Nom : Samira Khadir
Statut : Maître de conférences
Grade : MC
Équipe(s) : Métasurfaces
☎ : +33 4 93 95 7810
Publications (11)
⋄ Uniform Huygens metasurfaces with postfabrication phase pattern recording functionality
E Mikheeva, R Colom, P. Genevet, F Bedu, I Ozerov, S Khadir, G Baffou, R Abdeddaim, S Enoch, and J Lumeau
ACS Photonics, 10, 1538, (2023) - Papier régulier⋄ Metasurface-enhanced light detection and ranging technology
Renato Juliano Martins, Emil Marinov, M. Aziz Ben Youssef, Christina Kyrou, Mathilde Joubert, Constance Colmagro, Valentin Gâté, Colette Turbil, Pierre-Marie Coulon, Daniel Turover, Samira Khadir, Massimo Giudici, Charalambos Klitis, Marc Sorel & Patrice Genevet
Nat. Commun, 13, 5724 , (2022) - Papier régulier⋄ Space and Time Modulations of Light with Metasurfaces: Recent Progress and Future Prospects
Elena Mikheeva, Christina Kyrou, Fouad Bentata, Samira Khadir, Sébastien Cueff, and Patrice Genevet
ACS Photonics, -, -, (2022) - Papier invité⋄ Aberration-corrected large-scale hybrid metalenses
R Sawant, D Andrén, RJ Martins, S Khadir, R Verre, M Käll, & P Genevet
Optica, 8(11), 1405-1411, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Multiobjective statistical learning optimization of RGB metalens
M. MR Elsawy, A. Gourdin, M. Binois, R. Duvigneau, D. Felbacq, S. Khadir, P.Genevet, S. Lanteri
ACS Photonics, 8, 8, 2498–2508, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization with vectorial Fourier metasurfaces
Qinghua Song, Arthur Baroni, Pin Chieh Wu, Sébastien Chenot, Virginie Brandli, Stéphane Vézian, Benjamin Damilano, Philippe de Mierry, Samira Khadir, Patrick Ferrand & Patrice Genevet
Nat. Commun, 12, 3631, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Nanophotonics for light detection and ranging technology
I. Kim, R.J. Martins, J. Jang, T. Badloe, S. Khadir, H.Y. Jung, H. Kim, J. Kim, P. Genevet, J. Rho
Nat. Nanotechnol., , , (2021) - Papier invité⋄ Bandwidth-unlimited polarization-maintaining metasurfaces
Q. Song, S. Khadir, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. D. Mierry, S. Chenot, V. Brandli and P. Genevet
Sci. Adv., 7(5), eabe1112, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Metasurface Optical Characterization Using Quadriwave Lateral Shearing Interferometry
S. Khadir, D. Andrén, R. Verre, Q. Song, S. Monneret, P. Genevet, M. Käll, and G. Baffou
ACS Photonics, 8,2, 603–613, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Printing polarization and phase at the optical diffraction limit: near-and far-field optical encryption
Q. Song, S. Khadir, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. de Mierry, S. Chenot, V. Brandli, R. Laberdesque, B. Wattellier and P. Genevet
Nanophotonics, 10(1), 697, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Ptychography retrieval of fully polarized holograms from geometric-phase metasurfaces
Q. Song, A. Baroni, R. Sawant, P. Ni, V. Brandli, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. de Mierry1, S. Khadir, P. Ferrand and P. Genevet
Nat. Commun, 11, 2651, (2020) - Papier régulier
Contrats en cours
Analyseur de front d'ondes vectorielles pour la caractérisation des composants de l'optique diffractive (ANR)
Projet National CNRS délégation régionale occitanie ouest (2022 - 2026)⋄ PHASICS
Quadriwave Latéral shearing interferometry for Complex Wave Fronts Characterization to Metasurfaces (CIFRE)
Projet Industriel CNRS, Phasics (2022 - 2025)
Contrats terminés
Encadrements en cours
Encadrements terminés