Nom : Sébastien Chenot
Statut : Ingénieur
Grade : IEHC
Équipe(s) : SCR Centrale de Technologie
☎ : +33 4 93 95 7831
Responsable de la centrale de technologie CRHEATEC
Publications (114)
⋄ ScAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor heterostructures grown by ammonia source molecular beam epitaxy on Silicon substrate
C. Elias, S. Chenot, F. Bartoli, M. Hugues and Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, , 2400963, (2025) - Papier régulier⋄ Vector Beam Generation from Standing Hollow GaN Nanowire Lasers on Sapphire Substrates
M. Takiguchi, S. Sergent, B. Damilano, S. Vézian, S. Chenot, N. Yazigi, P. Heidt, T. Tsuchizawa, T. Yoda, H. Sumikura, A. Shinya, and M. Notomi,
ACS Photonics, 11, 789, (2024) - Papier régulier⋄ Electrostatic modulation of excitonic fluid in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells by deposition of few-layer graphene and nickel/gold films
R. Aristegui, P. Lefebvre, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, M. Vladimirova, I. Paradisanos, C. Robert, X. Marie, B. Urbaszek, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and B. Damilano
Phys. Rev. B, 108, 125421, (2023) - Papier régulier⋄ Epitaxial growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on patterned Si substrate for high voltage power switching applications
R. Elwaradi, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, Y. Bouyer, M. Nemoz, Y. Cordier
Microelectron Eng, 277, 112017, (2023) - Article de conférence⋄ Telecom single-photon emitters in GaN operating at room temperature: embedment into bullseye antennas
Max Meunier, John J. H. Eng, Zhao Mu, Sebastien Chenot, Virginie Brändli, Philippe de Mierry, Weibo Gao and Jesús Zúñiga-Pérez
Nanophotonics, 12 (8), 1405-1419, (2023) - Papier régulier⋄ Coulomb blockade: Towards charge control of self-assembled GaN quantum dots at room temperature
C. A. Sgroi, J. Brault, J-Y Duboz, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, A. Ludwig, and A. D. Wieck
Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 012105, (2022) - Papier régulier⋄ Selective sublimation of GaN and regrowth of AlGaN to co-integrate enhancement mode and depletion mode high electron mobility transistors
Thi Huong Ngo, Rémi Comyn, Sébastien Chenot, Julien Brault, Maud Nemoz, Philippe Vennéguès, Benjamin Damilano, Stéphane Vézian, Eric Frayssinet, Flavien Cozette, Nicolas Defrance, François Lecourt, Nathalie Labat, Hassan Maher and Yvon Cordier
J. Cryst. Growth, 593, 126779, (2022) - Papier régulier⋄ Etching of the SiGaxNy Passivation Layer for Full Emissive Lateral Facet Coverage in InGaN/GaN Core–Shell Nanowires by MOVPE
Julien Bosch, Pierre-Marie Coulon, Sébastien Chenot, Marc Portail, Christophe Durand, Maria Tchernycheva, Philip A. Shields, Jesús Zúñiga-Pérez, Blandine Alloing
Cryst. Growth Des., 22, 5206, (2022) - Papier régulier⋄ Effect of electric bias on trapping and release of excitons in GaN/(Al,Ga)N quantum wells
R. Aristegui, F. Chiaruttini, B. Jouault, P. Lefebvre, C. Brimont, T. Guillet, M. Vladimirova, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and B. Damilano
Phys. Rev. B, 106, 035429, (2022) - Papier régulier⋄ Designing SiC Based CMUT Structures: An Original Approach and Related Materials Issues
M. Portail, S. Chenot, M. Ghorbanzadeh-Bariran, R. Khazaka, L. Nguyen, D. Alquier and J.F. Michaud
Mat. Sci. For., 1062, 94-98, (2022) - Article de conférence⋄ Combination of selective area sublimation of p-GaN and regrowth of AlGaN for the co-integration of enhancement mode and depletion mode high electron mobility transistors
Thi Huong Ngo, Rémi Comyn, Sébastien Chenot, Julien Brault, Benjamin Damilano, Stéphane Vézian, Eric Frayssinet, Flavien Cozette, Nicolas Defrance, François Lecourt, Nathalie Labat, Hassan Maher and Yvon Cordier
Solid State Electronics, 188, 108210, (2022) - Papier régulier⋄ Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization with vectorial Fourier metasurfaces
Qinghua Song, Arthur Baroni, Pin Chieh Wu, Sébastien Chenot, Virginie Brandli, Stéphane Vézian, Benjamin Damilano, Philippe de Mierry, Samira Khadir, Patrick Ferrand & Patrice Genevet
Nat. Commun, 12, 3631, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Bandwidth-unlimited polarization-maintaining metasurfaces
Q. Song, S. Khadir, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. D. Mierry, S. Chenot, V. Brandli and P. Genevet
Sci. Adv., 7(5), eabe1112, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ Proton Energy Loss in GaN
Jean-Yves Duboz,* Julie Zucchi, Eric Frayssinet, Sébastien Chenot, Maxime Hugues, Jean-Claude Grini, and Joël Hérault
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, , 2100167, (2021) - Papier régulier⋄ DUV LEDs based on AlGaN Quantum Dots
Julien Brault, Mohamed Al Khalfioui, Mathieu Leroux, Samuel Matta, Thi-Huong Ngo, Aly Zaiter, Aimeric Courville, Benjamin Damilano, Sébastien Chenot, Jean-Yves Duboz, Jean Massies, P. Valvin, Bernard Gil
Proc. SPIE, 11686, 116860T, (2021) - Article de conférence - invité⋄ UVB LEDs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using AlGaN Quantum Dots
J. Brault, M. Al Khalfioui, S. Matta, T.H. Ngo, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, P. Valvin and B. Gil
Crystals, 10, 1097, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Cathodoluminescence and electrical study of vertical GaN-on-GaN Schottky diodes with dislocation clusters
T.H. Ngo, R. Comyn, E. Frayssinet, H. Chauveau, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Tendille, B. Beaumont, J.-P. Faurie, N. Nahas, Y. Cordier
J. Cryst. Growth, 552, 125911, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Full InGaN red light emitting diodes
A. Dussaigne, F. Barbier, B. Damilano, S. Chenot, A. Grenier, A.M. Papon, B. Samuel, B. Ben Bakir, D. Vaufrey, J.C. Pillet, A. Gasse, O. Ledoux, M. Rozhavskaya, D. Sotta
J. Appl. Phys., 128, 135704, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Analysis of low-threshold optically pumped III-nitride microdisk lasers
F. Tabataba-Vakili, C.Brimont, B. Alloing, B. Damilano, L. Doyennette, T. Guillet, M. El Kurdi, S. Chenot, V. Brändli, E. Frayssinet, J.-Y. Duboz, F. Semond, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud
Appl. Phys. Lett., 117, 121103, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Printing polarization and phase at the optical diffraction limit: near-and far-field optical encryption
Q. Song, S. Khadir, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. de Mierry, S. Chenot, V. Brandli, R. Laberdesque, B. Wattellier and P. Genevet
Nanophotonics, 10(1), 697, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Monolithic integration of ultraviolet microdisk lasers into photonic circuits in a III-nitride-on-silicon platform
F. Tabataba-Vakili, B. Alloing, B. Damilano, H. Souissi, C.Brimont, L. Doyennette, T. Guillet, X. Checoury, M. El Kurdi, S. Chenot, E. Frayssinet, J.-Y. Duboz, F. Semond, B. Gayral, and P. Boucaud
Opt. Lett., 45, 4276, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Ptychography retrieval of fully polarized holograms from geometric-phase metasurfaces
Q. Song, A. Baroni, R. Sawant, P. Ni, V. Brandli, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. de Mierry1, S. Khadir, P. Ferrand and P. Genevet
Nat. Commun, 11, 2651, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Lasing up to 380 K in a sublimated GaN nanowire
S. Sergent, B. Damilano, S. Vézian, S. Chenot, T. Tsuchizawa, and M. Notomi
Appl. Phys. Lett., 116, 223101, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Selective GaN sublimation and local area regrowth for co-integration of enhancement mode and depletion mode Al(Ga)N/GaN high electron mobility transistors
T.H. Ngo, R. Comyn, S. Chenot, J. Brault, B. Damilano, S. Vézian, E. Frayssinet, F. Cozette, C. Rodriguez, N. Defrance, F. Lecourt, N. Labat, H. Maher and Y. Cordier
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 36, 024001, (2020) - Papier régulier⋄ Subliming GaN into ordered nanowire arrays for ultraviolet and visible nanophotonics
S. Sergent, B. Damilano, S. Vézian, S. Chenot, M. Takiguchi, T. Tsuchizawa, H. Taniyama, M. Notomi
ACS Photonics, 6,12, 3321-3330, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ GaN Schottky diodes for proton beam monitoring
J.-Y. Duboz, J. Zucchi, E. Frayssinet, P. Chalbet, S. Chenot, M. Hugues, J.-C. Grini, R. Trimaud, M. Vidal and J. Hérault
Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express, 5, 025015, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ An Etching‐Free Approach Toward Large‐Scale Light‐Emitting Metasurfaces
G. Brière, P. Ni, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, V. Brändli, B. Damilano, J-Y. Duboz, M. Iwanaga and P. Genevet
Adv. Opt. Mater., 7(14), 1801271, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ Trapping Dipolar Exciton Fluids in GaN/(AlGa)N Nanostructures
F. Chiaruttini, T. Guillet, C Brimont, B. Jouault, P. Lefebvre, J. Vives, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, B. Damilano, and M. Vladimihristellerova
Nano Lett., 19, 4911, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ Ge doped GaN and Al0.5Ga0.5N-based tunnel junctions on top of visible and UV light emitting diodes
V. Fan Arcara; B. Damilano; G. Feuillet; S. Vézian; K. Ayadi; S. Chenot; J.-Y. Duboz
J. Appl. Phys., 126, 224503, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ Metasurface orbital angular momentum holography
H. Ren, G. Brière, X. Fang, P. Ni, R. Sawant, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, V. Brändli, S. Maier, P. Genevet
Nat. Commun, 10, 2986, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ (Ga,In)N/GaN light emitting diodes with a tunnel junction and a rough n-contact layer grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
V. Fan Arcara, B. Damilano, G. Feuillet, A. Courville, S. Chenot, and J.-Y. Duboz
AIP. Adv, 9, 055101, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ Metasurfaces Orbital Angular Momentum Holography
H. Ren, G. Briere, X. Fang, P. Ni, R. Sawant, S. Héron, S. Chenot, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, V. Brändli, S. A. Maier, and P. Genevet
Nat. Commun, 10, 2986, (2019) - Papier régulier⋄ Optical and Thermal Performances of (Ga,In)N/GaN Light Emitting Diodes Transferred on a Flexible Tape
B. Damilano, M. Lesecq, D. Zhou, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, J. Brault, N. Defrance, A. Ebongue, Y. Cordier, V. Hoel
IEEE Photonic Tech L, 30, 1567, (2018) - Papier régulier⋄ UVA and UVB light emitting diodes with Al y Ga1−y N quantum dot active regions covering the 305–335 nm range
J. Brault, M. Al Khalfioui, S. Matta, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, S. Chenot, M. Korytov, J.E. Nkeck, P Vennéguès, J.Y. Duboz, J. Massies and B. Gil
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 33, 075007, (2018) - Papier régulier⋄ Ultrathin AlN-Based HEMTs Grown on Silicon Substrate by NH3-MBE
S. Rennesson, M. Leroux, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, J. Massies, L. Largeau, E. Dogmus, M. Zegaoui, F. Medjdoub, and F. Semond
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 215, 1700640, (2018) - Papier régulier⋄ Influence of metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy parameters and Si(111) substrate type on the properties of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with thin simple buffer
E. Frayssinet, P. Leclaire, J. Mohdad, S. Latrach, S. Chenot, M. Nemoz, B. Damilano, Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 214, 1600419, (2017) - Article de conférence⋄ AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DH-HEMTs Grown on a Patterned Silicon Substrate
R. Comyn, S. Chenot, W. El Alouani, M. Nemoz, E. Frayssinet, B. Damilano, Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 215(9), 1700642, (2017) - Papier régulier⋄ Trap states analysis in AlGaN/AlN/GaN and InAlN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
S. Latrach, E. Frayssinet, N. Defrance, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, C. Gaquière and H. Maaref
Current Applied Physics, 17, 1601-1608, (2017) - Papier régulier⋄ Ultraviolet light emitting diodes using III-N quantum dots
J. Brault, S. Matta, T.H. Ngo, D. Rosales, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, M. Al Khalfioui, F. Tendille, S. Chenot, P. De Mierry, J. Massies, B. Gil
Mat Sci Semicon Proc, 55, 95, (2016) - Papier invité⋄ Development of technological building blocks for the monolithic integration of ammonia-MBE-grown GaN-HEMTs with silicon CMOS
R. Comyn, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, A. Jaouad, H. Maher, V. Aimez
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 213, 917-924, (2016) - Papier régulier⋄ Homoepitaxial nonpolar (10-10) ZnO/ZnMgO monolithic microcavities: Towards reduced photonic disorder
J. Zúñiga-Pérez, L. Kappei, C. Deparis, F. Reveret, M. Grundmann, E. de Prado, O. Jamadi, J. Leymarie, S. Chenot, and M. Leroux
Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 251904, (2016) - Papier régulier⋄ Impact of the Bending on the Electroluminescence of Flexible InGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes
G. Tabares, S. Mhedhbi, M. Lesecq, B. Damilano, J Brault, S. Chenot, A. Ebongué, P. Altuntas, N. Defrance, V. Hoel, Y. Cordier
IEEE Photonic Tech L, 28, 1661, (2016) - Papier régulier⋄ Growth of nitride-based light emitting diodes with a high-reflectivity distributed Bragg reflector on mesa-patterned silicon substrate
B. Damilano, S. Brochen, J. Brault, T. Hossain, F. Réveret, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, A. Courville, Y. Cordier and F. Semond
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 212, 2297–2301, (2015) - Papier régulier⋄ Selective area growth of Ga-polar GaN nanowire arrays by continuous-flow MOVPE:A systematic study on the effect of growthconditions on the array properties
P.M. Coulon, B. Alloing, V. Brändli, D. Lefebvre, S. Chenot,and J. Zúñiga-Pérez
Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 252, 1096, (2015) - Papier régulier⋄ Nanoscale conductive pattern of the homoepitaxial AlGaN/GaN transistor
A. Pérez-Tomás, G. Catalàn, A. Fontserè, V. Iglesias, H. Chen, P.M. Gammon, M.R. Jennings, M. Thomas, C.A. Fisher, Y.K. Sharma, M. Placidi, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, M. Porti, M. Nafría and Y. Cordier
Nanotechnology, 26, 115203, (2015) - Papier régulier⋄ Polarization Engineering of Al(Ga)N/GaN HEMT Structures for Microwave High Power Applications
S. Rennesson, F. Lecourt, N. Defrance, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, M. Lesecq, V. Hoel, E. Okada, Y. Cordier and J.C. De Jaeger
Mat. Sci. For., 806, 81-87, (2014) - Article de conférence⋄ GaN high electron mobility transistors on Silicon substrates with MBE/PVD AlN seed layers
Y. Cordier, E. Frayssinet, M. Chmielowska, M. Nemoz, A. Courville, P. Vennéguès, P. De Mierry, S. Chenot, J. Camus, K. Ait Aissa, Q. Simon, L. Le Brizoual, M. A. Djouadi, N. Defrance, M. Lesecq, P. Altuntas, A. Cutivet, A. Agboton, J.C. De Jaeger
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 3-4, 498-501, (2014) - Article de conférence⋄ Magnetotransport in a two-subband AlGaN/GaN heterostructure in the presence of mixed disorder
W. Desrat, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and B. Jouault
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 68, 20102, (2014) - Papier régulier⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with very thin buffer on Si (111) for nanosystems applications
P. Leclaire, S. Chenot, L. Buchaillot, Y. Cordier, D. Theron, M. Faucher
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 29, 115018, (2014) - Papier régulier⋄ Generation of THz radiation due to 2D-plasma oscillations in interdigitated GaN quantum well structures at room temperature
A. Penot, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, L. Varani, F. Teppe, C. Consejo, N. Dyakonova, W. Knap, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Chmielowska, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis
Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 54, 58-62, (2014) - Papier régulier⋄ Monolithic white light emitting diodes using a (Ga,In)N-based light converter
B. Damilano, K. Lekhal, H. Kim-Chauveau, S. Hussain, E. Frayssinet, J. Brault, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, P. De Mierry, and J. Massies
Proc. SPIE, 1G, 8986, (2014) - Article de conférence - invité⋄ Defect reduction method in (11-22) semipolar GaN grown on patterned sapphire substrate by MOCVD: Toward heteroepitaxial semipolar GaN free of basal stacking faults
F. Tendille, P. De Mierry, P. Vennéguès, S. Chenot, M. Teisseire
J. Cryst. Growth, 404, 177-183, (2014) - Papier régulier⋄ Growth of GaN nanostructures with polar and semipolar orientations for the fabrication of UV LEDs
J. Brault, B. Damilano, A. Courville, M. Leroux, A. Kahouli, M. Korytov, P. Vennéguès, G. Randazzo, S. Chenot, B. Vinter, P. De Mierry, J. Massies, D. Rosales, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil
Proc. SPIE, 8986, 89860Z, (2014) - Article de conférence⋄ Polar and semipolar GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N nanostructures for UV light emitters
J. Brault, D. Rosales, B. Damilano, M. Leroux, A. Courville, M. Korytov, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, B. Vinter, P. De Mierry, A. Kahouli, J. Massies, T. Bretagnon and B. Gil
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 29, 084001, (2014) - Papier invité⋄ Optimization of Al0.29Ga0.71N//GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor heterostructures for high power/frequency performances
S. Rennesson, F. Lecourt, N. Defrance, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, M. Lesecq, V. Hoel, E. Okada, Y. Cordier and J.C. De Jaeger
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 60, 3105, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Ultra-violet GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum dot based light emitting diodes
J. Brault, B. Damilano, A. Kahouli, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, B. Vinter, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 363, 282, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on ZnO Substrates
Y. Xia, J. Brault, B. Damilano, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, M. Nemoz, M. Teisseire, M. Leroux, R. Obrecht, I.C. Robin, J.L. Santailler, G. Feuillet, J.M. Chauveau
Appl. Phys. Express, 6, 042101, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Magnetotransport studies of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with 2 two-dimensional electron gas in parallel with a three-dimensional Al-graded layer: Incorrect hole type determination
W. Desrat, S. Contreras, L. Konczewicz, B. Jouault, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, and Y. Cordier
J. Appl. Phys., 114, 023704, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Analysis of the AlGaN/GaN vertical bulk current on Si, sapphire, and free-standing GaN substrates
A. Pérez-Tomás, A. Fontserè, J. Llobet, M. Placidi, S. Rennesson, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J.C. Moreno, and Y. Cordier
J. Appl. Phys., 113, 174501, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Room temperature generation of THz radiation in GaN quantum wells structures
A. Penot, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, L. Varani, F. Teppe, C. Consejo, N. Dyakonova, W. Knapb, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Chmielowska, J.P. Faurie, B. Beaumont, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis
Proc. SPIE, 8624, 862409, (2013) - Article de conférence⋄ Molecular beam epitaxial AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors leakage thermal activation on silicon and sapphire
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S.Chenot, J.C. Moreno, S. Rennesson and Y. Cordier
Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 093503, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Dependence of the Mg-related acceptor ionization energy with the acceptor concentration in p-type GaN layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
S. Brochen, J. Brault, S. Chenot, A. Dussaigne, M. Leroux, et B. Damilano.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 032102, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with an InGaN back-barrier grown by ammonia-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
S. Rennesson, B. Damilano, P. Vennéguès, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 210, 480-483, (2013) - Papier régulier⋄ Structural and electrical properties of graphene films grown by propane/hydrogen CVD on 6H-SiC(0001)
A. Michon, E. Roudon, M. Portail, B. Jouault, S. Contreras, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, D. Lefebvre, S. Vézian, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, and J. Camassel
Mat. Sci. For., 717-720, 625, (2012) - Article de conférence⋄ Temperature Impact on the AlGaN/GaN HEMT Forward Current on Si, Sapphire and Free-Standing GaN
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J.C. Moreno and Y. Cordier
ECS Solid State Letters, 2, p4, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Temperature impact and analytical modeling of the AlGaN/GaN-on-Si saturation drain current and transconductance
A. Pérez-Tomás, A. Fontserè, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J.C. Moreno and Y. Cordier
Semicond. Sci. Tech., 27, 125010, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Stress distribution of 12 μm thick crack free continuous GaN on patterned Si (110) substrate
T. Hossain, J. Wang, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, B. Damilano, F. Demangeot, L. Durand, A. Ponchet, M.J. Rashid, F. Semond, and Y. Cordier
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 10, 425, (2012) - Article de conférence⋄ CVD growth of graphene on 2inches 3C-SiC/Si templates: influence of substrate orientation and wafer homogeneity
M. Portail, A. Michon, S. Vézian, D. Lefebvre, S. Chenot, A. Ouerghi, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, Y. Cordier
Mat. Sci. For., 717-720, 621, (2012) - Article de conférence⋄ Gate current analysis of AlGaN/GaN on silicon heterojunction transistors at the nanoscale
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, V. Iglesias, M. Porti, A. Bayerl, M. Lanza, and M. Nafria
Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 093505, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Effect of carbon doping on crystal quality, electrical isolation and electron trapping in GaN based structures grown silicon substrates
M. Ramdani, M. Chmielowska, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, F. Semond
Solid State Electronics, 75, 86-92, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Reverse current thermal activation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si(1 1 1 )
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno
Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 52, 2547-2550, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Nanoscale investigation of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si high electron mobility transistors
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, M.R. Jennings, P.M. Gammon, C.A. Fisher, V. Iglesias, M. Porti, A. Bayerl, M. Lanza, and M. Nafria,
Nanotechnology, 23, 395204, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Growth mode and electric properties of graphene and graphitic phase grown by argon-propane assisted CVD on 3C-SiC/Si and 6H-SiC
M. Portail, A. Michon, S. Vézian, D. Lefebvre, S. Chenot, E. Roudon, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne, A. Tiberj, J. Camassel, Y. Cordier
J. Cryst. Growth, 349, 27, (2012) - Papier régulier⋄ Ohmic Contact Resistance dependence on Temperature for GaN devices
A. Pérez-Tomas, A. Fontsere, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, P.M. Gammon and M.R. Jennings
Mat. Sci. For., 679-680, 816-819, (2011) - Article de conférence⋄ Temperature dependence of Al/Ti-based Ohmic contact to GaN devices: HEMT and MOSFET
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, P. Fernández-Martínez, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, P.M. Gammon, M.R. Jennings
Microelectronic Engineering, 88 (10), 3140, (2011) - Papier régulier⋄ Voltage-controlled sub-terahertz radiation transmission through GaN quantum well structure
T. Laurent, R. Sharma, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, S. Blin, L. Varani, Y. Cordier, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, J.P. Faurie, B. Beaumont, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, V.V. Korotyeyev, and V.A. Kochelap
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 082101, (2011) - Papier régulier⋄ Micro and nano analysis of 0.2W.mm Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contact to AlGaN/GaN
A. Fontserè, A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, P.M. Gammon, M.R. Jennings, M. Porti, A. Bayer, M. Lanza and M. Nafría
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 213504, (2011) - Papier régulier⋄ Voltage controlled terahertz transmission through GaN quantum wells
T. Laurent, R. Sharma, J. Torres, P. Nouvel, S. Blin, L. Varani, Y. Cordier, M. Chmielowska, S. Chenot, J.P. Faurie, B. Beaumont, P. Shiktorov, E. Starikov, V. Gruzinskis, V. Korotyevyev, V. Kochelap
Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 82101, (2011) - Papier régulier⋄ GaN quantum dots in (Al,Ga)N-based Microdisks
S. Sergent, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, Y. Laaroussi, S. Chenot, J. Renard, D. Sam-Giao, B. Gayral, D. Néel, S. David, P. Boucaud, M. Leroux, F. Semond
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 210, 012005, (2010) - Article de conférence⋄ Semipolar GaN films on patterned r-plane sapphire obtained by wet chemical etching
P. de Mierry, N. Kriouche, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, and G. Nataf
Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 231918, (2010) - Papier régulier⋄ Growth of GaN based structures on Si(1 1 0) by molecular beam epitaxy
Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, J.M. Chauveau, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Semond
J. Cryst. Growth, 312 - n° 19, 2683-2688 , (2010) - Papier régulier⋄ 2DEG HEMT Mobility vs Inversion Channel MOSFET Mobility
A. Pérez-Tomas, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, J. Millan and P. Godignon
Mat. Sci. For., 645-648, 1207-1210, (2010) - Article de conférence⋄ X-ray detectors based on GaN Schottky diodes
J.Y. Duboz, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, J.L. Reverchon, M. Idir
Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 163504, (2010) - Papier régulier⋄ Development of thick GaN-on-silicon layers for rectifier applications
H.P.D. Schenk, A. Bavard, E. Frayssinet, M. Kennard, D. Rondi, E. Béraudo, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and J.Y. Duboz
EWMOVPE-XIII, D.14, 343-346, (2009) - Article de conférence - invité⋄ GaN Quantum Dots Grown on Silicon for Free-Standing Membrane Photonic Structures
S. Sergent, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, M. Leroux, and F. Semond
Applied Physics Express, 2, 051003, (2009) - Papier régulier⋄ Croissance d’héterostructures à base de Nitrure de Gallium pour applications en électronique de puissance
Y. Cordier, N. Baron, M. Azize, S. Chenot
Revue de l Electricite et de l Electronique, 10, 73-77, (2009) - Article de conférence⋄ Strain engineering in GaN layers grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy: The critical role of growth temperature
Y. Cordier, N. Baron, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Leroux, F. Semond, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 311, 2002-2005, (2009) - Article de conférence⋄ Evaluation of SiN films for AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs on Si(111)
Y. Cordier, A. Lecotonnec, S. Chenot, N. Baron, F. Nacer, A. Goullet, H. Lhermite, M. El Kazzi, P. Regreny, G. Hollinger, M.P. Besland
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 6 - S2, 1016-1019, (2009) - Article de conférence⋄ Selective area growth of GaN-based structures by molecular beam epitaxy on micrometer and nanometer size patterns
Y. Cordier, F. Semond, J.C. Moreno, E. Frayssinet, B. Benbakhti, Z. Cao, S. Chenot, L. Nguyen, O. Tottereau, A. Soltani and K. Blary
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 12, 16-20, (2009) - Article de conférence⋄ Growth and characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures on 3C-SiC/Si(111) templates
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski and T. Chassagne
Mat. Sci. For., 600-603, 1277-1280, (2009) - Article de conférence⋄ Comparison between polar (0001) and semipolar (11-22) nitride blue-green light-emitting diodes grown on c-plane and m-plane sapphire substrates
P. de Mierry, T. Guehne, M. Nemoz, S. Chenot, E. Beraudo, and G. Nataf
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 48, 031002, (2009) - Papier régulier⋄ The critical role of growth temperature on the structural and electrical properties of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor heterostructures grown on Si(111)
N. Baron, Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, M. Leroux, F. Semond, and J. Massies
J. Appl. Phys., 105, 033701, (2009) - Papier régulier⋄ GaN transistor characteristics at elevated temperatures
A. Pérez-Tomás, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, A. Constant, P. Godignon, and J. Millán
J. Appl. Phys., 106, 074519, (2009) - Papier régulier⋄ AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(110): comparisons with Si(111) and Si(001)
Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, F. Semond
Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 6 - S2, 1020-1023, (2009) - Article de conférence⋄ Realization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on 3C-SiC/Si(111) substrates
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski, and T. Chassagne
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 5, No. 6, 1983–1985, (2008) - Article de conférence⋄ Subsurface Fe doped semi-insulating GaN templates for inhibition of regrowth interface pollution in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
Y. Cordier, M. Azize, N. Baron, Z. Bougrioua, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, J. Massies, and P. Gibart
J. Cryst. Growth, 310, 948, (2008) - Article de conférence⋄ High temperature behaviour of GaN HEMT devices on Si(111) and sapphire substrates
R. Cuerdo, F. Calle, A. F. Braña, Y. Cordier, M. Azize, N. Baron, S. Chenot, and E. Muñoz
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 5 - n°6, 1971-1973, (2008) - Article de conférence⋄ Investigation of AlGaN/AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Magnetic Sensor Application from liquid helium temperature to 300°C
L. Bouguen, S. Contreras, B. Jouault, L. Konczewicz, J. Camassel, Y. Cordier, M. Azize, S. Chenot, N. Baron
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 043504, (2008) - Papier régulier⋄ AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors grown on 3C-SiC/Si(111)
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski, T. Chassagne
J. Cryst. Growth, 310, 4417–4423, (2008) - Papier régulier⋄ Demonstration of AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Si(110)
Y. Cordier, J.C. Moreno, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, S. Chenot, B. Damilano, and F. Semond
IEEE Electron Device Letters, 29, 1187-1189, (2008) - Papier régulier⋄ Blue (Ga,In)N/GaN Light Emitting Diodes on Si(110) Substrate
B. Damilano, F. Natali, J. Brault, T. Huault, D. Lefebvre, R. Tauk, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Chenot, and J. Massies
Applied Physics Express, 1, 121101, (2008) - Papier régulier⋄ Monolithic white light emitting diodes using a (Ga,In)N/GaN multiple quantum well light converter
B. Damilano, A. Dussaigne, J. Brault, T. Huault, F. Natali, P. Demolon, P. De Mierry, S. Chenot, and J. Massies
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 101117, (2008) - Papier régulier⋄ Growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Silicon Substrates by MBE
F. Semond, Y. Cordier, F. Natali, A. Le Louarn, S. Vézian, S. Joblot, S. Chenot, N. Baron, E. Frayssinet, J.C. Moreno, J. Massies
MRS symposium proceedings, 1068, 51-56, (2008) - Article de conférence⋄ Growth of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on 3C-SiC/Si(111) Substrates
Y. Cordier, M. Portail, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, M. Zielinski and T. Chassagne
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 1068, C04-05, (2008) - Article de conférence⋄ Demonstration of semipolar (11-22) InGaN/GaN blue-green light emitting diode
T. Gühne, P. DeMierry, M. Nemoz, E. Beraudo, S. Chenot, and G. Nataf
Electron. Lett., 44, 231, (2008) - Papier régulier⋄ Deuterium Out-diffusion Kinetics in Magnesium-doped GaN
J. Chevallier, F. Jomard, N.H. Nickel, P. de Mierry, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, M.A. di Forte-Poisson, and S. Delage
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 994, F03-22, (2007) - Article de conférence⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs regrown by MBE on epi-ready semi-insulating GaN-on-sapphire with inhibited interface contamination
Y. Cordier, M. Azize, N. Baron, S. Chenot, O. Tottereau, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 309, 1–7, (2007) - Papier régulier⋄ Realization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si-on-polySiC substrates
Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, S. Joblot, F. Semond, J. Massies, L. Di Cioccio and H. Moriceau
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 4, n°7, 2670-2673, (2007) - Article de conférence⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on silicon (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, S. Chenot, P. Vennéguès, O. Tottereau, P. Lorenzini and J. Massies
Superlattice Microst, 40, 295-299, (2006) - Article de conférence⋄ AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on (001) silicon substrates
S. Joblot, Y. Cordier, F. Semond, P. Lorenzini, S. Chenot and J. Massies
Electron. Lett., 42, 117-118, (2006) - Papier régulier⋄ Comparison of high quality GaN-based light-emitting diodes grown on alumina-rich spinel and sapphire substrates
F. Tinjod, P. de Mierry, D. Lancefield, S. Chenot, E. Virey, J.L. Stone-Sundberg, M.R. Kokta, D. Pauwels
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), (6), 2199-202, (2006) - Article de conférence⋄ Growth by molecular beam epitaxy of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors on Si-on-polySiC
Y. Cordier, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, S. Joblot, F. Semond, J. Massies, L. Di Cioccio, H. Moriceau
Superlattice Microst, (40), 359-362, (2006) - Article de conférence⋄ AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DH-HEMTs grown by MBE on Si(111)
Y. Cordier, F. Semond, M. Hugues, F. Natali, P. Lorenzini, H. Haas, S. Chenot, M. Laügt, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, J. Massies
J. Cryst. Growth, 278/1-4, 393-396, (2005) - Article de conférence⋄ Alumina-rich spinel: A new substrate for the growth of high quality GaN-based light-emitting diodes
F. Tinjod, P. de Mierry, D. Lancefield, Z. Bougrioua, S. Laugt, O. Tottereau, P. Lorenzini, S. Chenot, E. Virey, M.R. Kokta, J.L. Stone-Sundberg, D. Pauwels
J. Cryst. Growth, 285(4), 450-8, (2005) - Papier régulier
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2001 Bac +5 Université Joseph Fourier – Grenoble France
DESS - Diplôme d'Etudes Sup. Spécialisées TAP : Techniques et Applications de la physique2000 Bac +4 Université Joseph Fourier – Grenoble France
1998 Bac +2 Université Joseph Fourier – Grenoble France
Maîtrise Physique Recherche
DEUST - Diplôme Etudes Univ. Scient.&Tech. Sciences de la matière