The clean room is a room with controlled atmosphere (temperature, humidity and dust), in slight overpressure relative to the outside (the class is the number of particles one micron or less per cubic foot).
- Oxford System RIE-ECR 100 high density plasma ion etching frame
- Frame Alliance Comcept EVA 450 deposition by electron gun
- RIBER Joule Evaporation Deposition Frame
- RCM sputter deposition frame
- Class 100 laminar flow hoods (Chemical treatment)
- SPS POLOS SPIN150i Spinner (Sample cleaning)
- Class 100 laminar flow hoods (Solvent - Cleaning)
- Class 100 laminar flow hoods with Karl Süss RC8 Gyrset and SUSS tourniquet SsR Labspin6 (Spreading resin)
- CORIAL ICP-RIE 210IL frame for high density plasma etching
- Memmert UN30Plus drying oven
- Karl Süss MJB3 Mask Aligner (Class 100 underblower)
- Reichert Polyvar microscope (ceiling fan class 100)
- SUSS Microtec MA6 (UV4) mask louver (under ceiling fan class 100)
- Surface profilometer Veeco Dektak 8
- Fast annealing oven Jipelec Jetfirst 100
- Metalizer
- Zeiss Supra 40 electronic lithography system equipped with a Raith Elphy system
- MEB JEOL 7000F (EDX, Cathodoluminescence)
- FTIR (outside clean room)