
CRHEA in the GaN4AP european project (12/2021)

Logo GaN4AP

The GaN4AP project has the ambitious target of making GaN-based electronics one of the main components in a large spectrum of power converter systems, with the possibility of drastically cutting energy losses in power electronic systems, while ensuring high-frequency and higher power density operation. Thank to this joint effort a large variety of applications will benefit from a boost in performance, without sacrificing the system size and cost.


CRHEA carries out its second carbon assessment based on Labo1.5 (11/2021)

Labo1.5 logo

This year, CRHEA carried out its first carbon assessments for the years 2019 and 2020 by adhering to the assessment tool of the Labo1.5 collective. This approach aims to better understand and reduce the impact of scientific research activities on the environment. Thanks to the reduction in travel caused by the health situation, CRHEA's overall carbon impact fell by 20% in 2020 compared to 2019.

Read more about Labo1.5...

CRHEA at Village des Sciences (10/2021)

Picture of CRHEA stand

CRHEA hosted a stand presenting its main activities within the framework of the Village des Sciences at the Palais des Congrès in Antibes Juan-les-Pins on October 15 and 16, 2021. A dynamic team from the laboratory animated these days by offering fun experiences, demonstrations accessible to as many people as possible, an escape game which was a great success, a talk and an exhibition on the impacts of digital technology on the environment.

Read more about this event... [fr]

A new mechanism for manipulating light in ultra-thin materials (10/2021)

Mmnipulating light in ultra-thin materials

The FLATLIGHT team proposes a new light modulation mechanism. It consists of controlling the phase of the light by an optical system operating at proximity of topological singularities. This new phase modulation is used to design next-generation optical metasurfaces for imaging and holography.

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Leveraging on topological singuarities to adjust the phase of a light beam (09/2021)

Light Modulation

FLATLIGHT team proposes a new light modulation mechanism. It consists in controlling the phase of the light reflected by an optical system operating near its topological singularities. Their new phase modulation technique is used to design next-generation optical metasurfaces for imaging and holography.


STEM: A new transmission microscope arrives (07/2021)

Begining ot the installation

After many years of waiting ... The new latest generation STEM Thermo Fishers Spectra 200 arrived ! Its installation began on July 5, 2021 ...
Follow the progress of its installation live on the premises of IMRA!

« Transmogrifying » mirrors created with nanoscale patterning (04/2021)

Transmogrifying mirrors

The Flatlight team of CRHEA constructed arrays of tiny rectangular blocks that can turn ordinary materials into metasurfaces and allowing to precisely control how light interacts with the object.


MT180 : An award-winning CRHEA student (03/2021)

Max Meunier montre son prix

Côte d´Azur University organized on Wednesday March 17 the 8th local edition of the national competition "My thesis in 180 seconds" live from the Maison de l'Etudiant. Max Meunier, currently doing a thesis at CRHEA, is one of the two first prizes of the jury and will represent Université Côte d'Azur in the semi-final on April 1st.


See the video... (fr)

New method for adjusting the polarization properties of fields diffracted by a metasurface over a very wide spectral band (02/2021)

Non dispersive metasurface

CNRS-CRHEA researchers led by Patrice Genevet have developed a non-dispersive holographic metasurface. Their device is capable of converting a beam of linearly polarized light into a holographic image having arbitrary output polarization over unlimited bandwidth.

Read more... (en)