyGaN is a spin-off that was created in
2017 by CRHEA researchers in collaboration with former students.
Easy-Gan has built on the know-how
developed at CRHEA on the growth by molecular beam epitaxy of GaN
on Si. EasyGan relies on patented processes. Its main objectives
are to open the market for GaN technologies on silicon and to provide
MOCVD compatible solutions by providing epiready templates for optoelectronic,
electronic and other applications. EasyGaN is supported by the public
investment bank.
See EasyGaN