Lumilog is a startup created in December 2001 at the initiative of 3 CRHEA researchers and in partnership with the CNRS to valorize the results obtained in the laboratory on the growth of GaN. Lumilog manufactures and markets templates and substrates that are self-supporting with GaN.
The company received the Yves Roccard prize at the Paris Physics Exhibition in 2003.
Lumilog was bought in 2008 by Saint Gobain.
EasyGaN is a spin-off that was created in 2017 by CRHEA researchers in collaboration with former students. Easy-Gan has built on the know-how developed at CRHEA on the growth by molecular beam epitaxy of GaN on Si. EasyGan relies on patented processes. Its main objectives are:
- open the market of GaN technologies on silicon
- provide MOCVD compatible solutions by providing epiready templates for optoelectronic, electronic and other applications
EasyGaN is supported by the public investment bank.